Chapter 18

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Chapter 18
P.O.V. Addison

"What in the hell could you two nut jobs be fighting about?!" I hear Mr. Payne yell through the door.

Maybe I should go in there I clear things up? I knock on the door waiting for a response. Mr. Payne opens the door his green tie loose around his neck. He looked stressed. When he meets my eyes his expression softens.

"What-" he starts before I cut him off.

"Mr. Payne, I'd like to come in." Before he could interject I enter his office and sit in a chair against the wall.

Zayn and Harry both look at me in utter confusion.

"Are you two gonna answer his question?" I ask the both of them.

"Were you listening?" Mr. Payne asks me.

"You were yelling, sir. Everyone one was listening." I state.

Harry's eyes meet mine and he begins to smirk before wincing because of his busted lip. Even bruised and sweaty he's gorgeous.

"Addison I want to hear your side of the story." Mr. Payne tells me.

"Excuse me?" I ask surprised.

He nods at me in approval.

"I don't think-" I begin.

"It's okay Addison I trust you." He assures me.

I look over at Zayn who still has a smug look on his face. I look over at Harry who's just staring at me with no emotion. He's trying to tell me something but I'm not sure what it is.

"I just saw them fighting and called for help." I lie.

Mr. Payne can tell I'm lying and shakes his head in disappointment. Harry stands up and leaves the room.

"Mr. Styles! Get your pompous ass back in here." Mr. Payne demands.

"Harry, wait!" I say grabbing his arm.

He swings his arm causing me to let go.
Harry just keeps walking and doesn't turn around.

"Can I leave?" Zayn asks getting up.

"Sit down." Mr. Payne says to him.

He unwillingly obliges. Mr. Payne walks I've to the other side of his desk picking up the phone and dialling a number.

"Can you call The Styles' and The Maliks for me? Thanks." He says hanging up the phone after.

"I'll go find Harry." I tell Mr. Payne.

He calls my name telling me to stay in his office but I don't listen. I look for Harry everywhere. I can't find him, until I think of a place I haven't looked, the green house. I run upstairs and knock on the green house door. I don't know why I knocked I just did.

"Harry?" I say opening the door slowly.

As I open the door wider I spot Harry leaning against the wall looking at me. He was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." He says to me smiling a little.

"Sorry I didn't think to look here first." I explain, " why did you leave?" I add.

"Because I don't get you." He tells me.

"I'm sorry? You're going to have to elaborate." I tell him.

"Why didn't you tell Mr. Payne the truth?" He asks.

"Because Zayn would have done something worse and I don't want to cause any trouble I have already caused enough." I tell him truthfully.

"Addie, you have to tell Mr. Payne what he did to you." He explains to me.

"Harry I can't. I don't think you understand."

"Why can't you Addison?" He says with a huff.

"You don't understand. You never can." I say to him.

After and awkward moment of silence I speak.

"Mr. Payne called your parents."

"What?!" Harry says as the color drains from his face.

"Is that bad?" I ask him.

"Addison do you have any idea who my parents are!" He yelled, he also seemed like he would hit me. I flinched.

"Addison I'm so sorry." He pulled me into him.

As he pulled away he wiped the tears from my eyes. We could hear Mr. Payne over the intercom "HAROLD STYLES IF YOU ARE NOT IN MY OFFICE IN FIVE MINUTES THERE WILL BE HELL TO PAY!"

Harry looked at me with a look of worry. "Stay here I will be back." He told me kissing me on my nose.

"No I'm coming with you!" I announced

He looked angry at me. "Addison I care about you too much to have my parents destroy you and your mom. I can't loose you!" He advised me

I tried to say something but he ran to the door and closed it on my face.


I could here keys jingling followed by a click.

"HARRY! DID YOU JUST LOCK ME IN HERE?!" I yelled pounding the door.

"Addison I promise you I will be back. Okay?" He said through the door.

I didn't respond.

"Addison please say something. I need to know you don't hate me."

"Fuck you." I say through the door. In reality I can't be mad at the first boy I could say I'm falling for.

"Addison." He says.

I sigh in defeat. "Okay. I'll stay here."

"I love you." He said

I was in shock I think this is the first time he has said that to me with no shame, actually, I think tho is the first time he's ever said it to me.

"I love you too." and I meant that with every ounce of my being.

Author's note:
HI LOVELIES!! Okay so next chapter is Harry's point of view and we fin something about Harry's family that is a bite shocking!! Hope you guys like the chapter! I know some people are taking exams so good luck with them!!! Love you guys! Don't forget to vote!! And please comment we love reading your comments!! SHOUTOUT TO user ashtonomy for the best reaction comments!!
-Arianna and Nadine

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