19. And now the final frame

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"...love is a losing game
one I wished, I never played
oh, what a mess we made
and now the final frame..."


Their eyes lock and a loud swallow is heard in the room as a curly haired brunette approaches a blonde boy slowly. The green colour of the irises is evil as it shines dangerously while colliding with the blues that imitate the sky on a sunny day.

Niall's lip trembles. The heat of Harry's skin is so close yet so far away when the brunette stops a few inches before Niall, the itching to touch him washing down Niall's shaking body, but he can't find a strength in himself to move his hand. Harry's height intimidates when Niall has to raise his head in order to hold an eye contact.

"What about us?" Niall whispers softly. His delicate words dance in the air, but the weight of letting them out makes Niall's knees tremble, his body barely finding support in its own legs.

Harry hesitates with his answer. He chooses his next words carefully, allowing the anticipation to strike in the blonde boy as he awaits. "There's no us," Harry whispers, but his sentence isn't dancing in the air, the heavy words sound like the worst curse instead and shatter everything that is in an earshot.

"W-what?" That's all Niall can stutter out. The silent pleas that this is not true, that he's haunted by a bad dream run in his mind, but soon he's reminded that this is indeed reality as Harry's next words are like the most painful punch that lands directly on his heart.

"We're over."

Niall's gaze is blank as his eyes focus on the ground in shame. "Why?" he wants to know. Has he done anything wrong, is he not enough or is Harry giving up on their relationship?

"Niall," Harry sighs, "I know it was fun while it lasted, but let's face it, you and I, we've never had any chance of making it through. We're not supposed to be together and it's better to end it here before we're too deep in to retreat. I know it's hard, but-"

"But what?!" Niall snaps, the tears freely steaming down his cheeks. "After three fucking years you tell me that we weren't supposed to ever be together?! That it all was just for fun? Are you ashamed of me, of us? Afraid to openly admit you are gay, Harry?" Niall shouts, but his voice is not aggressive, it's more desperate as he demands the answers for the questions that make him doubt himself and his life choices.

"Look, I'm not ashamed, okay? It's just... fuck," Harry runs a hand through his hair. "One Direction is over, okay? We won't be seeing each other as often anymore and that long distance relationship shit won't work for us."

Niall laughs, but there's no humour in his voice. "So that's what you're planning on doing? Cut off all of the contact with me and the lads as if these five years in the band never existed, as if these three years with me didn't mean a thing?!" He shakes his head. "You're ashamed of the band, right? Don't want to be associated with it anymore? You will just go out there and make a new name for yourself, forgetting about us?" he asks, but Harry keeps silent. "Fucking answer me, Harry!" Niall hits Harry's chest out of desperation.

"We both know that it was just a matter of time till the band would split, Niall. And I'm not saying I don't wanna be friends with you, I just know that in long terms it won't work out, I protect us from getting our hopes up only to be disappointed afterwards when it all ends," he reasons.

"Really? Cause that doesn't look like it to me. You're doing quite the opposite, Harry, and if I ever meant to you anything, you would like to at least try, but you know what?! You of course wouldn't do it cause all you are is a selfish prick! Always putting yourself in front of everyone and I'm so fucking tired of this! Maybe you're indeed right, maybe it's better if we end this so I don't have to live in your shadow, so maybe I'll finally find someone who truly cares and won't just use me like you did!" Niall isn't thinking as he spits these words in Harry's face, they just flow out of him like a river, a deadly and dangerous river.

Harry sees no point in denying, nothing can fix their hopeless situation and sometimes it's better to leave things unsaid, so with the last look into Niall's eyes, he takes a step back. He is silent as he walks away, just in the last moment before the door closes behind him, Harry whispers, "Goodbye, Niall."

Accompanied by the soft echo of Harry's words that are the only thing the brunette has left behind, Niall drops to his knees, sobbing loudly, clenching his fists while hitting the floor weakly. He wishes he hadn't fallen for Harry, maybe then it would be easier to say goodbye. But that's only the bittersweetness of love.


[A/N:] no one reads my one shots anymore but who cares. Hope you liked prick Harry breaking up with poor Niall.


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