35. I'm a spy in the house of love

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Niall's wrists are bound in a tight grasp of Harry's long cold fingers. The man's applying enough pressure to inflict pain. He has the Irishman squirming underneath him. The control is appealing, and he smiles.

"Where are you going?" 

Upon hearing the question, the man looks up, his icy blue eyes piercing Harry's green ones. He is firm, refusing to budge and give himself over to the man he used to think he'll love forever.

"Gonna see some friends," his voice is rough. Harry can't recognise a note of fondness Niall's always slipped into his replies.

"Friends?" he tastes the word. It sounds vile.

"Yeah," and the Irishman pushes away Harry's hands, freeing himself from the hold. He reaches for his keys. But he finds the pocket of his jacket to be empty. The door is locked, and he's trapped. Harry lets out an amused laugh. He's foreseen it; the situation is playing out according to the script he's written.

Niall's furious eyes meet Harry's. The realisation is dawning on him, making his blood run cold as shivers violently move his spine. He fears the upcoming confrontation. The man standing in front of him is a perfect stranger. That's not his Harry.

"Did you take my keys?" his voice stutters, fearful it'd break. A step back and he can feel the surface of the door aligning with his clothed skin.

"I might have," Harry grins, and it makes Niall sick.

"Harry," he lets out a shaky breath. How one stays collected? How one gets out? "Give them back to me, please."

"Why?" His hands rest on Niall's hips. "So that you'd run away with another whore?"

"I-I've never, Harry, you know I'd never cheat on you," Niall begs. Even though it's the truth, he can't muster up enough strength to sound convincing.

Harry's thumbs press into his flesh, outlining the fragile bones. "Don't lie to me, you know I don't like it."

"While I'm not-" but he halts, as a firm hand comes into violent contact with his cheek. The burning sensation awakes him, forcing out a bitter tear, squeezing it out from his tightly shut eyes. Niall kicks Harry in the groin. It is an instinct. And it doesn't pain him once he observes the man bend over. Does he still love him? No, not that violent brute. Where is his tender lover? The one who would wake him up with fluttering kisses and send off to sleep in a protecting embrace? Is he gone?

Harry tackles him to the ground. Niall falls on the floor with a thud that echoes in his bones. Harry's weight in all its hostility heavily lands on the top of him.

"What the fuck, Harry?" He looks into the man's eyes, pleading for an entrance into his soul, wondering why Harry kicked him out of the paradise - his once loving heart. Has it turned into stone now?

"Niall, I love you."

It melts the ice, for it's honest. Albeit Niall must buy himself some time. He weighs his next move. He loves Harry too.

"Why then?" comes the broken query. "Why do you treat me like that?"

He's hushed to silence by a pair of lips that tenderly plant a kiss to his mouth. The gentle touch flutters on his skin like the wings of butterflies. Niall's head falls helplessly to the side, giving Harry open access to the vulnerable skin of his milky neck. His left cheek pressed to the cold tiled floor and a single tear rushing down the porcelain face. That is all left of him while Harry undoes the buttons, claiming that nude figure, marking it with his seductive kisses and luscious touch. By offering his body, Niall's selling his soul in the name of love he's lost. He's just a shattered remembrance of a man that used to carry his heart at his sleeve. Satan has broken into the house of love. Naively Niall surrenders, delivering Harry a glimmer of ecstasy that'll serve as fuel until their fragile bond is wounded anew. His heart is but a beast of burden. And the miles he can yet walk are counted. And once Niall falls to his feet, will Harry put him out on the street?

Ah shit, that's angsty now. I was listening to The Spy by The Doors and ended up here somehow. If you're bored, you can cut your hair. That's what I did at least, but people say it's dangerous to do what I do.


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