Refusing to ever let go

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But... if it wasn't a dream, that means 2d must have left before I woke up.

Murdoc sighed.

I bet he felt bad about what happened and wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. He even lied about spending the evening with Noodle, she was in on it!

Murdoc dropped the t-shirt and slumped onto his bed, feeling empty.

I bet he hates me now... shit! That's exactly what I didn't want to happen! I want to apologise to him, make things right.. but he might hate me even more for bringing it up, I bet he just wants to forget about it... it's not like he'll forgive me anyway... I've done so many bad things to him...

Murdoc lay on his back in just his briefs. He covered his face with the crook of his elbow, extending his other arm towards the edge of the bed and letting it just hang there. There was some space between him and the edge of the bed, a human could potentially fit in there.

So there he lay, depressed and shit, thinking about the meaning of his life, when he heard his Winnebago door creak open.

Murdoc didn't move a muscle, he wasn't willing to put up with anyone's bullshit so he would rather just pretend to be asleep.

He heard someone step into his Winnebago then close the door. He could feel a presence shyly approach him, and after about a minute of making sure he's asleep, he felt the bed sink in beside him.

The person put their feet on the bed, making sure to take their shoes off first, then covered both of them with a blanket. The person lay down on the bed with their back turned to him, and rested their head on his outstretched arm. The person got themselves comfortable and then Murdoc felt a warm hand grasp his own, entangling their fingers.

Murdoc inhaled deeply, he recognised this smell, he uncovered his eyes and looked at the sleeping singer beside him. Murdoc was shocked.

He wouldn't be here if he hated me, right?? Maybe he had a nightmare?
He looks so cute when he's asleep ~

Murdoc smiled.

He turned to 2d, spooning him, and took his legs between his own. The bassist placed his free hand on the singers chest and hugged him tightly, inhaling his sweet aroma and refusing to ever let go. He could feel 2d smile into his arm. Soon they both fell asleep..


Noodle skipped along the corridor towards Russel's room, from where she could hear snoring.

She gently knocked on the door, and was greeted by Del. She smiled at him.

" 'Sup?" He asked casually.

"How's Russ doing?" Del shook his head.

"Better, but I bet he could have been over it already if he-" Del angrily turned towards Russel "Took. His. Medicine!" Noodle chuckled.

"Hey Del, I need your help."


"I've got a ship that needs help sailing." A mischievous smile crept onto her face.

"Who is it?" Del sounded interested.

"Don't worry about it." She smiled.

"Ok, let's say I agree. What's the plan?" She gestured for him to come down to her level so that she could whisper in his ear and so that the readers wouldn't hear. "That's it? It sounds kinda simple if you ask me.."

"It might be simple but it's gonna work!" She pointed thumbs up at him.

"Are you sure? It's not even the right season..."

"Have faith in me!" She insisted.

"Fine. Fine. But why do you need me again?"

"I'm too short." She stated proudly.

"...right." He took one last look at the sleeping Russel. "Let's do this."


The next morning Noodle woke up determined. Del helped her set everything up last night and she was confident that it was going to work.

She ran up to 2d's room to wake him up and start the plan. She knocked on the door. No reply. Frustrated, she knocked again. Nothing.

She pushed the door open an peered into the room, but the singer wasn't in there. Noodle gasped. She couldn't let him roam free or else he might accidentally find out about the plan. She needed to find him- fast!

She ran all around Kong looking for him, but he was nowhere to be found. As a last resort she ran down to the garage to tell Murdoc about this.


2d woke up to the sound of loud banging on the Winnebago door, not realising this also woke Murdoc up. He tried to quickly get up and talk to the person at the door so that Murdoc wouldn't wake up, but the bassist had other plans..

He held onto the singers torso tightly, immobilising his body. He then wrapped his legs around the singers legs even tighter, and took the arm his head was on to hug him tighter. To top it off Murdoc buried his face in the singers neck, causing him to shiver.

2d was in distress. There was no way he could possibly get out of this without waking Murdoc up, and he was terrified at the thought of what would happen when he does.

Luckily the banging soon stopped. A few seconds passed and the doors where kicked in and a panicking Noodle rushed in.

"Murdoc! 2d disa-..." she trailed off, looking at the scene in front of her. "...What." She said as calmly as she could, but 2d knew that she was about to rage.

"Shhh!" He begged her blushing, fear and embarrassment in his eyes. He gestured her to come over. She knelt beside the bed, not knowing what to think of this situation. "Noodle I don't know how to get out without waking him up.." 2d whispered.

-the following conversation is whispered-

"How the hell did you get into this situation?! I thought you weren't stupid enough to crawl into bed with him!"

"I know. I know. I couldn't help it though, it worked out last time.."

"Well last time he was drunk and he was the one who dragged you into bed so you at least had an excuse for when he woke up!"

"Oh, I know. I know!"

"If you knew you wouldn't be stuck here right now! Wait a second... are you wearing Murdocs sweater?!"

"H-He gave it to me! It's only natural I wear it!" Noodle face palmed.

"Yeah but he doesn't remember giving it to you!"

"Oh... you're right..."

"So you're in his bed wearing his clothes..."

"Is if really that bad?"

"This is Murdoc we're talking about.... What song do you want me to play at your funeral?"

"Whaaa-?!" 2d panicked.

Meanwhile Murdoc couldn't help but smirk when hearing this ridiculous conversation.

Will 2d ever get out of Murdocs death grip? Tune in next time to find out!

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