Sex on Fire

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Mickey kisses the younger man deeply on the lips. He places his hands on Ian's hips only to get them shoved away. Ian takes control, shoving him back into the bed. "How long you think we have?"

"About twenty minutes," Mickey pants out, undoing his jeans. Svetlana had taken Yev over to her friends house and Terry was out getting drunk so the two men were left with a short window of time to themselves.

Ian nods. He reaches down and helps Mickey with his jeans, tossing them to the side of the room. Both men quickly discard their clothes, tossing them to the ground.  "C'mere," Mickey mumbles. He pulls Ian down by the back of his neck and kisses him deeply. Ian grins against his lips, kissing back with the same amount of passion and want. Ian would have stayed that way for the rest of his life if he could. His lips pressed against Mickey's. The way his soft lips felt against his own never seemed to seize to amaze him. It was like he was a teenage boy again and Mickey was his high-school crush.

Ian slips his tongue past Mickey's lips as he pops open the cap to the lube. He leans back so that he was between the older man's legs as he spreads the lube over this three fingers. He presses his clean hand against Mickey's stomach as he sucks a hickey into his inner thigh, drawing a moan from him and it only encouraged Ian to continue. He made his way up Mickey's thighs and to his stomach than chest, slowly sliding one finger in as he did. Once he was in all the way, Mickey let's out a soft moan. "Get your ass back up here, Gallagher." Ian let's out a small chuckle.

"So goddamn needy." Ian presses his lips back against Mickey's as he slowly thrusts his finger in and out of Mickey's tight ass. Soft moans were exchanged between the kiss as Ian slowly worked his way up to three fingers, working and stretching out the other man. The whole time, Ian couldn't seem to keep his lips off of Mickey. He loved they way his skin felt against him. How his pale chest and stomach was pressed against his own underneath him.

Mickey taps his cheek, drawing Ian away from his neck. "I'm good. You can get in me already," he says, small grin on his lips. Ian nods, not hesitating a moment. He gently pulls his fingers out before grabbing the lube bottle again. He slicks up his cock and lining it up with Mickey's hole. His hands come down to gently spread Mickey's legs wider. He uses one of his hands to guide his tip in, drawing out a grunt from the man underneath him.

"I'm not made of glass. I ain't gonna break if you fuck too fast," Mickey teases and Ian rolls his eyes.

"Sorry for caring," he teases back. Ian leans over Mickey, leaning forward on his hand so that he was just inches from Mickey's face and slowly slides his cock all the way in. The man let's out a small grunt underneath him. He bites his bottom lip and wiggles a bit underneath Ian, getting adjusted and comfortable. Once Ian feels like he's ready, he starts to slowly thrust into him, hands on his hips as he does.

Mickey let's out a soft moan and grins up at Ian. "This isn't my first fuck," he teases. "You can go faster."

For once, Ian didn't want to go faster. He wanted to take things slow and make them worth it. He wanted to feel every inch of Mickey. Wanted to have him withering in pleasure with his cock buried deep in him. Ian needed this. Needed Mickey and he was sure Mickey needed him too.

Ignoring Mickey's demands, Ian leans down to suck on his nipple to distract him. His teeth gently graze against the tender skin, causing Mickey to shiver. He brings a hand up and burrows it in orange hair. His head tilts back as Ian sucks a small hickey onto his pale chest.  He started to thrust a bit quicker, moving so that all of his cock was in Mickey and then pulled out so just the tip was. As much as Ian wanted to savor this forever, he knew it was only a matter of time before Svetlana or Terry arrived back home.

"Fuck Ian..." Mickey breathes out. His eyes were full of lust as he looked up at the man hovering over him. It was the most at peace Mickey had felt in the longest time. He was constantly on edge, afraid Terry was going to find out his secret. But not now. Now his mind was blank, full of lust and pleasure.

Ian smiles down at him, gently placing his lips against Mickey's. They both closed their eyes, focusing almost fully on the kiss and nothing else. The way Mickey's lips felt against his own sent sparks through him and made him feel like he was back in high school again, drooling over some boy.

Ian leans back, hands gently holding onto the pale man's hips. He starts to thrust harder and quicker into Mickey, causing him to grunt quietly. Ian reaches down and wraps his digits around Mickey's cock, stroking it to the same pace as his thrusts. "Just like that... fuck feels good," Mickey mumbles out breathlessly.

Ian grins down at him. He puts his free hand on Mickey's stomach, pushing him down into the mattress as his hips snap forward, slowly getting quicker and quicker until the bed was creaking quietly. Ian lets out a series of quiet moans as he felt the pleasure increase in his abdomen. A bit of precum ran down from Mickey's hole. Ian leans down and presses his forehead against Mickey's. "I'm close," he whispers. Mickey nods, pulling back so he could latch his lips onto Ian's. He kisses him deeply and knocks Ian's hand off of his cock so he could jerk himself. Mickey let out a loud moan as he felt his legs tremble with plessure, soon warm cum spilling onto his stomach.

It only took the tightening of Mickey's hole and a few more thrusts before Ian was spilling cum into Mickey. He rode out their high, thrusting slowly and sloppily before he pulled out and flopped down next to Mickey on the bed. "That was good," Ian says breathlessly.

Mickey let's out a tired chuckle and nods. "Yeah, it was," he says, looking over at him. Mickey leans across and kisses Ian gently on the lips. "I was, uh... I was looking into some shit and thinking...."

Ian raises an eyebrow. "Thinking about what?"

"About getting out of Hell House."

Ian felt a small smile spread across his face. He hated seeing Mickey hide and cower around Svet. He could only imagine how terrified he was around terry. "Mick, that would be awesome. What about Yevgeny though?"

Mickey nods. "Just hear me out. I think I can get custody of him easily. Just gotta prove that Svet is here illegally. And Terry... think I can get him arrested or something too. He's always got possession of something on him. All I have to do is get him pissed off in public, get him to fight me and the cops will get involved because when Terry fights he fucking goes all out. Only problem is that I'd have to have a place lined up for me to live after I do this."

"Stay with me," Ian immediately says.

"C'mon, man. You live with your siblings still. You don't got any room for me  and a kid."

Ian shakes his head. "Don't worry about that. I've been looking for apartments for a while now. Maybe we could go apartment hunting together now," he grins.

Mickey raises an eyebrow. "You'd Really want me and Yev to come live with you?"

Ian grins widely and nods. "I'm sure of it."

Mickey nods. "Then its a date. You start by looking for apartments tomorrow and I'll find a lawyer or whatever for the Svet issue. Wanna meet tomorrow? Can probably see you after I put Yev to bed and Svets asleep."

Ian grins and nods. "Can't wait."

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