Apartment Hunting

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Mickey sat behind the wheel of his car, cigarette between his lips. It was Friday evening now, a day after his and Ian's fight and they were going to look at apartments together. Mickey sat in his car in front of the Gallagher's house as he waited for Ian to come out.

Soon enough he saw the familiar redhead bounding down the steps toward him. Mickey couldn't help but smile as he watched him. It had only been a few days since they had last seen each other but to Mickey, it felt like years. He presses the cigarette out in the ashtray that sat on the dashboard as Ian gets into the car.

"Hey," he grins. Ian leans over and kisses Mickey deeply on the lips.

"Missed you," Mickey admits quietly.

Ian grins and leans in to kiss Mickey again. He cups the side of his cheek and deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue into Mickey's mouth. Mickey chuckles and pulls back. "Keep it in your pants for a little bit, Okay?"

Ian let's or a fake sigh and nods. "Fine," he groans. Mickey smiles and starts the car. It was a little after seven and the landlord to the apartment complete had agreed to squeeze them in tonight for a showing of the apartment. Mickey was beyond excited to go apartment shopping, but no way was he going to admit that to Ian. Sounded far too gay for his liking.

Mickey drives them the short distance to the apartment before putting the car in park. The apartment was in the middle of Chicago. It looked nice on the outside too. Red bricks with large white windows and vines lined the front of the building. Mickey couldn't help the smile that spread across his face as he stepped out of the car. "Shit, man... this place looks awesome."

Ian smiles and nods. "Yeah... yeah, it does. I love it," he says.

"Mr. Milkovich?" Mickey whirls around to be faced with a woman. She was young. Only a few years older than Mickey and Ian. She had bright orange hair just like Ian but had twice as many freckles.

"Uh, Yeah?"

She smiles. "Hi, I'm Kylie the landlord," she says, sticking her hand out.

Mickey nods and shakes her hand. "This is my boyfriend, Ian."

Ian couldn't help but grin at the word boyfriend. It was the first time Mickey had introduced him to anyone in that way. She smiles and moves on to shake Ian's hand. "It's nice to meet the both of you."

Ian nods and shakes her hand. "Thank you. It's nice to meet you too."

"So, you two ready to see the apartment?" She asks.

Once the both of them nod she leaves them inside. The apartment was on the second floor which meant the ascent up the stairs wasn't too bad. They stopped in front of a door and ya Kylie unlocks it for the three of them, allowing Ian and Mickey to walk in before her.

The apartment was a decent size for the price and came with furniture. Kylie leads them first to the kitchen. It had white counters, a large fridge, and cabinets hanging above them. Off to the side was a decent sized table. It was made of dark wood with four matching chairs tucked underneath it. "Kitchen's beautiful," Ian says. "I could make breakfast for you and Yevvy every day here."

Mickey chuckles quietly and so does Riley. "It really is beautiful. Decent size for the prize you have to pay, too."

Mickey nods in agreement. "Can we see the bedroom?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. She smiles and nods. Riley leads them through the house and to the bedroom. The master bedroom was around the same size as Mickey's now but looked much larger since the clutter was much less. A bed was against the wall in the center of the room. Next to the side was a small nightstand and across, a dresser. The room was simple and tidy but Mickey knew it wouldn't last long. Not with the three of them living together.

Riley gives them a tour of the rest of the apartment and the both of them are both completely sold on it. "I think we'll take it," Ian grins, Mickey nodding in agreement.

Riley smiles widely. "Awesome. Just need you to sign here," she says, handing Mickey a clipboard.

"I can't believe we got the apartment," Ian grins as he gets into the car with Mickey.

"I know, man. Couldn't have asked for anything better either."

Ian smiles widely and leans over to kiss Mickey deeply. Mickey grins against his lips and cups the side of his face. "God, I fucking missed you," Mickey pants out.

"I missed you too," Ian says quietly, smiling.

Mickey couldn't believe that he was finally doing this. That he was finally going to move out and live with Ian. It was all surreal to him. Like it wasn't actually happening at all but just one giant dream.

"I also missed this," Mickey smirks, running his hand over Ian's crotch. Ian let's out a small chuckle.

"And I missed your ass. You, uh... you think we're safe here?"

Mickey couldn't help but chuckle.  "I think we're good, fire-crotch." It was eight o'clock and they were parked in the back of the grocery store parking lot, across from the apartment. The sun had set just a little while ago but it was dark enough to hide their car.

"Then what're we waiting for?" Ian asks. Mickey stares at him for a moment before breaking out into a smile as he works on his jeans. He climbs into the back seat with Ian and undoes his pants.

"Grab the lube, bitch," Mickey says. "Up front in the glove box." Ian grins at him and opens up the glove box and pulls out the lube.

"I can't believe you actually carry lube around in your car," he laughs.

Mickey smirks as he tugs his jeans all the way down. "Well, it came in handy now didn't it?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Now open that shit up and get in me."

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