Chapter Two

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"I don't owe you anything." Cassandra said to Aaron as he held onto her arm.

"I took you home. Now whatchu boutta do for me." He asked gritting his teeth.

Cassandra rolled her eyes as she tugged on her arm. She knew Aaron couldn't do a good thing a day in his life.

"I can give you some money." Cassandra said.

"That's not what I want." Aaron told her licking his lips.

"What do you want?" She asked.


Cassandra rolled her eyes again. All Aaron was trying to do was get in her pants. For all this she could have caught the bus home.

"Don't let me have to pepper spray you." Cassandra said pulling her spray from her key chain.

Aaron sat back and unlocked the door. Cassandra jumped out and watched Aaron ride down the street and back to his part of town.

Cassandra entered her house. Her aunts boyfriend, Craig smoke a cigarette on the couch drinking a beer.

Cassandra rolled her eyes. Craig never worked. All he did was suck up her aunts money and smoke.

"Where the hell you been?" He asked scanning her body.

"Practice." Cassandra said going up to her room.

She locked the door and opened her mini refrigerator and pulled out a salad. That would be her dinner.

Cassandra finished her Cobb salad and took her things to the bathroom. Craig stood outside the bathroom door.

"Excuse me." Cassandra sternly said.

He moved out of the way and watched her walk into the bathroom. Before she could close and lock the door, Craig walked into the bathroom.

"Get out!" Cassandra screamed at him.

He stood still looking at her. He wanted her. Craig grabbed her body and put her up on the sink.

Cassandra's heart dropped. She grabbed a tooth brush on the sink and stabbed him in the shoulder.

"Bitch!" He yelled as Cassandra kicked him in the penis.

"I'm home!" Aunt Vye yelled from the front door.

Craig didn't have time to leave the bathroom. Aunt Vye stood at the door with her hand over her mouth.

"What happened?" Aunt Vye asked frantically as she went to pick up a crying Cassandra off the sink.

"H-H...He tried to rape me." Cassandra struggled to get out.

"Go to your room and lock the door." Aunt Vye told her niece.

Cassandra ran to her room and did what her aunt said. Aunt Vye looked at the scum bag on the floor of her bathroom, his shoulder leaking with blood.

"Get the fuck out. And don't come back. You bastard." Aunt Vye said kicking him in the face.

Craig got up and left the house. He left the key on the coffee table. Aunt Vye took his clothes and threw them outside.

Different Girl| Sequel to My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now