Dig your way out

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"Home early," Svetlana says as Yev sits down at the kitchen table.

"Yeah, daddy said we had to go, but we can go back tomorrow," Yev explain and starts to laugh again. "And guess what I saw?"

"What?" Svet asks, setting down a plate of chicken tenders for Yev.

"I saw daddy's undies! He was in the closet looking for paper with Mr. Gallagher! And when he came out I was there and his undies got stuck in his zipper."

Svetlana raises an eyebrow and looks over at Mickey. "This true?"

"Yeah, I was looking for paper in the closet, not that exciting."

Svetlana looks at Yev. "Go to room and play with legos, yes?" Yev nods and smiles. He gets up out of his chair and goes to his room.

"You fucked orange boy?" Svetlana asks.

Mickey shakes his head. He tried to remain calm when he was truly panicking on the inside. If she found out, she could tell Terry about it all. "I didn't fuck the teacher," he says, which wasn't a lie. It was actually the other way around. "I had gone to the bathroom before and my boxers got stuck in my zipper.

Svetlana shakes her head. "Don't believe you. Orange boy is hot, yes? I know you think so. But he is teacher and he is straight. Not fag like you."

Mickey raises an eyebrow and gets in svetlana's face. "I'm not a faggot. What I did was a one time thing. So you better back the fuck up and watch yourself."

Svetlana lets out a small, cocky laugh. "You think you scare me? You don't. You're just small, pathetic man. I have bigger dick than you."

Mickey scoffs and backs up from her. "You really think I fucked him? Cause you're wrong. I don't do that shit. I don't fuck a bunch of random guys like someone in this house."

"I tell Terry about this. You call me whore, I tell Terry you're still fag, yes?" Svetlana threatens. Whenever she didn't know how to continue the argument, she'd bring up Terry and it almost always worked.

"Just use Terry as a fucking weapon against me cause you're too pussy to do anything yourself."

"He come home tonight. I tell him," Svetlana says before walking to their bedroom and shutting the door. Mickey just shakes his head and grabs his pack of cigarettes. So what if he had hooked up with Ian? He didn't get what the big deal was. Svetlana hooked up with guys all the time.

He walked out front and sat down on the porch, shivering from the cold. He placed a cigarette between his lips and cupped a hand around it as he lit it up. He was screwed if Terry did come home. He'd sure as hell get his ass beat if Svetlana kept her promise to tell Terry. What was he thinking? He should have known he couldn't have hid this from her. But he was just so..... so lonely. He needed to feel something.

As if to just add to the whole situation no other than Ian Gallagher and some younger boy, come running down the block. Mickey could see them approaching and almost decides to go inside before they see him but it's too late.

"Mickey?" Ian says, laughing. "I didn't know you lived this close. I'm just a block away."

Mickey nods and butts out his cigarette. "Yeah, well this is the shit hole I call home," he mumbles, standing up.

"This is my brother, Carl," he says, pointing to the other boy.

Mickey knew the boy too. He rose an eyebrow at him and nodded slowly. Carl Gallagher, Mickey should have pieced the last name together sooner than now, but Mickey had gone on a few runs with Carl, trying to teach him the basics until carl quit it all. Mickey was actually happy for him. Glad the kid got out while he still could.

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