Mission: sweater

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2d sat on his bed, distraught by the idea of liking someone like Murdoc, no way! After all the abuse? Because of Murdoc 2d had two black eyes and missing front teeth. Liking him was not an option.

He lay down on his bed facing the wall, pouting. Sexy? More like sassy! 2d closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep. But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't. He tried every direction and every position, nothing worked.

2d sighed as he sat up on his bed. Lately he's been having a lot of trouble sleeping... yet he fell asleep nearly immediately yesterday, or even today on the sofa. Maybe it's this bed? He stood up and lay down on the floor. Nothing.

Frustrated, he sat up and started messing with his hair. What was in both these places that allowed him to sleep? Something that definitely isn't here in his room... hmmm, could it be the comforting smell of the sweater that allowed him to sleep? Come to think of it, he only fell asleep on the couch when thinking about it...

That was it, 2d made up his mind. If he wanted sleep, he needed that sweater. But how would he get it?

Murdoc most likely put it back in his Winnebago, so if I want it, I'm going to have to sneak inside there. If I'm lucky, Murdoc will still be on the couch.

2d got up and went into the living room. Empty. Shit. Now how do I get him out of that bloody Winnebago? He went to the fridge and jerked it open, causing one of Murdocs beers to fall out and shutter. That's it! The beer!

He rushed downstairs to the garage and banged on Murdocs door. The door swung open and Murdoc looked down at him in distaste.

"What the bloody hell do you want?"

"M-Murdoc, your beer.." he pointed to the ceiling, trying not to smile. His plan was great, Murdoc would rush upstairs and give him time to grab the sweater.

"What about my beer?" Murdoc sounded annoyed.

"It fell out of the fridge and spilled." That was it, his chance.

"..." or so he thought. Murdoc looked at him like he was crazy or something. Normally if something like that happened 2d would cover it up and pretend it never happened. Why is he telling me this, is he trying to piss me off on purpose?

"M-Murdoc?" 2d broke the silence.

"Just go clean it up." And then he slammed the door. 2ds plan failed, leaving him speechless.

He went upstairs to clean the beer, trying really hard to come up with a better plan. If I want to get him out of that Winnebago, I need to come up with something he must do, that I can't...

He run downstairs and knocked on the door.

"What do you want faceache? This better be important." He sounded frustrated.

"C-Can you come upstairs and help me with-"

"Ask Russel!" Murdoc cut him off, wondering what's gotten into him today.

"B-But!" Too late, the door was slammed in his face. 2d sighed and looked down. Sad, he went upstairs and sat on the couch.

By then it was getting late so Russ and Noodle were already asleep. Maybe I can ask him to do something I'm afraid of? Like killing a big spider? Yeah.. that could work! And so 2d cheerfully run down the stairs and up to the Winnebago.

2d took a deep breath in, and then out, trying his best to look petrified. But before he could even knock the door swung open.

"For the love of- WHAT?!" Murdoc yelled, irritated and tired. He didn't even have his shirt on.

"T-There's a- a-...."

"A what?" Murdoc growled angrily.

"A-a big s-spider in m-my room." 2d stammered. Murdoc glared at him.


"They're asleep!" 2d interrupted. "I'd rather not wake them."

"But you'd rather wake me?!" 2d looked at him sadly. The bassist rolled his eyes and sighed angrily.

"Fine." 2ds face lit up as Murdoc finally stepped out of the Winnebago. But his smile quickly faded as Murdoc grabbed him by the ear and started dragging him upstairs.

"O-Ow! Murdoc why-?" He stammered.

"Well, you've got to show me where the spider is, right?" 2ds face went pale. There was no spider. Now he was in real trouble.

I don't know what he's planning, Murdoc though but I'm sure as hell not going to make it easy for him. He always does his best to avoid me, so why keep bothering me now?

Murdoc kicked the door open then pushed 2d inside, soon standing next to him. The room was dark, the only source of light coming from the hallway.

"So, where's that spider?" He looked at 2d. Now he was scared for real.

"U-Umm, I g-guess he m-must have left..." his voice trailing off. Murdoc looked at him angrily then pushed him onto the bed. 2d looked up at him, trembling, his heart racing. Murdoc looked down at him, but just sighed.

"I'm too tired for this. Just go to sleep and stop bothering me! Because I swear to Satan, next time I see you coming near my Winnebago you're gonna get it!" He said angrily and then left, slamming the door behind him.

2d quickly stood up and run to the door, pressing his ear against it. He waited a moment, making sure Murdoc was downstairs, then quietly left his room. He slowly descended the stairs, making sure not to trip, and saw Murdoc in the kitchen, muttering and getting a beer.

It's now or never! Thought 2d as he run down into the garage and into the Winnebago. The sweater was easy to find, it was at the very top of the clothes pile. 2d took it and hugged it.

Satisfied, he left the Winnebago, closing the door behind him. But as soon as he did he heard footsteps coming down to the garage.

2d gasped and quickly run to hide behind the huge truck thing. He heard Murdoc muttering then getting into his Winnebago. Nailed it! 2d thought to himself.

Inside, Murdoc sat on a chair by the window and gently pulled the curtains apart, expecting to see the singer walking down the stairs towards him. But instead he saw him coming out from behind the Winnebago and then back upstairs.

"What in all of hell..?" Murdoc murmured. "Sneaky little- I don't know what he wanted, or why that required me getting out of the garage, but he sure as hell got it..."


2d snuggled his face into the sweater, finally able to sleep.

Gosh, how many times did I use the word Winnebago in this chapter? I don't even know how to pronounce it!

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