List of crushes

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"Oh, hi Russ." Noodle looked up at him from the couch where she sat, and then scooted over to make space for him. "You back from the bar already?" He slumped down onto the couch and rubbed his head.

"What happened during the time I was ill?" He asked her, a confused look on his face.

"What do mean?" Noodle asked calmly.

"2d has been behaving completely weird the entire night! He got completely drunk and all he would talk about was Murdoc and some sort of 'list of crushes'. What's that on about?" Noodle face palmed.

I told him to go to the bar to forget about his worries, not rumble on about them! Wait a second... Noodles eyes widened as she made a realisation.

"Where's toochi?!" She asked, worried.

"Get this, the moment we got back he stumbled to the garage to talk to Murdoc, does he want to get himself killed?" Russel questioned.

"No, but I'll better go get him before he does." Noodle sighed and stood up, but was immediately pushed back down into a sitting position with Russel's one swift move.

"You're not going anywhere until you explain what's going on, young lady." Noodle rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Toochi's got a crush on Murdoc, but I didn't tell you this!!" Russel nodded.

"Keep going..." Noodle sighed and explained the conversations, the footsteps, the mistletoe, and the sleepovers.

"I was going to talk to toochi about my new great plan when Del stopped me in the corridor and told toochi to go into the living room. He noticed that Murdoc was already in there and decided that instead of forcefully pushing them together we should just allow them to talk it out. Y'know, it actually worked. They ended up cuddling and falling asleep together ~ Murdoc even kissed toochi on the head and carried him up to his room!" She fangirled.

"So are they together now?" Russel was getting sleepy, Noodle was talking for about 45 minutes straight now.

"No... Murdoc still hasn't admitted that he likes toochi, but I think we're close!" She smiled.

"Ok," Russel stood up. "I'm going to head to bed now, you should too." He pat her head.

"But I've got to check up on Toochi!" She argued.

"He's gonna be fine, give them some privacy." He smiled.

"I guess you're right..." she replied, and they both went to sleep.


Murdoc was lying on his bed, thinking. He hasn't seen 2d since morning and was wondering why. His thoughts were interrupted by some sort of banging on his Winnebago door.

Murdoc sat up on his bed, about to stand up when the doors opened by themselves and 2d fell face first into the Winnebago.

"2d?" Murdoc hurried over to help him up.

"Hi Mudz~" the singer looked up at him with a goofy smile. Confused by his behaviour, Murdoc helped him up. 2d wobbled for a moment then fell on Murdoc.

"2d.. are you drunk??" The bassist was shocked.

"Mmmaybe just a little~" the singer mumbled. Murdoc sighed and sat him on the bed, then sat down beside him.

"Why are you drunk?" The bassist enquired.

"Noodle told me to go drink me sorrows away." He chuckled.

"What sorrows?" Murdoc wasn't pleased with the singer being this drunk.

2d suddenly grabbed him by the face and looked him straight in the eyes, not smiling anymore.

"Murdoc I'm worried." He slurred his words.

"About?" Murdoc felt weird with the singer holding him by the face like that.

"Your list of crushes!" 2d shouted while throwing his hands in the air, he then fell back onto the bed.

"Why are you worried about that?" Murdoc found this ridiculous.

"Let's say I wanna date you," 2d said without hesitation or stammering, he didn't even blush. "How do I know you're genuine about the relationship? How do I know you won't exchange me for a backup??" Murdoc was shocked by the question.

"Those crushes are more like people I would fuck... not people who I would have relationships with." Murdoc explained, a bit intimidated. He wanted to avoid eye contact but couldn't help staring.

"Is that all I am to you?! A quick fuck?!" The singer made a fuss.

"No! Of course not." Murdoc tried to calm him down.

"Then who am I to you?" 2d sat up beside him.

"Well, you're.. special." He blushed lightly.

"Like the bloke you said you really liked and had a crush on?" 2d blinked.

"Yeah, you're just as oblivious." Murdoc joked.

"Then, if I wanted to be your boyfriend, would you say yes?"


"And if I kissed you now, would you kiss back?" Murdoc looked him in the black eyes, he could see the entire universe in them.

"Yes." He stated, expecting 2d to kiss him, but instead he just nodded.

"Glad we cleared that up." The singer smiled.

"Yeah.." Murdoc looked away, a bit embarrassed by the things he just said and thought.

The singer tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn around, and no sooner than he did 2d threw himself around his waist in a warm hug, knocking the bassist over so that they were lying down.

2d rested his head on Murdocs chest, smiling, and hugged him tightly. His legs were between Murdocs. He seemed satisfied.

"Hey mudz~" the singer murmured.


"Do you wanna know who I have a crush on?" 2d yawned.

"Yes!" The bassist perked up, intensely staring at the singer, who was laughing. The singer yawned again, and cuddled even more into Murdoc, who hugged him back. "Well are ya going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" The singer asked in a sleepy voice, his eyes closed.

Ugh this is torture. Murdoc thought.

"Never mind.."

"Ok." The singer smiled and fell asleep almost immediately. Murdoc sighed.

What is this? 2d stumbles into my Winnebago all up in my business about my crushes, and then what? Creates scenarios where we date only to discard them then fall asleep on me? I seriously don't get him; one moment he makes me feel like there's something between us and the next we're just friends. Bullshit.

But Murdoc couldn't stay grumpy for long, after all there was a cutie sleeping on top of him. Murdoc smiled and hugged him tighter. Then he fell asleep.

I've got an idea: how about you comment what you feel about the story?

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