Chapter Nine

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Aaron dribbled the basketball in his hands before swiftly making a shot from the 3 point line. He then passed the ball to his brother Darius.

"I heard you ain't make the team. You good?" Aaron asks his brother and watches him shoot the ball.

"I ain't wanna play basketball anyway." Darius says bitterly.

Aaron chuckles, "So what is it then. You know you can tell me."

"I' think." Darius said looking down in shame.

Aaron stops moving and engulfs his brother into a hug. Darius slightly smiles, he's glad his brother didn't react in a bad way.

"You don't have anything to be ashamed of. Being gay is okay. If you like niggas then that's what you like. I don't care, you still my brother." Aaron says.

"Thanks man. How imma tell pops? He ain't gonna like that and on top of that I didn't make the basketball team." Darius says watching Aaron shoot the ball around some more.

"They not gonna be mad. I keep telling you this. I'll be there when you tell them. Just call me and I'll be there."


Cassandra sits in the city jail waiting for her mother to come out. The glass shields away the outside world from her mother. It's dark and dirty. Cassandra breathes in and out her nose, feeling overwhelemed.

She hadn't been to jail to see her mother in years. Cassandra sees Vivian come out in a blue jumpsuit. Her face is sunken in and the bags cover the bottom of her eyes. Vivian sits down and takes the black phone in her hands.

"Hi." Cassandra says not knowing how to great her mother.

"I see you got my letters, Cassandra. I'm sorry for everything. When I get out I'm gonna make up for lost time. I promise." Vivian says tearing up.

Cassandra nods her head, "You don't have to think about it, just do it."

Her mother smiles showing her rotting teeth. Cassandra could tell her mother had been clean for a while. However the drugs took a hold over her life. And the effects of the aftermath showed.

"I'll be here when you get out so we can start over." Cassandra told her.


Now, Cassandra and Aaron sat on the phone at twelve midnight. Cassandra couldn't sleep and decided to call Aaron. Of course he answered, but he was still trying to go to sleep.

"Are you coming to Kaleb's party on friday?" Aaron asked Cassandra.

"No. I mean are you going to be there?" Cassandra asks looking around her room in the dark.

Aaron smiles, "Yeah, that's why I want you to be there. You my girl know so I need you there." He says.

Cassandra rolls her eyes smiling. "Who says I'm your girl? I didn't agree to that."

"I'll pick you up at nine on friday after the game."

That morning Terry met up with a sleepy Cassandra. Wearing her baggy attire and uggs all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Damn, what the hell happened to you?" Terry asks adding some lip gloss to her lips.

"I was up all night with Aaron-"

"Are ya'll a item now. I mean ya'll cute or whatever." Terry says holding her books.

"No! We're just friends."

As they walk to class commotion could e heard in the hallways. Sounds of yelling and crying could be heard. The girls walk up to a circle forming. Andrea and Aaron yell at each other.

"Why are you breaking up with me!?" Andrea dramatically yells as she throws her english book on the ground.

Aaron rolls his eyes as he leans on the blue lockers. He doesn't care about Andrea's feelings or her tears at the moment.

"We were never together. Get ya shit together and get the fuck outta my face. We done." Aaron tells her making her scream.

"Why? I didn't do anything to you." Andrea says tugging on Aaron's shirt.

"You gave my bro a STD." Antwan says making every gasp.

Aaron looks at Antwan. He was no help. Everyone didn't need to know Aaron used to have a STD. Aaron's gaze stirs on Cassandra. She breaks eye contact first but Andrea sees. Her pale face turns red.

"You're leaving me because of this whore!" Andrea points to Cassandra.

"Who the hell you calling a whore, trick." Terry sticks up for Cassandra.

Cassandra watches everything unfold. She face palms herself trying to hide from the stares people were giving her. All she wanted to do was hide under a rock and die.

"Watch your mouth Andrea. This don't got nothing to do with her." He says trying to take the attention off her.

"No! I knew it was her. You love me, not some fat girl from the projects." Andrea says making Terry attack her.

Terry smacks Andrea sending her to the ground with a thud. Andrea is trying to fight back but her punches fail. Her friends are waiting to jump in and they do. Dragging Terry to the ground, Cassandra decides it's time to kick some ass.

Dropping her books she yanks the other girls hair letting Terry go free. The fight suddenly stops. Andrea is standing up shooting daggers at Cassandra.

"You fucking nigger." Andrea hatefully says spitting on Cassandra.

Cassandra has never been more angry in her life. Andrea is now on the floor, Cassandra on top of her sending major blows to the face. Cassandra sees nothing and hears nothing. She doesn't even feel people pulling her off of Andrea.

And one last kick to the face security hauls Cassandra to the office. Terry following her. And Aaron shocked with his mouth ajar.

Authors Note:

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