Chapter Four

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"We lost because of that bum bitch Andrea." Terry spoke as she popped her gum.

Cassandra had just gotten back to school. She had finally recovered from her incident at home. She was just thankful that her Aunt had gotten home in time that day. Cassandra never spoke about the incident afterwords.

"Why do females call other females bitches? We put each other down non-stop. If you don't like Andrea you don't have to voice it in such a bad way." Cassandra told Terry.

"Don't come at me with that feminist bullshit. We all know Andrea is one bum bitch." Terry said rolling her eyes.

They both hooked arms and walked to lunch together. Terry had honestly missed being around Cassandra. Her being away for almost a week had Terry uptight and crazy. Aaron stood posted up on the wall with his friends, Twan and Reek.

Aaron was scrolling through instagram and messaging multiple girls. Until he heard the sounds of Terry's loud mouth, he looked up, the light from his iphone illuminating his face. Cassandra stood next her walking into the crowded lunch room.

"Who you looking at?" Antwan mostly know as Twan, asked.

Both Antwan and Tyreek noticed the redheaded girl Aaron was staring at. Aaron looked back over at his friends. They all shared a look of amusement.

"You like ole' girl?" Tyreek asked.

Aaron laughed, "Have you ever known me to like a girl, especially a girl like her."

"What's wrong with her? She a lil cute." Antwan said.

"Can we just drop this subject." Aaron demanded becoming uncomfortable with his friends talking about Cassandra.

The three walk into the cafeteria. Multiple tables are filled with different kinds of kids. Mixtures of races and ethnicity make up the students. There aren't any cliques at the school. Mostly just groups of friends sitting around. Aaron sees Cassandra waiting in line to get some lunch.

"I'll be back." He says making his way over to the line.

Twan and Reek laugh knowing he's hooked up with the girl. Aaron silently makes his way behind Cassandra. He suddenly touches her shoulder making Cassandra slightly jump and turn around. She rolls her brown eyes seeing him.

"Hey friend!" Aaron exclaims wrapping his lanky arm around her shoulders.

Cassandra tries to shove him off but he doesn't budge. She sighs as they move up the long line fairly quickly.

"I missed you." Aaron said hitting her nose.

Cassandra smacks his hand out the way annoyed by his presence. "Of course you did.

"I promise I won't try to do anything with you." He spoke.

Cassandra grabbed her tray full of fake taco meat and stale chips only to have Aaron hold it for her. She was surprised to see him acting like a gentlemen. He walked her all the way to Terry. Terry was writing on a piece of college lined paper. She was late doing homework again.

"I know you didn't bring his hoe ass to the table." Terry said sucking her teeth.

"You think I wanted him over here!" Cassandra said grabbing her tray.

"Ya'll know I'm still here, right?" Aaron said still holding onto Cassandra.

Cassandra sat down, a far distance from Aaron. Aaron scanned the cafeteria for his friends. Twan and Reek started to walk over to the table with snacks from the vending machine. Terry rolled her eyes, she didn't want the peanut gallery sitting with them.

Different Girl| Sequel to My BestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now