Chapter Seven

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Cassandra was sleeping peacefully in her cold bed while the rain poured outside her window. It was Saturday and the weekends were times when Cassandra slept all the time.

The ringing of her phone awakened her out of her slumber. The number anonymous, but Cassandra knew who it was.

"Hello?" She asked, her eyes still closed.

"Are you sleepin? It's eleven thirty." Aaron asked sounding wide awake.

"It's Saturday. I had a long week, okay." Cassandra said turning on her back and yawning.

"You wanna come over?" Aaron hesitantly asked.

"For what? It's raining outside. My plans are cancelled." She said opening her eyes.

The dimly lit room caused Cassandra to drift off to sleep again. Until Aaron spoke again.

"Just to hang out. I wanna hang out with a real friend. No weird shit." Aaron said causing Cassandra to flinch from the profanity.

"And this couldn't wait until the afternoon?" Cassandra sarcastically asked. 

"I'll be there in fifteen minutes." Aaron said cheerfully and hanging up.

Cassandra's eyes widened as she fell off the bed to run to the bathroom. She sleepily brushed her teeth while taking her black satin bonnet off her head. Her now short black hair rested at her ears.

After brushing her teeth, Cassandra jumped into the shower not even letting the water heat up. Now wrapped around her towel, Cassandra lotioned her body. Cassandra looked for dark jeans to match her yellow hoodie. She then put on her bamboo hoop earrings and added lip gloss to her lips.

The door bell rung, just in time, Cassandra grabbed her purse and jetted down the steps. Aunt Vye was busy making some pies, for church on Sunday.

"I'm going out. Is that okay?" Cassandra asked.

"Just be back by curfew and don't do anything I wouldn't do." Aunt Vye said knowing she was going to hang out with Aaron.

Cassandra nodded her head. Aaron was waiting outside. The rain poured down heavy, but that didn't stop him from hanging out with a girl he liked. Or someone he wanted to get to know.

"Hey." Cassandra said emerging from the house.

Aaron took Cassandra's beauty in. He noticed the new hair and the glow she had. He didn't know if it was a natural glow or her lotion. But to him she looked prettier than any girl he ever wanted to know.

"Goodmorning sunshine. You look pretty today. Yellow is your color." Aaron complimented her while putting his arm around her shoulder.

"Thanks. I would say the same but your always either wearing black or white." Cassandra said lifting her umbrella.

He opened the passenger side door for her and waited until she was in the car before closing the door. Cassandra looked at the living room window seeing her Aunt watching them with her thumbs up.

"I can take you to IHOP. Or we could go somewhere else." Aaron said driving carefully.

"That's cool. You just had to rush me this morning."

The two now sat in a booth watching the rain pour outside. A stack of pancakes sat in front of them.

Cassandra ate her hash browns and bacon in a rush, she was hungry. Aaron didn't really want to eat anything, this was all for her.

"You gonna eat that?" Cassandra asked pointing to the bacon left on Aaron's plate.

"Take it." He said looking at her.

"Are you gonna tell me what you had?" Cassandra asked pouring syrup on her pancakes.

"Gonorrhea. It's clearing up now." Aaron said putting his head down shamefully.

"Better learn your lesson."

"When we get back to school on Monday, I'll take to her. And end that shit." Aaron said.

"I didn't think I'd come to your house." Cassandra said as Aaron pulled her towards his parents big house.

"Come on, stop being scared. Hurry up, I'm getting soaked in this rain."

Aaron opened the front door. His parents were watching Love Jones and eating chocolate covered strawberries.

"I'm back!" Aaron yelled making his mother jumped.

"And who's this pretty lady?" Mrs. Thomas asked making Cassandra smile.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra." She said.

"We'll be in the basement." Aaron said pulling Cassandra along.

"Keep the door open. It was nice meeting you."

Cassandra follows Aaron down the steps to a huge basement. She realizes their hands are grasped together, awkwardly she removes her hand from his.

"Can we just talk and vibe to some music?" Cassandra asked not in the mood to look at television.

Aaron was taken by surprise. He reached for the beats pill speaker, turning it on, and letting his parents 90's music play through the basement.

"This is different. You're the only girl I know, that likes shit like this." Aaron mentioned taking his shoes off.

Cassandra sat on the opposite side of the couch, her knees pulled up to her chest.

"Yeah. Out of all the girls in this town, why me?" She asked.

"Because you don't want me for my money or popularity. You just a down to earth chick. And I can tell just by the way you carry yourself."

Cassandra blushed slightly at his little rant. She became shy all over again. The distance between them two showed Aaron that she was nervous.

"Thank you. But you should start by telling me some stuff about you." Cassandra stated.

"I'm seventeen; born January first. I wanna play basketball my whole damn life. I don't like school, my grades are decent, could be better. I'm used to using girls like toys. I know it's wrong but I do it anyway." He said.

Cassandra had now moved a little closer to Aaron. Her legs carefully over his legs. Her eyes looked directly into his.

"So why do you do it?" She asked.

"What? Use girls. Their easy to me. Sometimes I ain't never have to work hard to get what I wanted in life. But now I do."

"And what do you have to work hard for?"


Authors Note;
Vote and comment please. I'd be nice if y'all could go read my new story called Addiction.

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