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2d woke up. All he knew was that he needed to pee. He felt around the bed for Murdocs shirt which, surprisingly, wasn't there. Startled, the singer opened his eyes, but what he saw wasn't his room, it was Murdocs Winnebago. Memories of last night started to flood his head.

Instead of sleeping with Murdocs shirt, he slept with Murdoc himself...!

2d lay on one of Murdocs arms, it was hanging down from the bed. His other hand was lightly placed on 2ds thigh. One of Murdocs legs between his own. The singer blushed, he could feel Murdocs breath on his neck.

He looked up, he needed to get out of there before Murdoc woke up. Throughout the night the bassists grip loosened considerably, so maybe, just maybe, he could get out without waking him up.

2d slowly moved his legs away from Murdocs and then, as gently as he could, lifted the hand that was on his thigh. The singer quickly got up and took a pillow that was nearby, placing it in his spot.

He sighed, looking at the sleeping Murdoc, so calm. The sight made him smile. But he had no time to waste!

He crept over to the door, opening and closing it as quietly as he could.. and then he ran for it! He ran as fast as he could; through the garage, up that stairs, through the corridor, past the corner... straight into Noodle.

They both ended up falling to the floor. Noodle sat up first, complaining.

"Ow, toochi! You've got to be careful where you're running! Where were you anyway? I was looking for you the entire morning! It's already 11:00! Is..." she paused eyeing the singer. "Is that Murdocs sweater?!" She looked at him wide eyed. "What happened?!" 2d sat up and looked at her.

"Long story..." he sighed.

"WHAT. HAPPENED." Noodle insisted. They both begun to stand up.

"Umm.." 2d hesitated, avoiding eye contact. "I may or may not have spent the night in Murdocs Winnebago..."

"..." Noodle stared at him blankly, processing the information, but before she could question him any more, 2d ran away.


2d closed the door to his room, breathing heavily, and sat on his bed thinking about yesterday.

His fingers trailed up to his lips, touching them lightly. Murdoc kissed me... he blushed and placed his hand on his chest. And gave me this sweater... He slumped back into his bed smiling. And then we... we slept in the same bed... He covered his face in embarrassment. I wonder if he remembers...?

After about 10 minutes of just lying there 2d remembered that he had to pee. He got up and took the sweater off, folding it neatly and placing it under his pillow with the other shirt, he couldn't risk anyone seeing him in Murdocs clothes. He then quickly slipped on one of his own shirts and ran to the toilet.


2d entered the living room with peppermint tea as breakfast. On the sofa sat Noodle, she was expecting him. She looked at the poor singer like an angry mother who just found out her son went to a concert instead of going to the library like he promised.

"Hi Noodle?" 2d sat down next to her, wondering why she's looking at him like that.

"Tell. Me. Everything." She said sternly. With each word she inched closer, until 2d was feeling uncomfortable.

"Ok, ok," he said as he lightly pushed her back. He leaned his back against the armrest and put his feet up on the cushion, to make some space between himself and Noodle. He grabbed his peppermint tea and started explaining. Only occasionally stopping to sip his tea. Throughout the whole explanation Noodle stared at him wide eyed, speechless.

"Oh, my god!" She stated when he was done. "That's so great!" She fangirled.

"Yeah, but he most likely doesn't remember any of it..." 2d trailed off.

"Maybe, but a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts." She smiled.

"What?" He was genuinely confused.

"What I mean is, drunk people don't control themselves and let their emotions out, so there's a chance that he actually likes you back!" 2d blushed.

"Y-You really think so??"


Murdoc slowly opened his eyes, he had a huge hangover. He tried to remember what happened yesterday, and when he did he quickly jolted up to a sitting position, bad move when you've got a hangover. He looked down and saw a pillow lying down beside him. He sighed with relief.

Thank satan it was all a dream! I don't know what I would have done if I woke up and that dullard was beside me... How would I explain myself to him?

He slowly got up and started getting ready. When he was done he walked upstairs into the living room from where he could hear giggling. He stepped in and the entire room went quiet.

"Oi dullard, move yourself. " the singer did what he was told. Murdoc sat down next to him, grabbing the remote control and turning the tv on. "Did I miss anything while I was out drinking?"

"No, not really." 2d replied, not making eye contact. "Me and Noodle just talked the whole night."

"That's nice."

I'm glad he doesn't remember. 2d sighed.

Just talked all night? So it was a dream after all.... Murdoc sighed.

Soon the room went silent as both of them focused on tv. They took turns in secretly glancing at each other.

Noodle looked at them and sighed. If they want to be together they're going to need my help, because if they continue moving at this pace they're never going to get anywhere!

There was a plan forming in her mind, but she needed Russel's help. This was the problem. He's been lying in bed ill for the past month or so, that's why he was never around. If Russel can't help me, I'm going to have to ask...Del.


The satanist tiredly walked into his Winnebago. He spent the whole day watching tv with 2d.

As he was getting ready to go to sleep something caught his attention. Namely a blue crumpled piece of material that he'd never seen before.

He picked it up, it looked like a t-shirt. Confused, he sniffed it. It smelled of 2d and beer. His eyes widened.


It wasn't a dream...!

What do you think about the story? Tell me humans, I need feedback! I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS!

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