Old habits die hard

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"You just got lucky, kid." Murdoc said.

"You're just grumpy because you lost." Noodle smiled. "So, truth or dare?"

"Dare. I'm pretty sure that if I choose truth you'll ask me a question I don't want to answer..." Murdoc said, not pleased. "So what's it gonna be?"

"I didn't say you have to do it now.." Noodle smiled mischievously "I can save my dare for whenever I want!" she giggled and run out of the room.

"Unholy child..." Murdoc murmured under his breath. He drank his entire beer in one go and returned to the living room.

On the sofa lay a sleeping 2d, he was smiling and hugging the piece of material he brung downstairs.

Wait, isn't that my shirt? Can't he go stealing his crushes clothes? What's so special about my shirts?? Murdoc sighed. He knelt down beside 2d and poked him in the cheek.

"Oi dullard, it's getting late, shouldn't you go to sleep in your own bed?"

"Mmm, five more minutes...." the singer murmured, not even bothering to open his eyes.

"Oi!" Murdoc poked him in the cheek again, this time more frustrated, but all that did was cause 2d to turn to the other side, his back turned to Murdoc.

"Fine." Murdoc grumbled as he stood up. He then lifted the singer up, bridal style, and carried him up to his room.

So you wake up immediately when I kiss you on the head but don't budge when I lift you up? Murdoc questioned. 

He kicked open the doors to the singers room. Damn it's hot, how does he sleep in here? Oh yeah, he doesn't. He's been sleeping in my Winnebago the past two days..

Murdoc put the singer down on the bed. He's so cute when he's asleep... He sat down on the bed beside the sleeping 2d and looked at him.

It's too hot for this shit. He thought and then took his shirt off, throwing it onto the floor. The bassist lay down on the bed and observed the singer sleeping.

He was worried, he didn't want to lose 2d because of a stupid crush. Murdoc was very possessive, and 2d was his singer, no matter what anyone said.

The bassist turned towards the ceiling and closed his eyes, thinking. Who could that dullard have a crush on? I swear he barely even leaves kong! His thought swallowed him entirely.


Murdoc woke up with a gasp, wondering where he was. Ah right.. I took that dullard up to his room, then I must have fallen asleep.. He tried to sit up but couldn't. He looked down to see 2ds hands wrapped around him, using his chest as a pillow... again.

Murdoc sighed and gently tried to lift the singer up without waking him up, but the singer refused. Well aren't you clingy?

After a few minutes the bassist finally managed to lift 2d off of himself and sit up. He looked back at the singer one last time. I need a coffee and then he left.


2d woke up in his bed in a strange position, as if he was tossed onto the bed.

How did I end up in my room??

He rolled over to his stomach and was soon greeted by a familiar smell. He leaned down to smell his sheets.


Confused, he sat up. One of his legs stepped on a material of some sort. 2d picked it up. It was Murdocs shirt.

This isn't the one I took from him... This is the shirt he wore yesterday! How did it get in here??

So many questions, not enough answers. 2d sighed as he got up and went to the kitchen to make himself a peppermint tea.

Inside the kitchen stood Murdoc, making himself a coffee. 2d made up his mind to ask him about what happened yesterday. He walked up to the counter and started preparing the tea.

"So Murdoc," he confronted him. "You left your shirt in my room yesterday." He spoke calmly, without the need to make eye contact.

"I did?" Murdoc was surprised. He looked at the singer. "When will you bring it to me?" He lifted his mug to take a sip of the coffee.

"Oh... you're not getting it back." 2d said innocently.


"Finders keepers." The singer smiled, taking his tea and leaning on the counter. Murdoc eyed him. "By the way, how did I get to my room? I swear I fell asleep on the couch.." 2d awaited the answer.

"I dunno, it's not like I carried you up there." Murdoc shrugged and then walked out with his coffee, leaving behind the blushing singer.

2d sighed as he walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. He began overthinking things and got quite sad. That's when Noodle walked in.

"Just for the record, he did carry you up to your room." She said as she sat down beside him. 2d sighed again. "Why are you sad? Shouldn't you be happy? Murdoc kissed you! Willingly!"

"Yeah, but he's sending mixed signals.."

"What do you mean?"

"One moment I feel like he actually cares and the next there's nothing between us. I can't tell if he likes me or not." 2d complained.

"But he admitted to you that you were on his list of crushes!"

"You eves dropped on that conversation too?"

"Of course." She said with a straight face.

"Well," 2d continued "I'm not sure about this whole list of crushes of his.. The way he explained it he only likes one bloke, and the rest he'll just date because he can, always having a backup plan. I feel like if we ever start dating he won't take it seriously because I'm not the only one on his list..." he trailed off.

"What do you mean by 'only likes one bloke'?" Noodle questioned.

"He said there was this one guy he couldn't get over," 2d sighed.

"Then why don't they date?"

"Murdoc says that he won't like him back. Says he's oblivious, or something." Noodle sighed, not knowing how to lighten the mood.

"Toochi, you're overthinking things." She patted him on the back. "Go to the bar today, drink something, and forget about your worries." She smiled warmly.

"But Murdoc would kill me if he heard I went to the bar alone! He says I could get kidnapped."

"Then go with Russel. He feels better today, we even ate breakfast together." Noodle smiled.

"Okay then..." he said as he stood up.

Yay! Going to the bar! This always ends well in 2doc fanfics...right?

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