16. I know it's been a long night

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"...I know it's been a long night, but now I'm here it's alright
I don't mind walking in your shoes
we'll take each step together, 'til you come back to center..."   


    Niall wakes up with a groan, immediately hiding his head under the pillow. It takes him a few minutes to realise that outside is dark as the room is still welcomed by the night. A little frown appears on his face, the boy blinking in confusion as he reaches out for his phone, pressing the button and almost instantly squinting his eyes as the light blinds him. 4:34, Thursday, 1 February. His head begins to pound and he shivers, this can't be happening today, out of all days, why on Harry's birthday?

    With a shake of his head, his eyes fall on the sleeping beside him figure. He smiles faintly, the sound of Harry's steady breathing calming him down a little. He's been waiting for this day way too long as he doesn't get to see his boyfriend often due to work. He can't imagine today being ruined by a cold or whatever he's caught, this day is ought to be perfect and it will be cause Niall is about ready to give Harry the world.

    Niall carefully puts his feet on the floor and then he stands up, ignoring the slight dizziness dancing in his head as he enters the bathroom, looking for a thermometer.

    "Shit," Niall curses quietly a few minutes later as his eyes fall on the numbers, 100.4F (38.2C). Sure, it isn't that big, but it still is a fever. He quickly stands up and runs to the kitchen, grabbing some water and painkillers, praying to God that this will make him feel a tad better.

    As he enters the room, his legs feeling like he's run a marathon, the headache killing him, he notices that Harry begins to stir in his sleep, and in the time he makes it to the bed, Harry's eyes flutter open and he looks around, still not fully aware of his surroundings. It takes him a while to notice Niall sitting on the edge of the bed.

    "Why are you up, Ni?" Harry asks, his raspy and deep morning voice bringing a smile to Niall's face.

    "I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep so I went downstairs for a glass of water," he lies smoothly because he knows that he can't let his illness ruin this day.

    Harry smiles at Niall, obviously buying his boyfriend's lie as he wraps his arms around Niall's torso, pulling the boy to his chest. He mumbles a quiet, "let's sleep," into Niall's ear, kissing the side of his head as they both drift off in each other's arms.

° ° °

    When Niall opens his eyes again, Harry's already awake, putting on his clothes in the corner of the room. Niall forces himself to get up and make his way over to Harry, hugging him from behind and kissing his neck softly.

    "Happy birthday," he whispers in Harry's ear and smiles. "I love you."

    "I love you too," Harry grins widely.

    After a lazy morning they both go for a dinner to a restaurant and even tough a meal is tasty, Niall can't find himself eating more than just a half of the dish. Then they go together to the store and Niall buys Harry a present in Gucci. It is a tradition now that they go together to the shopping mall on Harry's birthday and Harry always tries literally everything on, giving Niall a private fashion show. Usually Niall is just as bubbly about it as Harry, but today as the hours pass away, Niall finds it a lot harder to act focused and happy. Sure, he is more than excited for Harry, but he'd enjoy everything more if he wasn't ill.

° ° °

    Right now Niall is standing in the middle of the VIP section in a night club where Harry's birthday party is held. He gulps as he looks around, seeing the tide of people entering the place with gifts and wishes for Harry. Niall sits down on the leather seats, watching as a smiling Harry greets the guests. After sometime when he gets bored, he closes his eyes and throws back his head. The loud music still increases his headache, but at least the lights don't blind him now.

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