Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
P.O.V. Addison

I look at my schedule wondering what class I have next. English with Ms. Lynch. English my least favorite subject. The bell ending lunch rings and I pack up my stuff quickly so I can get to my class early. Since my escort is no where to be found, I want to get to class before the hallways fill with students. I run up the stairs and walk towards the end of the hallway. On the right side of the door is Ms. Lynch's name written on a plaque. I didn't notice this with the other classrooms, probably because I was late. I knock on the door before I enter, but theres no response. I open the door slowly, "Hello?" I call out, "Is anyone here?" Still no response. I walk towards the back of the room again and set my stuff neatly on a desk in the far right corner of the room. As soon as I take a seat, a beautiful red headed woman with red lipstick walks into the room. She wore a black dress with white polka dots on it with red heels matching her lips. Her hair was down with voluminous curls. Her eyes were an emerald green and her cheeks were a soft pink. She looks at my while setting her stuff on the wooden desk in front of her,"May I ask what you are doing in here?" She asks me. "I'm in this class...I just came early so I would be on time. I'm Addison, the new girl." I respond. "You don't say?" She says eyeing me up and down. I frown. I hope she's not like Mrs. James. As she sits down students start piling in. Emma spots me before I spot her. She waves at me and smiles. She takes a seat in the desk in front of mine. "Where were you at lunch?" She's asks. "I was hoping we could sit together." She pouts. "We can tomorrow?" I say to her. She nods and turns around. "Niall!" Emma says to the boy she was in the hallway with earlier today. He gave her a head nod and say down next to her. "Hey Darlin'" he says to her flashing a smile. "This is my friend Addie." She says pointing at me, " I hope you don't mind I I call you Addie!" She says to me. "No I don't mind." I tell her with a smile. Niall gives me a simple friendly head nod. This day seems to be getting a little better. Everyone is finally settled and Ms. Lynch starts to write on the chalkboard. "See you after class man!" A voice says from outside the classroom door. Ms. Lynch stops what she's doing and the door opens. "Mr. Malik, would it kill you to be on time to my class for once in your life?" Ms. Lynch says looking and sounding annoyed shifting her weight to the right side of her body an crossin her arms. A very attractive and I mean holy hell was he a tall glass of water enters the room. He was tall and slim but muscular. He had black hair with a fading blonde streak. His hair was swooped to the right side. He wore heavy black combat boot, black jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket. He looked around the classroom then put a cigarette in his mouth. "Don't you dare light that cigarette in my classroom Zayn!" Ms. Lynch snaps at him. He just look at her and winks she rolls her eyes at him. "Sit." She tells him pointing to the seat next to the left of me. He lights his cigarette and walks slowly tithe seat next to me. "Put it out Mr. Malik. I'm not asking again." Ms. Lynch says firmly. He looks at her and takes a puff of the cigarette before putting it out on his desk. I notice the little bird tattoo on his hand. I've never really seen a real tattoo before. It looks like he has more, but you can't tell because of his leather jacket. He sets his backpack on the floor and sits down. Niall looks over at him and they make eye contact. "What are you looking at?" He says to Niall. "Nothing." Niall says directing his attention towards the front of the room. "That's what I thought." Zayn replies. "No that Mr. Malik has finished his little performance, class will begin." Ms. Lunch says picking up the English book. "Now open to page 5 y'all." Ms. Lynch instructs us.

Hi guys!
Sorry we put this up so late! I was really busy but I wanted to make sure I had it up by tonight! We picture Ms. Lynch as Jessica Chastain from The Help. Also Zayn is a biker/greaser and Niall is a football player. Zayn will have his tattoos in this because it goes with his character but for now the others won't! Again sorry it's so late. Don't forget to vote!!
-Nadine and Arianna

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