Noah's Ark

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"I win!" Yev says excitedly, grinning. Mickey had been up since four am and Yev had joined him around five. Last night when Yev got home and saw Mickey, he freaked out. The little boy started to cry and cling to his dad. "Are you going to die?" He had asked and Mickey had assured him he was okay. That night, Yev practically begged svetlana to set up the tv and wii in Mickey's room so that him and Yev could play it together. He didn't want to leave his dad and svetlana had to yell at him multiple times to go shower before he finally did.

Mickey smiles. "That's only because you cheated," he teases. Yev giggles.

"No I didn't! You cant cheat in Mario Kart!"

"Whatever you say.... cheater," he says, kissing the top of Yev's head. "Now go get ready for school. It's almost eight o'clock."

Yev groans. He had been excited for the play ever since he found out about it. He got to dress up as a tiger, his favorite animal. But that wasn't even the part he was looking forward to the most. The thing Yevgeny was most excited for, was the fact that his dad would be watching, but now he couldn't. Mickey wasn't able to get out of his bed for a couple days and he hated it. "But I don't even wanna go to the play now. You're not even gonna be there," he says, pouting.

"Yevgeny, what have I told you about pouting?" Mickey asks, raising an eyebrow. Yev stares back, raising his own eyebrow.

"And what have you told me? You told me you'd see me play the lion but now you can't because you're stuck in bed. I don't even wanna do the play anymore."

Mickey sighs and sets the wii remote on the nightstand next to him. "Listen, Yev, I told you last night why I couldn't come. I can't leave my bed for a few days but I promise I'll make it up to you.... how about during winter break, we go to the zoo? We can look at all the animals and Christmas lights." Yev tried his hardest to still appear upset but he couldn't do it. A small smile appeared on the little boy's face.

"Fineee, but I'm still a little bit mad," he grumbles, standing up. Mickey chuckles softly.

"Go get ready, Yev. I'll see you after school and this time, I'm going to kick your ass in Mario kart," he says. Yev giggles a bit and leaves the room, going to get ready. Once the boy leaves, Mickey pulls out his phone. Last night, before Ian had left, he had forced Mickey to get snapchat. Before Ian, he had no idea what the hell it was. But Ian had helped him set up an account helping him pick the username "casperslovechild" Mickey had protested the name but Ian had promised no one but him could see it. And if Mickey ever found out Ian had lied to him, Mickey would be pissed.

He unlocks his phone and grins when he sees a snapchat of Ian's. He was sitting in his desk chair at school and had on a beard and put the caption "came in early to start setting up the play but I've just been playing with the props the whole time instead" Mickey laughs a bit. He sends a photo back one of himself with his bed head and tired eyes with the caption. "You're a fucking dork." He sends the text before putting his phone down. "Mandy!" He yells. His sister had came last night as soon as she found out what happened to Mickey. She had told them that she'd be staying so that she could help out with Mickey while he was in bed rest.

"What's up?" She asks, walking in the room.

He picks up his empty glass and holds it out to her. "Orange juice and pain killers?"

She laughs and nods, grabbing the glass. She comes back a few moments later and hands the pills and glass to Mickey. "Breakfast for champs," she teases, sitting on the edge of the bed. "How're you feeling?"

He shrugs, taking the pills. "Sore. Can't move it at all without it fucking hurting. But it's getting better I guess," he mumbles, letting out a tired yawn. He had to lay on his back, facing straight up since he couldn't move his leg and it had totally screwed up his sleep. She nods.

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