Chapter 22

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Addison P.O.V.

"Momma?" I ask knocking on my mother's door.

I hear some shuffling behind it and then a silence.

"Momma, are you in there with someone?" I ask knocking again.

"Uhm, no hunny, go on back to bed now." she says with worry laced in her voice.


I walk towards the kitchen pouring myself a cup of water and drinking. I rummage the fridge to see if there's any left over dinner, but there isn't. I sigh to myself and walk back towards my room. I walk past my mother's room again and hear:

"Margaret, I've loved you ever since the first day we met."


"I love you."

My eyes go wide and I tiptoe as fast I can back to my room.

"What the hell?" I say to myself leaning against my door.

The questions were already starting to form in my head. Who was my mother seeing? How long has she been seeing him? Do I know him? Why didn't she tell me? I sit down on my bed still shocked.

"This can't be right." I say as I get under my covers.

I turn the lamp on my night stand off and think about what I just experience as I drift off to sleep.

*The next day*

I wake up to a knocking at my door.

"Addison, a boy is here for you, he says he's here to take you to school?" my mother tells me.

"What?" I ask rubbing my eyes clearly confused.

She shruggs, "He's with your friend." she tells me.

"What friend?" I ask myself.

Is Harry here with Emma? Why is he here?

I get out of bed, pull on my bathrobe and some slippers.

I go to my living room and standing there are the last two people I would ever expect to see anywhere near my house. Louis and Sara.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in a confused but also angry tone.

"Came to take you to school, friend." Louis says while smirking at Sara.

"How did you find my house?" I ask them beginning to panic.

"We asked around." Sara says winking at me.

"I need the two of you to leave." I tell them.

Just then, my mom walks into the room.

"Is everything alright?" she asks.

"Yes," Sara says looking at Louis, "we were just leaving. You have a lovely home by the way."

She grabs Louis's hand and waves before the two of them leave. As soon as the door closes, I turn around and look at my mother.

"Why would you let them in?" I ask her angrily.

"I wasn't gonna make them wait outside now, was I?" she tells me crossing her arms.

I stare at her and walk back towards my room.

"Addison?" my mother says following me to my room.

"I'm not going to school today." I tell her getting back into bed.

"Why? Were those kids not your friends?" she asks me.

"I'm just not going." I tell her again.

"Addison, please hunny. Tell my what's going on." my mother says taking a seat on my bed.

"Nothing, I just don't want to go to school today," I tell her sitting up.

"Okay...I have to go to the shop today and check on a few things, I'll come by to check on you for lunch, okay?"


She gives me a kiss on the cheek before leaving my room again. I lay down and close my eyes falling back asleep almost instantly.

*10 a.m.*

I wake to someone calling my name.

"Huh?" I say as I rub my eyes.

I hear my name again.

"Who's..who's there?" I ask aloud putting my bathrobe on again and walking to the living room.

"Addison, are you home?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind the front door.

I look through the window in the living room and standing infront the door is Harry.


"Addison, I will break down this door, you know I will." he says through the door.

I was with a purpose towards my front door and open it. I look at Harry in confusion.

"Hi." he says to my shoving his right hand into him back pocket.

I blink at him and walk towards him. His green eyes stare right back at me. I slap him across the face as hard as I can causing him to cup his face. He looks at me in shock, mouth open but nothing coming out.

"What-" he begins.

"That was for leaving me and not coming back." I say to him.

"My dad wouldn't let me leave his side. I even left my car at school." he explains.

"I was in there for 4 hours, Harry."

"Addison, I promise you, I wouldn't have done that on purpose."

I just look down crossing my arms.

"Addison, please."

I look up at him and turn to walk inside. He follows me in closing the door behind him. I take a seat on my couch and he sits next to me facing me.

"Why are you here?" I ask him.

"When I went to check the green room for you and you weren't there, I panicked and came here right away." he explains.

"You should be in school." I tell him.

"I just...I just wanted to check on you." he says putting his hand on my leg.

What's happening?

"...okay" I ask him staring at the placement of his hand.

"Let me make it up to you, yeah? Let me take you on a picnic today?"

I nod and head to my room to change.


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