Chapter Ten

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Cassandra frantically explained the story to the principle. She looked very uninterested in what she had to say but took full interest in Andrea's testimony. After everything was explained and what was said the principle spoke.

"Cassandra, I'm suspending you for four school days. You have disrupted the school day and intimidated a fellow classmate. Please gather your things and wait for someone to get you." Mr. Spencer says shocking her.

"How do I get suspension when she was in the wrong. She called me a nigger! How is that any better than what I did. I'm tired of this white privilege bullshit! Fuck you!" Cassandra says and storms out of the office.

Everyone in higher positions at the school felt like they had higher power than the poorer students like Cassandra and anyone who was black at the school. Well except the black kids who had money.

Aaron awaits Cassandra outside the office but is surprised that she walks past him. He follows her but she's fast and enters the girls bathroom crying from anger. Aaron defies all of the school rules and enters the girls bathroom.

He notices the hot tears already running down her face. He frowns, not sure why she was crying, but he grabs a paper towel.

"Why are you crying?" He asked letting her sob into his chest.

"He just suspended me for nothing! After what she called me and all she got was a detention. Like what the fuck man." Cassandra says balling up her fist ready to beat Andrea again.

"I'll be back. You stay right here." Aaron says leaving the girls bathroom as Terry enters.

Aaron sits in front of the principle swirling around in the chair and his feet on the principle's desk. 

"What do you want, Aaron?" Mr. Spencer asks clearly annoyed with him. 

"Why'd you suspend Cassandra Summers?" 

"That's not your business Mr. Thomas." 

"But it is. See you shouldn't have done that." Aaron says smiling. 

"And why not? I will not have hoodlums running through the halls of my school." Mr. Spencer says causing Aaron to roll his eyes. 

"You suspended the wrong hoodlum. You wouldn't want me to call my parents and ask them to send that very large loan they give you every month to another school?" Aaron threatens about to call his parents. 

Each month Mr and Mrs Thomas sent the private school and very larger donation to keep Aaron and his sister in school. Mostly for Aaron acting a ass but you get the point. The principle sighs before picking up the phone and calling the Summers residence. 

"You did what!" Cassandra yells into the phone as she face times Aaron. 

"Can you stop all that damn screaming? And I said what I said." Aaron says as he tries to do his homework. 

Cassandra smiles showing her teeth. She was happy that she wasn't suspended anymore. But the fact that Aaron did that for her was huge in her eyes. That was a true friend. 

"Andrea's dumb ass won't be back to school for a minute." Aaron says sending Cassandra a wink.

Cassandra moves the camera out of her face so she can blush without Aaron noticing. But he clearly does. 

"What you doing in here?" Mrs. Thomas yells bursting into Aaron's room.

"Huh?" Aaron asks jumping in shock. 

"You finally doing homework? Who you on the phone with?" Mrs. Thomas asks being nosy. 

Cassandra's face finally pops up in the screen. Mrs. Thomas smiles and waves. Cassandra smiles. Aaron still looks at his mother. 

"You betta keep that lil girl around. I like her. She finally got yo dumb ass to do homework." She jokes making Cassandra laugh. 

"My mom is so annoying." Aaron says once she finally leaves. 

"At least your moms not in jail." Cassandra says not paying attention to what she said. 

"Cass. Don't do that." Aaron says quickly doing his math homework.

"Do what?" She asks finishing her english essay. 

"Let's change the subject. You going to prom?" Aaron asks her. 

She looks up from her laptop and into the phone. Cassandra is shocked at what Aaron asked. She wasn't planing on going to senior prom. Prom was only five months away for them. 

"I mean, I wasn't planning on going." She says making Aaron gasp. 

"Didn't you go to junior prom, though?" 

"Yeah, my aunt made me go. I wore that cheap ass good will dress." Cassandra says looking away for a moment. 

"Let me take you to prom. It'll be our last moment's together before graduation." Aaron demands. 

"We'll see. You got five months to prove to me why I should let you take me to prom." Cassandra says smirking. 

She knew Aaron wasn't going to have her heart by May. He was a player and she knew he was going to play her somehow. At the moment they were just friends. 

"I'll have you falling for me before March, babygirl." 

"That's only if you don't fall for me first." Cassandra says. 


"What you doing for Christmas break?" Aaron asks Cassandra looking at his clock. 

The time read eight fourty-five. They had been on the phone all day talking about nothing. It was weird that both of them could sit on the phone and stare at each other for a hour. Christmas break was in about two weeks. 

"I don't know. I'll probably help my Aunt cook dinner and wait for some family members to come up." Cassandra says shrugging her shoulders. 

"Spend Christmas with me?" Aaron asks. 

"Is your mother okay with this?" Cassandra asks becoming excited. 

"Hold on." Aaron says taking the phone and walks to his mother's room. 

"Ma?" He asks knocking on the door. 

"What boy?"

"Can Cassandra spend Christmas with us? This way ya'll can meet her." Aaron says. 

Cassandra listens and watches his face through the camera. She takes the time to admire his features. His light and flawless skin to his new haircut. She stops staring and awaits his mother's answer. 

"Me and your daddy are cool with that." 

"See, I told you my mom loves you." Aaron says as he finally looks into the camera.

Author's Note: 

Ehhhhh. Vote and comment please. The next chapter will be Christmas dinner. 

Who ya'll think finna win the bet? I think Aaron finna fall in love with her first. 

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