Colour my World

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Ian threw his head back in laughter. His hand came down to rest on his stomach since it was hurting so bad from laughing. "You're actually serious?"

Mickey chuckles softly and sips his beer. "I'm being dead ass serious about this. I'm a fucking pimp. Yevgeny didn't make that shit up. I mean don't get me wrong, he's got a good imagination but it ain't that good. That's why I was bleeding out and shot a week ago. Cause I got into some argument with some dude who hit one of my girls. Been doing this for maybe.... five years now? Around the time Svet had Yev. But dealing? Hell I've been doing that shit since I was thirteen."

This was what Ian had wanted all along. To just to be alone with Mickey and to talk. Talk about everything and anything. Sure, talking about Mickey being a pimp wasn't exactly what he had expected, but Ian would take it. Any alone time he got with the man he cherished.

"Listen, I know you're south side, but so am I! And I've never once considered pimping out my sisters or friends. Or even my wife if I had one. But now after knowing how much cash you've been pulling in, might even pimp out myself," he jokes. Mickey laughs and nudges his side.

"It's a lot of fucking hard work. Cause every time a clients got a problem with my girls, I gotta handle it. And as you know they aren't always the friendliest of people."

The two of them sat alone on the Gallagher's couch. Music blared from the radio and the rest of the Gallagher group, along with a few others Mickey didn't know, were either talking, dancing or drinking. It was New Year's Eve and Mickey had been damn lucky to get out of the house. Mandy had offered to keep Yev for the night since she knew how badly Mickey wanted to hang out with Ian. She was willing to give up one night of clubbing so her brother could be happy.

Svetlana, on the other hand, had been harder to get away from. Mickey had practically told her to shove it before he left the house. Mandy, Mickey's favorite person in the world right now, had called and said Mickey was going to hang with her for the night so he was off the hook and off of Svetlana's radar.

"You ever think of doing something that isn't illegal?" Ian teases, causing Mickey to roll his eyes.

"Hard to make good cash anywhere without at lest a high school diploma. Especially if you've got a record," he says. Ian raises an eyebrow.

"You got a record?"

Mickey nods. "The first time I was sent to juvie that shit was able to be wiped clean cause I was a minor. But, uh, I met Svet when I was seventeen years old. So I was still seventeen when I got her pregnant and I didn't wanna deal with that shit. So I ran away. And fuck if I knew that running away could land you behind bars. So long story short, stole some of my dad's cash and ran off. He was so pissed about the money he called the cops on me and got me locked up for stealing and running away. Spent like... a year I think it was in jail," he says.

Ian nods a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. There had been brief moments where Mickey had told him about his dad but he never went into detail about the man like Ian wanted. He wanted Mickey to open up to him but Ian knew that would be almost as difficult as rocket science. "You say shit about your dad a lot... what's he like?" Ian asks quietly. The second the words slipped from his mouth, he regretted it. Mickey quickly stood up off of the couch and downed his beer.

"I'm gonna get another one. You want one too?" He mumbles, only glancing at Ian for a second.

Ian gives him a small, forced smile and nods. "No, thanks," he says.

The last thing Mickey wanted was to start off the new year talking about his dad. He wanted to just enjoy the night with Ian. He wanted to drink with him, laugh and hell maybe even fuck around a bit if they could get any alone time in the Gallagher household.

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