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Murdoc walked down the hallway, annoyed. It was quiet; he could hear his  own footsteps, and another pair of footsteps.

Every time he stopped, the other footsteps would also stop. But whenever he would turn around there would be no one there.

Murdoc entered the living room, and noticed Noodle on the couch. She looked at him like he was possessed.

"Murdoc, this is the fifth time you're entering the living room for no reason, what are you doing?" Murdoc stopped and looked at her as if the answer was obvious.

"I already told you, there's something following me!" He looked around to make sure there was no one else in the room.

"You're paranoid." She stated, turning back to the tv.

"I'm not! Come, walk around with me."

"There's no point, this isn't the first time strange things have been happening here, I mean, there's zombie gorillas outside! Footsteps don't compare." Murdoc sighed in defeat and continued walking. Why you ask? He didn't want to find out what happens when those footsteps catch up to him.

Noodle looked over at the door when he left. He's going crazy. She heard him walk away, but then she heard another pair of footsteps. What the?

The footsteps were approaching the living room. Not knowing what to do, Noodle grabbed the remote control from the tv to use as a weapon. She was planning to hurl it at the thing as soon as it came into view.

It came closer and closer. She was wondering how she didn't notice it the first four times Murdoc walked through the living room.

3...2...1...! The shadow came into view and Noodle hurled the remote control at its head.

"Ow!" Cried 2d as he fell down.

"Toochi?" Noodle hurried over to him and helped him up. "What are you doing??" She took his hand and led him to the sofa. They both sat down.

"W-What do you mean?" 2d rubbed his head.

"Are you following Murdoc?"

"W-what??" He blushed. Noodle sighed. "I-I was jus' curious..."

"Well it isn't working out is it?" Noodle laughed.

"I didn't know he liked to walk in circles around Kong..."

"..." Noodle looked at him, surprised he hasn't figured it out yet. "You do know that he's only walking in circles because he realised that someone's following him, right?"

"W-What?" 2d looked down, disappointed.

"You're going to have to be more subtle about it." She put her hand on his back to comfort him.

"What's gotten into him?" Asked Murdoc as he walked into the living room once again, this time holding the remote control which he picked up from the floor.

"He's fine." Noodle replied smiling. Murdoc stopped in front of 2d and looked at him with an unreadable face expression, he wasn't angry or happy, he looked like he was thinking about something. After a few seconds of silence he slapped the singer across the head with the remote control causing him to jump and yelp in pain.

"Oi faceache." Murdoc said as he tossed the remote control next to Noodle. 2d looked up at him, holding his head. "Next time you wanna borrow some of my clothes just ask." And he walked out. 2ds face turned a deep red, embarrassed and shocked, also speechless.

"Toochi, what's he on about??" Noodle was confused. 2d slowly covered his mouth with his hand, staring wide eyed into the empty space in front of him.

"He knows..." he mumbled in disbelief.

"He knows what??" Noodle leaned closer to him to be able to hear what he's mumbling. 2d slipped his face more into his hand, intensely staring at the carpet.

"... he knows...." Noodle sighed.

"Knows what??"

"OH MY GOD HE KNOWS!" 2d yelled as he abruptly stood up, causing Noodle to fall back on the couch, and run out of the living room. Leaving behind a confused Noodle.


2d run into his room and jumped onto his bed, desperately checking under the pillow to see if the material was still there.

He felt relief as his fingers wrapped around the shirt. He pulled it out and hugged it. But how did Murdoc find out about this??


Noodle entered the kitchen looking for a juice, but instead she found Murdoc, sipping on his beer. She walked up to the fridge to grab a juice.

"So what's up with 2d?" He asked casually, not even bothering to make eye contact.

"Why do you care?" She looked up at him with a smug look.

"He's my singer, I've gotta make sure he's feeling well enough to, ya know, sing." He looked down at her, showing no emotions whatsoever. Noodle raised an eyebrow. Your singer?

"He's fine." She said casually, leaning against the fridge and not making eye contact. She wanted a sign, a sign that he actually cares.

"Didn't look fine earlier in the living room." Murdoc took another swig of beer.

"He just doesn't know what to do about that crush of his, maybe you should go talk to him about it. Y'know, since you're both guys..." a mischievous smile crept onto her face.

"" He said, finishing his beer and throwing it somewhere. Noodle senses that along with the end of the beer came the end of their conversation.

"But whyyy??" She whined like a child who's parents refused to buy her a toy.

"Are you even listening to yourself? Me? Talk to faceache? About... feelings?" He said the last word in disgust as he slowly begun to make his way towards the door.

"Wait!" She yelled at him desperately. She frantically opened the fridge, took out two beers and run up to Murdoc. "Look, you can take two beers and go up to his room and-"

"Go ask Russel." He cut her off and walked towards the door. In response Noodle threw herself at the door, one beer in each hand, blocking it.

"I can't!"

"Noodle, stop it." He said sternly, trying to get past her but failing.

"Murdoc, please!"

"What don't you understand about the word 'no'?" He growled at her.

"Please, you're the only one that can talk to him." She looked up at him with puppy eyes. Murdoc sighed angrily, taking a step back.

"And why is that?"

"Because your bi and 2d has a crush on a guy..."

This chapter was originally supposed to be 500 words because I'm lazy... I ended up having 1057 🤦‍♀️

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