Confession time

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It was Friday again. For the past few days 2d has been sneaking into Murdocs Winnebago and sleeping with him. Of course the bassist would always notice, but pretend not to, so that whenever the singer tried to leave he would just hold onto him tighter. The singer would then struggle for a few minutes and then give up and end up going back to sleep.

They spent the nights peacefully together, but when the time to actually get up would come, their troubles would start.


Murdoc rushed to the door as quickly and as silently as he could. He turned around to make sure that he wasn't being followed, then grabbed the handle and yanked the door open. He ran through it and shut it quietly behind him, to make sure no one heard him go in there.

The bassist sighed in relief; he had finally escaped Russel. The drummer would continuously nag him to confess his feelings towards 2d. This whole situation annoyed him, and he had to find a good hiding spot, the roof.

Murdoc turned around to see 2d lying flat on his back in the middle of the roof, staring at the grey sky. He walked up to the singer curiously and stood over him.

"Hey dullard, what'cha doing?"

"Oh, hi Mudz. Come lie down with me," he patted the space next to him. "The weather's nice today." The bassist reluctantly sat down next to the singer.

"But seriously, what are you doing here?" Murdoc enquired. 2d sighed, knowing that the bassist won't stop asking until he tells him the truth.

"I'm hiding from Noodle." Murdoc looked down at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Why? I thought you two are friends?" 2d looked at the sky without making eye contact.

"We are, but she keeps nagging me about shit I'm not ready to do." 2d complained.

"Like what?"

"Like confessing to my crush.." 2d sighed, the fact that he was having this conversation with his crush without him even knowing was ironic.

"Oh." Murdoc looked away. "So how's the situation with him?" 2d covered his face with his hands.

"I don't know...." he mumbled.

"Come on, you can tell me." Murdoc nudged him. 2d looked up at him from a gap between his fingers and they made eye contact. 2d uncovered his face.

"I think he might actually like me back..." He said, carefully observing Murdocs reaction.

"That's nice.." he lied, avoiding eye contact. "So why don't you confess?"

"I guess I'm kinda scared.. and I don't know how to." Murdoc looked down at him.

"How about start a conversation with a kiss? That always work." He joked.

"You think?"

"Yeah." He lay down next to 2d, looking up at the sky. The singer stared at him. "What?" The bassist looked at him.

"U-Umm!" The singer panicked, turning away and blushing. "I-I was jus' imagining scenarios..." The bassist rolled his eyes.

"So now that you've established that you're going to do it you can stop hiding from Noodle."

"N-No! If I tell her she'll make me confess immediately, I wanna wait a bit longer. You know, prepare myself mentally..."

"That's fine. Take as much time as you need, dullard." Murdoc smiled. He didn't want to give 2d away to someone he didn't even know.

"I'm glad you understand.."

"Well you can't stay here the whole night because it's most likely going to rain, so maybe you can hide from her in my Winnebago while I'm out drinking." Murdoc suggested.

"That's the first place she'll look." 2d sighed. "I always go there when you're out drinking." He said without thinking.

"Wait, you what?!"

"U-U-Umm! I-I mean... the garage! I h-hang out in the.. garage.." he laughed nervously. The bassist eyed him suspiciously.

"Well, my time's come. I've got to get to the bar." He said as he stood up. He looked down at the singer who was slightly blushing.

"Have fun, I'm going to stay here for a while longer." He smiled. Murdocs heart skipped a beat.

"Ok then." He said as he walked away.


Not a single minute after he got back in passed when Noodle found him.

"Hey! Have you seen-?"

"No." She got interrupted. "And stop bothering him. If the poor boy doesn't wanna confess he doesn't have to." And he walked away.

Oh if only you knew this was all about you.. Noodle thought to herself.


Murdoc opened the front door and was about to leave when Russel finally found him.

"Yo Murdoc." He begun.

"Just shut up." The bassist complained. "I don't know what game you and Noodle are playing, but it's not going to work! First you tell me to confess feelings that I don't even have to faceache, and then I hear that Noodle's telling 2d to confess to his crush! Are you trying to make me look like a bloody idiot with this stupid prank of yours?!" Murdoc yelled. He then left without giving Russel the chance to explain, slamming the door behind him.

Russel sighed and went to look for Noodle. He found her in the living room.

"Murdoc's beginning to catch on.."

"What?!" Noodle sat up. "What do you mean??"

"He realised that I'm telling him to confess to 2d while you're telling 2d to confess to his crush. He doesn't know that 2d has a crush on him and thinks this is a prank to embarrass him."

"Oh god!" Noodle sighed and face palmed with both hands, slowly dragging them down her face.

"So what are we going to do now?" Russel asked.

"We've got no choice but to give up on Murdoc. We must make toochi confess!" She said with power in her voice. "...but first I've got to find him..."


Soon enough it started raining, and 2d walked into the living room, where Noodle and Russel were sat on the couch. Noodle opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by 2d.

"Before you say anything. I'm moving in my own pace, and I'm only going to confess when I'm ready to." 2d stated.

He sat down on the couch and put his headphones in, concentrating solely on his phone. Russel looked down at Noodle who clearly wasn't happy.

"So neither of them are going to confess... We've officially failed." The drummer stated.


Murdoc was drinking more than usual. He wanted to isolate himself from stress and all his worries but was unable to; he couldn't stop thinking about 2d confessing. That would mean their chances of ever being together would decrease to zero...

Ayyyye I finally finished this chapter. Best friend came over so I had barely any time to write.

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