Chapter Five

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Cassandra secretly grabbed her favorite candies while Terry stalled the cashier. Antwan stayed in the car on watch. Tyreek acted like he was looking for juices. Aaron couldn't believe that she was actually stealing. 

Cassandra had grabbed a handful of kit kats and sour candy. Once she felt like all she had was enough, Cassandra shook her head and slyly walked out of the store. Terry turned her head and watched Cassandra walk out. 

Terry smirked, "Okay, have a nice day." 

Everyone walked out of the store and gathered into the car. The cashier shrugged his shoulders and went back to reading his adult magazine. Cassandra passed everyone candy as they drove away from the store. 

"I really did it." A high Cassandra said struggling to open her sour patch kids. 

The five of them found a abandoned park near Cassandra's house. The swings were dainty and the chains rusted. The paint peeled off of the once bright yellow slide. They sat on the woodchips. It was getting late and Cassandra's aunt had called her three times already. 

After eating and seeing a pile of wrappers Antwan and Tyreek decided to leave. Terry was sleep on the bench. Aaron and Cassandra sat in silence as she ate some edibles she stole from Antwan. 

"You might wanna answer your phone." Aaron told her hearing her phone ring for the fourth time. 

"I don't feel like it." Cassandra said silencing her phone.  

"When did you become so careless?" Aaron asked a slight smirk hanging on his lips. 

Cassandra rolled her eyes. She just wanted this one day to be high. It was her first time smoking weed. Aaron was blowing her high. 

"Why do you even like Andrea. I didn't peg her as your type." Cassandra said.

"My type? You mean white girls. I don't discriminate. And she was giving it up real easy." Aaron responded picking with the woodchips. 

"I wouldn't be surprised if you had some type of STD. I hope you strapping up, Aaron." 

"Why would that matter if we not even friends." He said making Cassandra roll her eyes. 

"I'm not saying that we not friends. You seem like cool peoples but I feel like you hiding under that reputation." Cassandra said making Aaron fidget.

He knew she was telling the truth. There was more to him than hoes, money, and basketball. But he just hasn't found the right friend to express himself. 

"I don't feel too good." Cassandra said holding her aching stomach. 

Aaron watched her get up and run to the bushes as vomit emerged from her mouth. He cringed and covered his eyes. Once Cassandra was done he could tell that she was more sober and the buzz was gone. 

"Lemme take you home." He said waking up Terry. 

"What man. Give me five minutes." 

"Get up. Cassandra got sick." Aaron said making Terry sit up. 

After dropping Terry off home, Aaron soon took Cassandra home. He carefully drove his truck making sure Cassandra was comfortable in the back seat. He didn't need her feeling nauseous and throwing up again. 

"Aye, wake up." He said shaking her shoulder. 

"Please don't tell my aunt I was smoking." Cassandra said.

"I won't. I got it." He said helping her out the car and closing the door after. 

He walked her up the porch. The door swung open and Aunt Vye came outside with her night gown on and her wig off showing her six cornrows. An angry expression written all over her face.

"Where the hell where you?" She asked smacking Cassandra on the side of her head. 

"I apologize on my behalf. We were studying at the school library and we lost track of time. She had to silence her phone because you know library rules. We have this big calculus test coming up." Aaron lied straight through his teeth. 

Aunt Vye looked between the two. "Okay, now get the hell off my property." 

"See you tomorrow." He told Cassandra before walking back to his truck. 


The next school day Cassandra sat on the bench during the volley ball game. After her skipping out on practice, Coach Lynda put her on the bench for half the game. But they were losing by ten points. 

"Ya'll killing us out there! Sit down!" Coach yelled at Andrea. 

"Summers get in the game." She yelled to Cassandra. 

Her head popped up and she immediately ran out on the gym floor. Andrea sat with her hands over her chest pouting. Cassandra started scoring points as she hit the volleyball over to the other team. She was good at picking blind spots on the other teams. 

"That's what I'm talking bout!" Coach yelled and clapped her hands. 

"I should be out there, not her." Andrea whined. 

"I oughta put you off this team. Don't try me." Lynda told her. 

Aunt Vye sat in the stands watching the intense game. They needed a couple more points but it was manageable. She shouted as he niece scored them another point. Aaron sat in the corner of the gym watching Cassandra. 

She didn't know that he was coming to watch her. He smiled as hit the winning point. Other kids in the bleacher came down the celebrate with the rest of the team. He stood off to the side hiding from Andrea. 

"You came to see me." Andrea gushed. 

She was happy she found Aaron. Andrea had been trying to contact Aaron for weeks now. She wanted him, but she had been hearing rumors that him and Cassandra were starting to become a item. 

"You should come over. My parents are home." She whispered in his ear.

Aaron wanted to say no but he hadn't had any sex in a couple months. One time wouldn't hurt. But that would be the last time he'd fuck Andrea's white ass. So he walked her back to his car,unaware that Cassandra saw him leave with Andrea. 

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