1. All the stars align

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"...when I close my eyes
all the stars align
and you are by my side
you are by my side..."


    I sit down on the soft grass, closing my eyes and allowing myself to enjoy a few moments of peace. I never have enough time to relax so, when an opportunity occurs to lie down even for a while, I want to fully benefit from it.

    Under my breath I hum lyrics to some catchy pop song I've grown to like as I unpack my bag, taking out all the items that I will need to draw. Lately, my pencil and sketchbook became an obsession to me and every once in a while I like to work on some drawings.

    I open my sketchbook on a clear page, and let my fingers to mindlessly operate the pencil, creating meaningless lines on the paper. I know that it will payoff in another beautiful drawing, I just need some time to adjust. Soon, this different shapes will speak volumes, they will have a story to tell, they will represent a piece of my mind.

    I frown, my attention fully focused on the drawing now. I'd like it to be perfect, it's just my nature; since my first breath I've been a perfectionist and if I do something, I want to show off 110% of my skills. There isn't a point in creating without doing your best.

    Yes, I'm aware that compared to professional artists, my works are worth nothing. But it doesn't stop me form thinking that I have some artistic talent hidden inside me and I can draw an, at least, acceptable picture. I like to place my skills somewhere above average even tough drawing is just a hobby that clears my mind - just helps to put it at ease.

    I trace my fingers over the paper, admiring my work and sighing deeply when I see the outcome. My eyes scan the drawn silhouette that looks so familiar and realistic in my picture. The person - a man - has perfectly shaped face; his hair are delicate, falling on his forehead in messy curls; eyes, that I paid a lot of attention to, are focused on looking somewhere over the picture; almost invisible yet noticeable facial hair... it all put together looks like my band mate - like my best friend - like Harry Styles.

    It ain't the first time I catch myself drawing his portrait tough. Being honest, it has happened several times, and I've found myself limning his creatures on the paper definitely more times than I should.

    Really, it isn't a surprise to see his face in my drawings; the boy is taking up all of my thoughts recently. There are nights, when I pretend to go to the toilet, while all I do is to creep through the gap in the door to his room, and look at his beautiful body in its peaceful sleep. During the day I always catch myself staring at his body while he isn't watching, or I send him an occasional glances then and there. Sometimes when he touches me in an innocent and friendly way, my stomach erupts with butterflies. My smile always grows bigger and laugh always is louder when it is Harry who causes it. There are just so many little things...

    At first I hadn't noticed it. I used to blame everything on Harry's charming character that kept me attached to his person. He is just so easy to like. When you hear his voice, his laugh, or see his smile, this mesmerizing dimples; you are simply drawn to him. He pulls you to himself like a magnet.

    It had been a weird feeling at first; I just couldn't, and still can't, stop craving to hear him, to touch him, to see him. It seems like I'm addicted. And that's when I have to admit it; I'm falling for Harry Styles. It hasn't been easy to sink in. He is my best friend - nothing more, nothing less - I don't understand why I've developed feelings for him. It is clear as the day that we aren't supposed to be together, it is just impossible. Yes, I know that he loves me, but just in a friendly manner. He isn't into boys, and even if he is, he would choose someone better than me.

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