4. So I put you in the song

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"...but I'm lying here alone
so I put you in the song
beside my heartbeat, beat, beat..."


    Niall looks down at his hands, his fingers mindlessly playing with a wet tissue, as his whole body shakes yet again. His eyes close while he tries to stop the salty tears from streaming down his already puffy cheeks.

    Niall inhales deeply, attempting to calm his unsteady breathing. But there's no point in trying, in pretending; nothing will stop him from breaking apart, nothing will cover up his feelings - his hurt feelings.

    "You can't keep on beating yourself up for that, Niall. It's just what life is about - we fall in love, we break up, we move on. You can't be stuck in one place with just a blurred memory of him and  a broken heart," his friend's words echo in his mind, and Niall feels even worse about himself - why can't he be just like other people? Why can't he forget about him? Why can't he find himself someone new who would give him all the love he so desperately wishes to have? Is he different, worse than others? Does he not deserve to taste love for a little longer?

    Niall screams out till his voice breaks and his lungs burn in the crave for air. He stands up rapidly, almost losing balance on his feet as he feels a bit dizzy from not leaving his bed for days, not counting small trips to the kitchen and bathroom.

    He grabs his guitar that has been lying in one spot under the wall untouched for days. His fingertips trace the strings gently, and a small smile lights up his face, flickering for merely a second when he starts to play a tune. As the music fills the room, Niall notices how much he's been missing the calming sound of the instrument.

    The boy closes his eyes. This time he doesn't care about the tears that seem to have no end, all he focuses on is the tune he's playing. Niall starts to hum barely audible words that leave his lips softly, all his thoughts reminiscing the days filled with laughter, stolen kisses, warm cuddles in the cold night and all of this shared with one and only person that Niall wish was next to him to wrap him in his arms right now, protecting his fragile body from the world outside.

    "I just want you here with me, Harry. Is it too much to ask? Is it too much to ask?" Niall sings, his voice cracking at the end as a sob leaves his mouth, sending him into another fit of hysterical crying.

    Niall buries his face in the pillow, shaking his head as he screams the loudest he can yet again. He's almost sure that people on the other side of the world are able to hear his shouting, but that doesn't stop him from doing it, actually it encourages him to screaming harder. After a while Niall's throat feels like it's on fire and the boy is forced to stop if he wants to save himself from losing his voice completely.

    He turns around and looks up at the ceiling absentmindedly. He rubs his puffy eyes with his cold hands and he pushes his disheveled hair away from his forehead. Niall opens his mouth, his voice coming out raspy from all the crying and shouting he's done today. He has no idea how the words are forming, creating poignant sentences, they just come straight from his heart, from where he keeps Harry and all the feelings along with memories of them being a happy couple with no care in the world - straight from where he feels the worst and unimaginable pain

    "My heart is hoping
You'll walk right in tonight
And tell me there are things that you regret
'Cause if I'm being honest I ain't over you yet
That's all I'm asking
Is it too much to ask?
Is it too much to ask?" Niall's soft voice echoes in the room, his broken sobs heard somewhere in between the lyrics as he lets his heart to speak for him, repeating the words all over again only for himself to hear.

    And that's how the boy is pulled into the world of dreams as his exhausted body fails to keep him awake, taking him away into the place of oblivion, where he can cherish a few moments of happiness in his imagined universe, where Harry Styles is a boy who still gets the privilege of holding Niall close to his heartbeat at night.


[A/N] I just realized that my note magically disappeared and here I am writing it again.

So first of all, I made a playlist for this one shots, you can find it on my Spotify account ingatdb.

And Niall loves Harold's songs huh? I can say same about Niall's songs (of course Harry's also but it's release of Flicker is yeah).

And thank you for reading, you're absolutely amazing!


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