Chapter Three

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Over the course of two days, Aaron had looked everywhere for Cassandra. He felt obligated to apologize for his reckless and dog like behavior that night in the car. Aaron knew something was wrong when Cassandra never showed up to the volleyball game against the Bears.

"Aaron! Where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be partying with me tonight?" Andrea asked as she skipped over to her boyfriend.

Aaron sighed stopping in his tracks. He didn't feel the need to talk to Andrea's hoe ass at the moment. With a smile on his face Aaron turned around and faced Andrea. Andrea had placed her thin hands on her hips and smirked.

"I have to go home. My moms grounded me." Aaron lied straight through his teeth.

Andrea rolled her eyes. She knew he was lying. She honestly didn't care, but for the sake of her reputation she needed Aaron on her arms at this party.

"But that's never stopped you from seeing me!" Andrea screeched drawing attention from the other volleyball teammates.

"Look, I need to go home." Aaron said shooing her away with his hands.

Andrea gasped in utter anger. No one had ever dismissed her the way Aaron did. She stomped off to the locker room to change. Aaron walked to his truck and pulled his hoodie up. His parents never splurged money on him.

Aaron's parents felt that their kids shouldn't come from money. They would be brought up like regular normal children and experience life without a struggle. They would have to earn everything they wanted.

Aaron drove all the way over to Cassandra's part of town. The air was chilly and the sky was dark. Aaron blew into his cold hands as he knocked on the front door. Aunt Vye answered the door looking afraid.

"Yes, young man?" Aunt Vye asked the teenager.

Aaron cleared his throat. He was nervous for no reason. This had been the first time he would say he was sorry to a girl. Aunt Vye looked at him to speak.

"I'm one of Cassandra's friends. We go to school together. I was just wondering if she was okay." Aaron blurted out.

Aunt Vye cracked a smile, "I'll go get here. But I don't know you like that so you gonna have to stay on the porch."

"Yes ma'am." Aaron said nodding his head.

Cassandra was washing dishes when her aunt came into the kitchen. She hadn't gone back to school because she wasn't ready. Being around people now added more anxiety to her already racing thoughts.

"There's some boy at the door looking for you." Aunt Vye said running the tape water and filling a paper cup.

Cassandra's face filled with confusion as she put the last dish in the drying rack. She dried her hands on a paper towel and grabbed her jacket. Stepping outside Cassandra felt the cool breeze against her face.

Aaron's back was towards Cassandra. His hood hid his face from her view. Aaron could hear the door open and the screen door unlock. He slowly turned around and faced Cassandra. His breathing seemed to stop once he was her.

Cassandra's face was bare of make-up and her hair was tied into a bun. A few pimples and dark spots covered her cheeks and she wasn't dressed in her usual attire. This time Cassandra wore slippers and a sweat suit. Aaron somehow liked seeing her like this, he found it slightly attractive rather than his usual type of chick.

"What?" Cassandra asked catching a slight attitude.

Aaron chuckled before handing her a rose he brought from the store. His mother came up with the idea. Girls like flowers, right? Cassandra took the rose.

"Thanks, but I don't like flowers. So what is this about?" Cassandra asked.

Aaron's ego was hurt. He thought she would take the flower and finally give up the cookie. He hated challenges of any type. And she was one of them.

"I came to apologize about the other day. I promise I'm not that bad." Aaron said putting his hands in his jean pocket.

"I forgive you. But I still don't like you. Goodbye." Cassandra told him going back into her home.

Aunt Vye was listening to their conversation the whole time. She jumped onto the couch once she heard Cassandra open the door. Surprisingly Aunt Vye took a liking to Cassandra's friend.

"I know you were listening." Cassandra said sitting next to her aunt as they watched family feud.

"He's cute. Needs some work but he's decent." Aunt Vye said.

"I don't think so. He's such a dog." Cassandra said.

"Chile please, you can change people."

"Not if they don't want to." Cassandra was fast to reply to her aunt.

Aaron waked into his house with a smile on his face. He knew it was a start to him and Cassandra's friendship.

"What's got you all smiley?" His twin sister Ashanti asked as she sat in the living room.

"Stuff." He said sitting on the opposite couch with the television remote in his hands.

"I bet it's a girl." Ashanti replied smirking.

"No, it's not."

Ashanti laughed before leaving her brother in silence. Now Ashanti knew her brother was feeling this girl, she'd just have to find out who it was.

Authors Note:

Not gonna lie, this was a filler. Imma add some drama into the next chapter. Probably a fist fight, who knows.

But vote and comment and if you wanna see things happen in this book, then comment! Cuz I'll do it.

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