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The events of this chapter occur a few weeks after what happened last chapter...

Lol why so serious? 😝

"Row, row, row your ship~
Gently down the stream~
If you see your OTP~
Don't forget to scream~"

Noodle sang as she merrily skipped down the hallways of Kong. She then saw Murdoc emerging from behind a corner, looking annoyed as usual. She stopped right in front of him, causing him to also stop.

"Hey Murdoc, have you seen 2d anywhere?" She asked.

"Well, I dunno." He pointed behind him, at the corner he just walked past, using body language to tell her that he's hiding behind the corner and that she needs to scare him.

"Ah, okay. Thanks for your help anyway." Murdoc began walking away, while Noodle snuck up to the corner. "Hey 2d! What'cha doing?" She said as loudly as she could, startling the singer. He screamed in fear and dropped his notebook. When Murdoc heard this he chuckled, then continued walking.

"You know perfectly well what I'm doing." He pouted, picking up his notebook.

"Are you still following Murdoc?" Noodle was slightly disappointed, she was bored and wanted something to happen.

"I'm determined to know more about him." 2d peered at Murdoc from behind the corner.

"Then ask!"

"A conversation with Murdoc? Are you trying to get me killed?" He clutched his notebook tightly.

2d really set his mind on finding out more about Murdoc. His daily routines, what he likes. If it was about Murdoc, 2d wanted to know. The singer would creep around the hallways of kong, writing down all his findings in his notebook. No one else was allowed to see the notebook except him, not even Noodle. But it's not like she could understand his scribbles anyway.

2d was confident with his spying skills and believed that he could accomplish anything. But, in fact, Murdoc already knew, that's why he could easily tell Noodle where he was. Here's how he found out:

Flashback time!

It all started on a certain rainy evening...

Murdoc walked through the dark hallways of Kong towards the living room, which was bursting with lights and sounds.

He could hear the tv, the rain, his footsteps, and the other footsteps. He had gotten used to them by now; whenever he stopped they stopped, making him feel a bit more in control of the situation. He would never be followed in the middle of the night, and on rare occasions he could even hear the footsteps walking away in the opposite direction.

"Shouldn't you be asleep by now?" He asked Noodle, who looked at him disappointed. He calmly moved towards her but was soon overwhelmed by the feeling of dread when he realised that although he had stopped, the footsteps did not. They were getting closer and closer to the living room.

He hurried over to the couch and grabbed a pillow as a weapon, he then slowly approached the door. It took Noodle a moment to figure what was going on.

"Umm, Murdoc, I don't think you should-" too late. 2d was slapped across the face full force with a pillow, causing him to fall. 2d held his face in pain then looked up at the bassist angrily, but only managed to look like an angry puppy.

"Ow Murdoc! What was that for?!" Murdoc looked at him in disbelief.

"2d?" The singer started getting up.

"Yeah, who else?" Noodle was just observing, wondering how this will all end.

"Why were you following me?!" Murdoc was more shocked than angry.

"I wasn't! I was going up to my room to sleep!"

"But the footsteps!" Murdoc protested.

"What footsteps?" 2d pouted.

"Noodle!" The bassist turned to her for support.

"I am washing my hands of this. Good night." She said as she walked out. Well, not really, she stayed hidden behind a corner and observed them.

"Ugh." Murdoc sighed in disbelief.

"Can I go now?" Asked 2d.

"Can I have my shirt back?" 2d abruptly turned away, hiding his blush, which Murdoc still noticed. What shirt?? Wondered Noodle.

"T-Tomorrow..." he stammered. Murdoc sighed.

"Yeah, you can go now." And 2d walked away, pouting and blushing. But as he did Murdoc couldn't help but notice that his footsteps sounded exactly like the ones always following him.

Murdoc walked down to his Winnebago, hearing only his own footsteps the whole time. Once inside, he removed most of his clothes and lay down on the bed.

Why would that dullard be following me? But then again, why would he be using my clothes as teddy bears? He probably just looks up to me like a father figure, whatever. And he drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up he noticed that the dark purple shirt he was wearing yesterday was missing and in its place lay the other shirt which 2d previously held hostage.

He lifted it up and smelled it. Yup, smells like him alright. He's walking a thin line! Entering my Winnebago and taking my clothes whenever he wants! What does he think he's doing?! ... At least he returned the shirt when I asked him to... What is he even doing with them (the clothes), performing some sort of a dark magic spell? Murdoc put the shirt on and stomped out of his Winnebago.


The bassist was walking down a hallway when he begun hearing the footsteps again.

If it really is 2d who is following me, then every time I turn around he must be hiding behind a corner or something...

The bassist walked into the longest corridor there is in Kong and at the very end stopped. He heard feat shuffling as he slowly turned around. He saw blue hair sticking out from behind a vending machine.

He smirked at the thought of solving the footsteps mystery all by himself and then walked away. He was willing to play 2ds little game a little longer.

Flashback over.

A lot of corners in this chapter. I'm sorry if it doesn't all make sense, I'm writing this in the middle of the night and I'm tired af. G'night y'all.

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