Chapter Fourteen

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Cassandra sat in the middle of the floor along with another hundred graduating seniors. The sun shone brightly down their faces making her squint. It had been a couple of weeks and Cassandra had yet to speak to Aaron. 

Cassandra pouted her lips as they called seniors up to get their diploma. Her phone buzzed making her head tilt down to her hands. She opened her black clutch purse and unlocked her phone. 

Another missed call from Aaron. Although Aaron watched Cassandra from a row behind he frowned when she put her phone away. Her row stood up and started to walk towards the stage. Cassandra was dying to get her diploma, take a picture with Terry, and go out to eat. 

Cassandra smiled once she made it to the stage. She was closer to getting her diploma than ever. 

"Cassandra Summers." The speaker said and Cassandra swiftly walked across the stage in her sandals. 

Grabbing her diploma she shook the staff's hands and quickly went back to her seat. Her eyes locked with Aaron's as he stood in line. She was the first to break eye contact. And so Cassandra watched her ex walk across the stage. And she almost clapped for him. 

After everyone received their diplomas and the principle finishing his speech, they lifted their caps and released them into the air. Cheers and applauds sounded in the air. Small tears of joy filled in Cassandra's eyes. 

She made her way towards her Aunt Vye and her mother Vivian. They reached out for a hug. She felt the warm hug and posed for a few pictures with Terry. 

"Uh oh, Aaron coming at twelve oclock." Aunt Vye says putting her phone away. 

Cassandra rolled her eyes, "You need to talk to him. That boy has been looking at you all day." Her mother says making Cassandra nod her head. 

Cassandra decided to meet Aaron half way. She was nervous again. Not speaking for weeks had really put a dent in their relationship. Aaron approached her looking shy and tired. Small dark bags were starting to form under his eyes.

"Hey." Aaron says playing with Cassandra's now long bundles. 

"Congratulations, we did it." Cassandra quietly said not looking up at him.

"I couldn't have done it without you, baby." Aaron says cracking a small smile. 

"Please don't do that." Cassandra says breathing heavy. 

"Why can't you talk to me?" Aaron asks. 

"Because you know what you did. And I don't want anymore heartbreak. You've done enough already." Cassandra replies ready to end the conversation. 

"Let me speak." Aaron demands. 

Cassandra goes quiet. She doesn't feel like giving him any attitude anymore. And Aaron just wants to make things better. Somehow he can't because all Cassandra can think of is him and a pregnant Andrea. 

"That night was special to me too. You didn't think I'd just leave you up there? Andrea stopped me again. The only thing I talk to her about is my child that's on the way. Cassandra, I love you, you know this. I just want to be with you." Aaron says. 

"I-I just can't do this anymore. I've decided to go to D.C for school. I'll be leaving at the end of the summer." Cassandra says making her decision. 

Aaron shows no emotion on his face. He's upset as a sorrowful pain fills his chest. The one and only girl he loves is moving while he goes to California to play ball. He would never see her again. Cassandra begins to walk away but Aaron lightly grabs her arm. He notices that she's wearing the necklace he brought her for Christmas. She never takes it off. 

He's about to speak but a loud scream could be heard near them. Everyone's attention is now on Andrea as she holds her stomach and cries as water runs down her legs. Her water has just broken. 

"Shit." Aaron mumbles letting Cassandra go. 

She stands and watches Aaron run to Andrea's aid. A tear runs down her face. He's chosen Andrea and the baby. Cassandra turns around only to bump into Mrs. Vicky. 

"Honey are you and my son okay?" Mrs. Vicky asks concern written on her face. 

"We're done."  

"You should at least come to the hospital once she delivers the baby." Mrs. Vicky begs. 

"I'll see. You have my number." Cassandra says walking away. 

Cassandra now walks into the hospital at ten oclock at night. Mrs. Vicky had informed her that Aaron's child was born. Now dressed in regular clothes Cassandra makes her way up to the delivery rooms. 

She can see Aaron's family outside and inside the rooms. Andrea is knocked out sleep and high on pain medications. Cassandra stands outside the door, her hand rests on the door knob debating going in or not. 

This wasn't really her place to be. But she knew that Aaron would rather her be having his baby instead of Andrea. 

"You should go in." Ashanti says standing next to Cassandra. 

"I can't do it." Cassandra says her lips quivering. 

"Aaron wants you to see his child. You can't just dump him out your life like that. You both need each other. We may all be young, dumb, and broke but the love you share is rare in society. So just leap and let him catch you." Ashanti says giving Cassandra a hug.

Cassandra nods her head and turns the knob. She slowly makes her way into the room. Aaron sits in the chair with his.......TBC

Author's Note: 

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Ya'll want it to be a girl or a boy????? 

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