Chapter Six

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The next week flew by fast leaving Cassandra to forget about Aaron. But Aaron never forgot about her.

He watched as she took notes in class and went straight to practice after school. The volleyball season was coming to an end, and Cassandra found herself working at Cold Stone.

Aaron went home sad that he didn't get to talk to Cassandra at all. He entered the house with his sister right behind him.

"Ahhh! Ma!" Aaron yelled from the bathroom after pissin.

"What boy, what!" Mrs. Thomas yelled as she stomped up the steps to the bathroom.

"It burns." Aaron said crying slightly.

A green mucus streaming from Aaron's penis made him cry even more. Mrs. Thomas entered the bathroom to see her son on the floor and his dick out.

"What the hell you doin?" She asked her face with discomfort.

"It burns when I use the bathroom." Aaron said pulling up his pants.

"Nasty ass. You been fucking them lil hoes raw?" Mrs. Thomas asked as Aaron's father came from out the bedroom.

"Only this one chick. Andrea-" Before Aaron could get the words out his mouth, Mrs. Thomas' hand slapped the hell outta Aaron.

"I told you to be careful out here. What if you got HIV. That shit is serious. I told you I don't mind you having sex because it's natural but always wrap that shit up." Mrs. Thomas vented.

"I'll take you to the doctors tomorrow, but ya ass still going to school. So get it together." Aaron's father said causing Aaron to roll his eyes.

Ashanti peeked her head from out the doorway laughing. She knew Aaron had no business fucking girls out here.

"What you laughing at?" Aaron joked with her.

"It's probably Andrea. You shouldn't really mess with those white girls, get you a black girl. And you should really stop being a hoe, it's not cute." Ashanti said shutting her door to finish some homework.

"I want some ice cream!" Victoria shouted from the movie room.

"Go ask your brother."

Aaron could hear Victoria running up the steps to get him. He grabbed his keys and wallet. Victoria and Aaron walked to his car in silence.

"Where you wanna go? Cold Stone or Baskin Robbins?" Aaron asked putting his seatbelt on.

"Cold Stone. I'm not even supposed to be eating sugar." Victoria said.

"And why not?"

"Because it makes me hyper when I play on the piano. My fingers shake. Anyway, I got a boyfriend."

Aaron chocked on air hearing her say that. Victoria was only twelve and was just starting to get into boys.

"A what?"

"A boyfriend. His name is Kendrick. We've been dating for two days." Victoria said smiling.

"No, no, no. No boyfriend until you turn eighteen. Who the fuck is this young nigga anyway?" Aaron asked as they pulled into the parking lot.

Victoria rolled her eyes and dropped the subject. They walked into the cold store. Cassandra waited for customers to come in.

The bell rang at the door signaling someone was here. Her head shot up, surprised that Aaron was there.

"Hi, what can I get for you today?" Cassandra asked smiling at Aaron's sister.

"I want the cotton candy with chocolate chips and Oreos. Oh, and I want it in the size of love it." Victoria said never taking her eyes off the ice cream.

"And what do you want?" Cassandra asked Aaron.

"I don't want anything." Aaron said as Cassandra made the ice cream.

Aaron watched as Cassandra cleaned up behind herself. The shop was about to close and Cassandra was the only one left to clean up.

"Why are we still here. It's been two hours already." Victoria whined.

"Because I'm taking a friend home." Aaron replied.

Cassandra came to the front of the shop with her bag on her arm. She smelled like icecream and that made her want to go home and take a shower.

"Why are you still here?" Cassandra asked.

"Because I'm taking you home." Aaron said holding the front door open for his sister.

And so Cassandra took the ride home. Victoria was listening to Kendrick Lamar, not focusing on the two in front of her.

"You know you should give me a chance to become your friend." Aaron said putting the left turning signal on.

Cassandra scoffed. She knew Aaron wasn't capable of having friends, the only friends he had were fuck buddies. And she wasn't being one of those.

"For what? For Andrea to pour stuff on me again." Cassandra looked out the window.

"I ain't dealing with her right now. I'm done with her. She's irrelevant to our conversations."

"She must have finally gave you something." Cassandra guessed causing Aaron to flinch.

"She did give you something! You burning yet? I bet you found out today." Cassandra said giggling.

Aaron's face was red in pure embarrassment. He felt so stupid for taking Cassandra home now.

"Aye, I'm going to the doctors tomorrow." Aaron told her matter of factly.

"I mean I guess we can be friends. I don't know though. You really messy." Cassandra said.

"Give me your number. How come you aren't acting all shy now." Aaron asked giving her his unlocked phone.

"I'm used to being around you know. I'll see you tomorrow."

The next day Aaron sat in the doctors office the anticipation to know eating him alive. His stomach was in tight knots and his throats felt dry. He was beyond scared.

A knock sounded at the wooden door. His doctor, Dr. Sanchez comes in with the results.

"Please tell me it isn't HIV." Aaron said looking into his doctors eyes.

"Good news is, it isn't anything you can't cure. And no HIV but Gonorrhea. You're lucky this isn't a really serious matter. I'll prescribe you the antibiotics. Take them for three weeks, Two a day."

Aaron was relived that it wasn't serious. He would definitely use condoms all the time and practice safe sex with every woman he would ever sleep with.

Authors Note:
Please go read my new book called Addiction. I'm sorry if this book is moving slow. Their friendship will be picking up now.

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