28. And I feel that when I'm with you

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"...for you, there'll be no more crying.
for you, the sun will be shining.
and I feel that when I'm with you,
it's alright, I know it's right..."


The sheets of paper cover the floor, are spread on the bed and thrown all over the place, irritating Niall's sensitive mind. He utters a swear word under his breath, pressing the sharp nail of his right thumb into the tender skin on his palm. The stinging sensation slowly yet successively takes off the pressure and worrisome thoughts the recent week has brought on his shoulders. It all started on Wednesday actually, once he got into a conversation of a rather unpleasant kind with his manager. While presenting the new content written for his second album, he wasn't met with approval and was sent away to produce something better, the harsh words will remain spared from the public. They didn't like the lyrics nor the music, hoping to hear something livelier and faster and more cheerful, quoting "We don't want another album that is only good at putting people to sleep". The thing is, what they ask of him, this is not what Niall wants to write, he knows not how to do so.

"What's got you worried?" says Harry, entering the bedroom. Niall notices how his eyes gently glance around the room, taking in the sight of the dazzling whiteness that the sheets have created. And Niall knows that this affects Harry greatly as well, makes him anxious about Niall, and he's sorry; sorry he cannot live up to everyone's expectations.

"Nothing," he mutters, shutting his eyes while running a hand down his face.

And Harry doesn't reply straight away, his watchful eyes rest for a moment longer on Niall's frame sitting on the floor, taking in the black circles surrounding his bloodshot eyes and the pale skin around them.

"Let's get you out of here," he says after a while.

But Niall shakes his head, "I can't."

"Yes you can and you will," he approaches the man, "You need a breath of fresh air, love."

"Harry, I'd love to but I really can't, I need to finish this before the end of the month," Niall pleads, his voice weak as he looks up to meet Harry's gaze with a flicker of desperation in his eyes.

"Niall," he sits down on the floor, across from Niall, taking his lover's hand to caress the fingers tenderly, "You won't be able to finish the song without taking a break, you'll work much better after going for a walk and breathing in the raw air. And if we go back home and you'll still be struggling with it, I promise to help you with it, okay?"

And Niall hesitantly nods his head, letting Harry help him to his feet. 

They drive for some time with Niall absentmindedly looking out of the window. Harry hates the sight of his lover so miserable, the work taking the joy of life away from him. Albeit he aims to change it.

They arrive in the village not too far away from London, parking the car at the entrance of a park. And it's calm, peaceful as they walk with their hands intertwined, passing the trees, the birds and the flowers.

As they are in the middle of a field, the grass painted in golds and reds of the fallen leaves, Harry sits down on the ground, earning a surprised look from Niall.

"Come on, sit down next to me," he offers with a smile. And after a brief moment of hesitation, Niall's down, on the grass next to Harry.

"Relax," says the younger of the two, running a hand down Niall's back, sensing the tight muscles under his palm. "You're stressing yourself out too much, love. And I hate to see you like this. It's not you. And that's got me worried, I've noticed you're not sleeping well, you're hardly eating enough to keep yourself alive. I don't want to lose you, but I feel like you're slipping away. And I refuse to wait till you're completely gone. Something's wrong and I have no idea what it is... It pains me horribly, I don't-"

"Harry," Niall repeats for the sequent time, however now his voice is loud enough to be heard, "Please Harry, stop," he begs. "Ju-just hold me, please."

And Harry is astonished, but he fulfils his lover wish, taking him in his hands and keeping there safely, away from the wild city, crowded buildings and frequent rush. It's just them - Niall and Harry and the sky, but truly that's enough.


I relate to Niall.

Excuse this, am not sure what it is but yeah... Just a quick creation of my giddy mind.



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