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During the past few weeks 2d spent most of his time following Murdoc, and begun visiting his Winnebago more often when he was asleep, making sure to not leave behind any peppermint tea cups.

He learnt many new things about the bassist; whenever he would go to sleep he would chuck his clothes by the bed, when 2d returned one of his shirts he would wear it for two to three days straight, and every Friday evening he would go out drinking and return home the next day at about 3 am.

Today was Saturday, 3 am. The singer lay on top of the Winnebago, clutching his notebook and waiting.

Whenever Murdoc would go out drinking on a Friday 2d would spend time in his Winnebago, he really liked napping on the real Egyptian silk, and when the time came he would climb on top of it, so that he wouldn't be noticed, and wait for the bassist to return. He only wanted to make sure Murdoc got home safe, really.

But as time went by 2d got more and more anxious. It was already 4:53 and there was still no sign of Murdoc. Did something happen to him? The latest he ever got back was 3:41. 2d worried.

He sat at the edge of the Winnebago, his knees hanging down. He put his face into his hands, his elbows on his knees.

What if he got into a bar fight and got arrested? Or worse, what if someone beat him up so badly he can't even get home?? What if he got attacked in a dark alley??

2d slowly begun hyperventilating.

What if he got stabbed?? What if he's....dead?

Tears run down his cheeks.

Does that mean I'm never going to see him again...? I'll never get to hug him? I'll never tell him that I-

"Hey stupot!" The words were slurry and slow but 2d knew exactly who it was. He looked down to see a drunk Murdoc looking up at him and struggling to stand in one place. More tears rolled down the singers cheeks but this time they were tears of joy. "What are you doing on my win-Winnebago?" Murdoc hiccuped angrily.

"O-o-oh, I-I'm jus'...." 2d struggled to explain. His mind was racing to find a good enough reason to be here. Will Murdoc even remember that I was here? I mean, look how drunk he is.

"Come down here!" Murdoc commanded, grabbing him by the leg and then pulling him down. The singer yelped in fear. It wasn't a long fall down, but the bassist managed to catch him to a certain extent, dropping him immediately after.

"O-Ow." 2d complained, rubbing his head. He looked up to see Murdoc reaching a hand down to help him up. This is rare... damn he drank so much that he's actually nice to me... he got up and looked at Murdoc. I could get used to this. He smiled.

"Why are you crying faceache?" The bassist slurred his words. 2d quickly rubbed his eyes.

"I'm not." He smiled. Murdoc eyed him suspiciously.

"Then why are you here?" He demanded.

"U-Umm..." that's right, he's so drunk he won't remember what I say so I can just say anything, and if he asks me tomorrow I can just deny ever being here! "Y-You said that if I had any more questions about relationships I could just come to you... or something." He smiled weakly. "But seeing how drunk you are I'll just come back tomorrow..." He shrugged and wanted to walk away, but Murdoc grabbed him by the shoulder and put him back in front of him.

"Go on then... what's your question?" Murdoc gradually let go of his shoulder, sliding his hand down the singers arm, sending shivers down his spine.

"U-umm...." he started hesitantly, "I-I was wondering... how does it feel to kiss a guy?" 2d looked away, blushing but smiling. Murdoc looked him up and down.

"Like this." He didn't hesitate to grab the singer by the collar and aggressively pull him in for a rough kiss. His abnormally long tongue pushed onto the singers mouth, marking his territory. At first 2d was shocked to say the least, but gradually melted into the others mouth. But after just a few pleasurable moments the bassist pushed him away, causing him to stumble, nearly falling onto the Winnebago. The singer breathed heavily and blushed deeply. "Did that answer your question?" Murdoc smirked.

"Y-yeah..." 2d nodded in between huffs.

"Good." The bassist looked pleased. "Then let's go get a drink."

"What?!" Murdoc grabbed 2d by the wrist and pulled him into the Winnebago, throwing him on a chair by the table. "M-Mudz you're drunk, I don't think this is a good-"

"Ah be quiet!" The bassist interrupted while grabbing a beer from the cooler. "You already sneak in here and move all my stuff around whenever you please. You think I wouldn't notice?" The singer blushed in embarrassment. The bassist stumbled towards him trying to open the beer, but accidentally ended up spilling it over the singer. "Oops, sorry." He slurred, but 2d wasn't so convinced he was.

"It's ok," 2d said wearily as he slowly stood up. The bassist was stumbling around looking for something. "I was just leaving anyway.."

"No! You stay!" Murdoc commanded, throwing a not so clean towel at 2ds face, the force made him fall back into his chair. He looked up at Murdoc who was looking for something in his pile of clothes. Having no other choice, the singer started drying himself. The bassist stumbled over to 2d again, holding a grey sweater which 2d recognised. "Take yer shirt off!" Murdoc commanded.

"W-What?!" 2d blushed holding his forearms.

"Your shirt is all wet from the beer." Murdoc explained calmly. "Take it off and put this on." He put the grey sweater onto the table then went to sit down on his bed, not taking his eyes off of the singer.

2d slowly took his shirt off. The feeling of constantly being watched made him uncomfortable. Once it was off he tossed it to the side and quickly put the grey sweater on. It was so soft and smelled of Murdoc ~

2d looked at the bassist who was still watching him and sighed.

"Ok, well." He said as he stood up and walked over to Murdoc. "It was a long evening and you need to go to sleep." 2s pushed him down onto the bed and smiled warmly.

"Fine. But if I go down you're going down with me." Murdoc grumbled.

"What?" But before 2d had any time to react Murdoc pulled him down onto the bed with him and wrapped his arms tightly around the singers waist so that he could not escape.

They lay there for a moment, spooning. 2ds face was completely red, he was confused and didn't know what to say, when all of a sudden he heard light snoring. I guess I'm going to have to stay the night then...

2d didn't mind sleeping in the same bed as Murdoc, he was afraid of what would happen when he woke up...

Yay ~

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