Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
P.O.V Addison

As I sat in the car with my mother there was a sea of people with signs and evil glares. I was obviously sweating and shaking. My mom grabbed my hand in hopes to calm my nerves. I would be the first black person in the history of Roosevelt High School to attend. News spread about my first day of school, so if course there would be a crowd. "We are going to have to get out of the car eventually. You know?" My mom said as she let go of my hand and stared at the crowd ahead. "I know, mom." I responded looking out the window. "You know I did this for you. I only want the best for you." She said grabbing my hand again. "I know Momma, I will be fine. I promise it can't be that bad." I told her. I can't get the thought of being beat up, yelled at, or called a horrible name. But then again it's 1953 in Montgermy, Alabama. After my mom and I took two more deep breaths we got out of the car where two police officers would escort us all the way to the office of the school. As soon as we got out of the car racial slurs and death threats were thrown our way. "Don't look at them honey. Don't show them that you are nervous." She instructed while placing her hands on the small of my back. "Yes ma'am." I said grabbing ahold of her free arm. As we walked up the huge stairs of the school a curly headed boy with striking green eyes glanced at me. I couldn't help but glance back at him, as soon as we made eye contact he dropped his gaze. We made it to the front entrance of the school and we were greeted by the principal of the school. "Hello Mrs. Hayes, I'm Principal Payne. Follow me to my office." He seemed very fit and very young. He had deep brown eyes and a nice smile , he was handsome. My mom seemed to have a weird instant liking to him. "It's Ms. Hayes." She said shaking his hand. As we walked down the hall we got looks from the other students...of course they have never seen a person like me around here before. We walked into Mr. Payne's office, he was shockingly nice to my mom and I. He treated us the same as white people and not any different just because our skin color was different. We sat down on the chairs infront of his desk and we sat in silence for a minute before he said anything. "So Addison welcome to Roosevelt High School!" He said cheerfully. "Thank you Mr. Payne" I said not looking him in the eyes. My nerves started to kick in. "So here we have you're schedule and your books here. We have an escort to take you from class to class just incase someone tries to harm you." He stated to me. When he said "escort" a look of relief washed over my moms faces. I oddly I didn't feel the same. "Mr. Payne?" I asked very shyly. "Yes mam?" He asked back with a smile on his face. "Do you think the teachers will have a problem with me?" I asked regretting the question as soon as I asked it. "Why would they? They are here to teach not socialize. If you feel like they are treating you any differently from the other students, you will let me know, correct?" He asks in serious tone. "I assure you if she doesn't I will." My mother says before I can say anything. "Mom." I sternly say. "I just want the best for you Layla." Fuck she called me by my real name. "Addison Momma, call me Addison." "Fine." She says putting her hands up in defeat. The bell telling the students it's first period rings, letting reality sink in. This is really about to happen. I might be miserable for the next 2 years of my life. "Shall we give you a tour of the school?" Mr. Payne asks my mother and I. I look at my mother with sad eyes letting her know that I had changed my mind about coming here. She looks at me as if to say 'I'm sorry but there's no turning back now'. We get up and Mr. Payne opens his office door and holds it for us. "Thank you." My mother and I say in unison. As we walk down the halls of the school, Mr. Payne is explaining to my mother and I where everything is and some of the rules, but of course I was paying attention to anything he was saying. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts about all the terrible things that are bound to happen by the end of the day. "Horan! Zanger!" Mr. Payne yells to a boy and a girl down the hall. The boy was talking to the girl as she was leaning on a locker. "What are y'all doing out of class?" He asks them. You could tell they were up to no good. "Niall was just helping me get my books Mr. Payne, I swear it" the girl says to him. The girl was beautiful, really beautiful actually. She had freckles across her nose and cheeks, but not too many. She had her long brownish red hair half up and it was curled at the bottom with a white ribbon at the top. Her eyes were a green and brown color, but you could tell that they changed between the two. "Don't lie young lady." Mr. Payne says deepening his voice as to warn her. "I'll go back to class now, promise." She responds messing with the hem of her pale blue dress. Mr. Payne nods and she turns around and scurries down the hallway. The boy tries to follow, but Mr. Payne stops him. "You just wait a minute now, Mr. Horan. Where do you think you're going?" He asks grabbing the boy by the arm. You can see the fear in the boys eyes. It's actually quite amusing. "No where Sir." The blonde hair blue eyed boy responds standing up straight. "Horan, if you think you're gonna be quarter back this year, you gotta another thing coming. You need to get your grades up instead of trying to get up females' dresses. You understand, son?" Mr. Payne says letting the boy go. The boy nods. "Now get back to class. I better not catch you in the halls again, you understand me?" "Yessir." Says the boy. The boy jogs down the hallway and out of site. "The students seem to like you." I say after I can't see the boy anymore. "Yes, I try and be firm, but get them to like me at the same time." He says winking at me. We walk past a few classrooms and of course we get a lot of stares. "What's your first class?" Mr. Payne asks me. "Um, Algebra 2 with Mrs. James." I read off my schedule. "Ready to go in?" Mr. Payne says. Obviously not. "As ready as I'll ever be." I mumble under my breathe. I look at my mother and she nods giving me her best 'Good Luck' smile and a thumbs up. I turn away from her and Mr. Payne opens the door of the classroom. "Excuse me, Mrs. James. Can you refrain from teaching for a moment?" He's asks the teacher politely. "Yessir" she replies. I walk into the classroom before Mr. Payne and I automatically feel the all eyes are on me. There's no turning back now.

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