Back in the day

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When 2d woke up he was laying on his side facing Murdoc. They were both covered with a blanket, 2d smiled at the warmth.

He tried to sit up and kiss Murdoc on the forehead, but a strong pain in his backside stopped him. He yelped in pain and fell back onto the mattress, waking Murdoc up.

"2d, are you alright??" He sat up and held the singer in his hands. 2d winced at the sudden movement.

"Ow! It hurts!"

"What hurts?" Murdoc seemed genuinely concerned.

"My butt!" Murdoc chuckled, relieved. "This isn't funny, it hurts!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just thought this might be something more serious." He kissed the singer on the forehead.

"More serious? This is serious!" 2d complained.

"You just have to walk it out." Murdoc stood up and started putting clothes on, 2d stared at him from underneath the blanket.

"You said you were going to be gentle!" He pouted.

"I was gentle." Murdoc stated. 2d went pale at the thought of what state his body would be in if Murdoc wasn't delicate. He slowly sat up looking around.

"You looking for something?" Murdoc asked.

"Yeah, my clothes."

"Just borrow some of mine." The bassist tossed a few articles of clothing at the singer. 2d carefully put them on and wearily stood up. He then limped over to Murdoc. The bassist looked him up and down. "Does it really hurt that much?"

"Yeah, my body's all sore. Have you never felt like this?" The singer held onto Murdoc for support.

"No, I'm usually the one doing the fucking. Not the one being fucked." He joked. 2d rolled his eyes. "Anyway, let's go upstairs and get some breakfast." He said as he picked the singer up bridal style. 2d got startled by this and blushed.

"Mudz, why do you always pick me up?"

"Well," they exited the Winnebago. "You're light and easy to carry, and I love seeing you blush. Besides, it reminds me of back in the day."

"Back in the day?" 2d was confused.

"You know, when I had to take care of you."

"What?" The singer looked up at him. Murdoc sighed.

"When I hit you with my car, you went comatose. I had to take care of you as social service or some shit. You couldn't move so I used to carry you around everywhere."


"My friends would joke that the only way for me to get a boyfriend would be to knock him out. But here you are, conscious."

"They would seriously say that?"

"Yeah. I mean, I carried you around literally everywhere with me. You would always be either in my arms or beside me."

"Hey Mudz, when did you start liking me?" 2d asked as they were getting near the living room.

"Well, I noticed you were good looking the very first time I saw you, and I guess, after spending so much time with you, I kinda bonded." They walked into the empty living room and sat down on the couch. "I got used to the idea that you'll always be beside me, and that you'll never judge me or my actions. I got comfortable, and started treating you more like my possession than a stranger. It got to the point where I would give dirty looks to anyone who came too close to you or stared at you for too long... which was pretty hard to do considering your looks and state." Murdoc chuckled.

"Is that why you're so possessive over me?"


"I bet we looked odd together." 2d smiled.

"Well you looked pretty normal compared to other guys from my gang. You stood out from the crowd. But soon they got used to you."

"That's nice." The singer cuddled into him.

"Wait, I'm not done explaining. You asked how I got a crush on you, right?" 2d nodded. "I didn't have a crush on you then, but I was pretty comfortable with you. I will never forget what I felt during the second car crush, when you went back to normal."

"Happiness?" The singer looked up at him.

"Dread." Murdoc said in a dead serious tone.

"How so?? Weren't you happy that I was awake??"

"Well, you being awake meant that there was no reason for us to be together. And the worst part was that you didn't even remember me. I considered giving up, but then I remembered who I am, and Murdoc Niccals never gives up." 2d chuckled. "Somehow, I managed to persuade you to be part of my band, but I was still a bit afraid."

"You? Afraid? Of what?"

"Well, now that you were conscious you could judge me, and you could actually use your legs to escape me. Also, during the time you spent comatose, I only really spent time with your body, not with you, if you know what I mean. During that time I could only imagine what you're like, and I was kinda afraid to see what kind of person you really were."

"Were you disappointed?"

"No, you actually turned out sweeter than I thought. And you didn't seem to hold as much of a grudge against me as I thought you would."

"A grudge?"

"Yeah, for hitting you with my car."


"I tried to block the feelings for you out, but I just couldn't. You were just so perfect." 2d blushed. "Your looks, your personality. I couldn't resist you."

"Wait, so you liked me from the very beginning?"

"Yeah. I guess now you're wondering why I was always so mean to you. I couldn't accept my feelings, I ruined your life and there was no way you'd ever like me back. It was just a way to remind myself." He paused.

"Of what?"

"That I'm the bad guy, and bad guys don't get happy endings."

"You're not the bad guy," 2d sat up and kissed him on the lips. "If it wasn't for you I would never have become a singer of a famous band. I would have probably lived a boring life and get bullied for my blue hair... and I would never have found love." They looked into each other's eyes.

"That sounds so cheesy." Murdoc commented, laughing.

"And cliche." 2d chuckled. "But it's true. The past is past, it makes us who we are. And I'm glad that I'm here with you." The two hugged.

"Me too."

"Hey Mudz, weren't you supposed to make breakfast?"

"Me? I thought you're the wife in this relationship." They both laughed. (Please don't take any offence, I'm not trying to be sexist.)




love you all~

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