The Night Before Christmas

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"His favorite are chocolate chip," Yev says. He stands on his tippy toes and grabs the chocolate chips off of the shelf. Mickey grins. He rested all of his weight on his crutches, watching as his son got all the ingredients. It was Christmas Eve and Mickey had promised him they could go out to get cookies for santa. "And we also need the flour and other things too," he says. He tosses the bag into the small cart and pushes it. Since they didn't need much and Mickey couldn't really push a cart, he had Yev push around a child one for them. Yeh had taken the job with honor, wanting to help his father.

"We need eggs and sugar and a bunch of other shit. I'll tell you what we need next after the flour," he says. Soon enough they get all of the things for santas cookies along with a gallon of milk for him and got chocolate for the two got them. They go up to wait and line and much to Mickey's surprise, he sees Ian's sister behind the counter. She smiles.

"Hey, Mickey," Fiona says. "Hey yev."

Yev grins and waves. "Hi! Look, I still have my pajamas on!" He says. He had on his pajama bottoms on wth little polar bears and the matching shirt. His Spider-Man hat was pulled down so that it was almost covering his eyes, his coat was slightly big and gun low on his finger tips and one of his boots were untied.

She smiles. "I see that. I like them. How are you two?"

Mickey shrugs. "Pretty good other than the leg."

She nods. "Yeah, Ian told me about that," she says, scanning the items. "How's it holding up?"

"Better little by little. Finally outta bed now and can walk with crutches," he says.

She nods. "Yeah, Ian said how he had to pick you up from some shit shack out in nowhere."

Mickey laughs and nods. "Yeah that's, uh, that's a story for another day," he says. Fiona nods and puts everything in the bag.

"27.50," she says. Mickey balances on his crutches and reaches back for his wallet. He pulls it out and grabs a twenty.

"Fuck," he mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck. He knew for sure he had at least forty in there yesterday and also knew for a fact that it was either Svetlana or Terry who had taken the money. "I got 20 buck and.... 16 cents. I'm good for my word when I say I can give Ian the rest of the cash when I see him again and get it to you."

She shakes her head and takes the twenty. "Don't worry about it. This'll do."

Mickey raises an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

She nods, smiling. "Yeah. It's the holidays. Plus anything for Ian's friend," she says, winking.

Mickey rubs the back of his neck, glancing down at Yev. He then looks back up and smiles. "Thanks," he says. He grabs the bag and hands it to Yev. "Think you can handle it?"

He nods, grinning. "Yep!"

"I'll see you around," Mickey says to her before they leave.

"Why did she do that?" Yev asks. Mickey glances down at him. He struggled to walk through the snow with his crutches. Lucky for him it was his left leg that was shot and he could still easily drive with the other. They get to the car and Mickey opens the door for Yev.

"Do what?" He asks. They climb into the car and Mickey starts it, turning up the heat.

"That thing with her eye," he says. Yev mimics Fiona, winking horribly at Mickey.

Mickey lets out an awkward chuckle. "Don't worry about it, Yev. It doesn't mean anything."

"But why did she do it?" He asks.

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