Christmas came early

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-whispering continues-

"Noodle you've got to get me out of here! I don't wanna die!" 2d squirmed.

"You should've thought about this earlier." She folded her arms and pouted. "You didn't even tell me..."

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry! Next time I'll give you a heads up if I get another stupid idea, but please just help me!" 2d begged.

Murdoc sensed his chance and decided to pull a little prank. He pretended to be shuffling in his sleep and pressed the singers body even tighter against his own, causing him to gasp. He dug his face deeper into 2d's neck, gently brushing over his sweet spot. The singer yelped and jumped a bit, arching his back. Murdoc smirked at his reaction, proud of himself.

"What are you doing?! You'll wake him up!" Noodle gasped.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm ticklish..." he blushed. Noodle gently sighed in frustration.

"Ok, don't move, I'm going to get you out of here." She stood up.

"What are you going to do?"

"You'll see.." she said with an evil grin.

Description of what Noodle did:

Imagine you put your hands together to clap 👏 and then you fold your pinkies, ring fingers and thumbs so that only your middle fingers and pointing fingers ☝️ are left straight. It's like pretending your hand is a gun, but with two hands. (Something like "one thousand years of death" but not aiming for the butt 😂)

Noodle did that ⬆️ with her hands and then poked Murdoc IN THE RIBS as hard as she could.

-whispering ends here-

The bassist jumped up and yelled in pain, simultaneously letting the singer go and causing him to fall to the floor.

"Ow! What the heck?!"

"Hi Murdoc." Noodle smiled innocently. 2d sat up on the floor and looked up at the grumpy Murdoc. The bassist looked him up and down.

"U-Umm.. I-I borrow your sweater coz it was cold... I hope you don't mind..." the singer stammered, blushing and avoiding eye contact. "I can give it back if you want..." he sounded sad. Murdoc sighed.

"Nah, you can keep it, it already stinks of you anyway..." Murdoc looked up at Noodle angrily. "I hope you two have a good reason to be waking me up!" He stated.

"I wanted to show you two something in the living room!" Noodle grinned childishly.

"Do I have to?" Murdoc groaned.

"Yeees!" Noodle insisted. Murdoc rolled his eyes. "Now go put your clothes on and meet us outside." She said as she took 2d and dragged him out of the door.

"Noodle that was too risky!" 2d hissed.

"But it worked, didn't it?" She smiled innocently. 2d sighed.

"Yeah but-" he was interrupted by Murdoc throwing a blue t-shirt at his face.

"Stop leaving your shit in my Winnebago." He growled. 2d looked at the shirt, realising it's the one Murdoc spilled beer on when he was drunk.

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