Chapter Fifteen

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Cassandra enters the room, her mouth slightly ajar as she watches Aaron hold twins. A boy and a girl. They were small babies. They looked like him, light skin, and curly hair. They were both awake and smiling.

Aaron's eyes move their way towards the door. But his eyes move down to his kids. He couldn't take his eyes off of them, especially his babygirl. Mrs. Vicky is making her way towards Cassandra smiling, clasping her hands in front of her.

"Don't be shy. Come on.. We all want you here." She says but Cassandra's feet are stuck to the floor.

Reluctantly, she moves and the closer she gets the more anxious she is. She was having those bad thoughts. She was at the hospital to see her ex's newborn babies. Cassandra honestly didn't need to be there but everyone treated her like family. She was and always will be family.

"Aaron stop hogging up my grandbabies. Lemme see." Mr. Darrin says mean mugging his son.

"Can ya'll give us some alone time?" Aaron asks as everyone starts to leave the room, Cassandra included.

"Cass, you can stay." He quietly says knowing she'll stay.

So she stands in place. The door closes and silence fills the room. Cassandra doesn't know what to say or do.

"Come here." Aaron says finally looking at her.

"Congratulations." Her voice cracks and her eyes water.

Crying would only make things worse. Her and Aaron had already broke up and to make matter worse he had a set of twins to look after now. She was out of the picture, left heartbroken, and scared.

"You wanna hold em?"

Cassandra takes a seat next to him. Her leg shakes, nervous, and excited she holds her arms out. Cassandra takes the girl out of his arms leaving Aaron with the boy. The baby girl stares at Cassandra in awe.

"This is Summer Marie. She's so precious. Isn't she?" Aaron asks watching Summer hold onto Cassandra's finger.

" gave her my last name?" Cassandra asks bewildered.

"You don't like it?" Aaron asks frowning.

"No, I love it. It's just that she isn't my daughter."

"So, that doesn't mean you can't be in their lives." Cassandra ignores him and turns her attention to the boy.

"And who is this?"

"This is Aiden James."


"It's time for me to go." Cassandra says after only being there for thirty minutes.

Aaron's arms are now free as the nurses took Aiden and Summer to the NICU. He wanted to stay with Cassandra.

"Can we talk about us?" Aaron asks his boldness returning.

"No, we can't. Look, you cheated and made babies. You weren't what I thought you were. I was so wrong about you. I guess you can't change someone. Out of all the people to have sex with you choose Andrea? Was I not good enough for you?" Cassandra asks the tears returning.

"Come on, baby-"

"No you don't get to call me that.And stop touching me." Cassandra says taking her hand out of his.

"I know what I did was wrong. I know I cheated multiple times. But I always came back to you. It was always you. You were the one that helped me get my act together. I know you still love me regardless."

"How do you know?" Cassandra challenges him.

"Because you still have on the necklace I gave you a couple months back." Aaron says eyeing the necklace still around her neck.

Cassandra gasps as she clutches the necklace. She never takes it off. She didn't think he'd notice that she had it on. But it meant something to her. And she would never stop wearing it.

"It was a gift given to me by a old friend."

"Aaron what is she doing here?!" Andrea snaps waking up from her nap.

The outburst was very unnecessary. Andrea didn't like the fact that she would never have Aaron. She thought that maybe having his kids would give her a title. But it didn't. Cassandra still held the wifey title.

"Get the fuck out!" Andrea yells upset.

She presses the emergency nurse button and calls for security. Cassandra gives Aaron once last meaningful glance and leaves for good.



Cassandra puts the last of her suitcases into her mother's truck. She would be moving into her dorm this weekend. The summer air suffocated Cassandra, she was clad in ripped shorts and a camisole. The necklace Aaron had given her was still wrapped around her neck.

"I'm really gonna miss you." Aaron says getting out of his car.

That had been the first time Cassandra had seen Aaron after the incident at the hospital. She hadn't expected to see him. But she did forgive him for what he did. She watched his kids grow over the past months through social media.

"Hey you!" Cassandra greets him inviting him into a warm hug.

"I just wanted to see you leave before you totally forget about me." Aaron teases her.

"Lemme guess, Aunt Vye invited you." Cassandra says looking at the window, her mother and Aunt are looking out the window smiling.

"You better not forget about me up in Cali being a big baller and shit." Cassandra says hugging him some more.

"I promise I won't."

"Be good in Cali for me. Stay away from them fast ass girls." Cassandra warns him.

"I love you." Aaron says one last time watching her get into the car.

"I love you too."

Author's Note:

Vote and comment. This was the last chapter!

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