Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
P.O.V. Addison

I decide to stay on school grounds for lunch. Who knows what could be waiting outside for me. "Addison, the bell for lunch rang 10 minutes ago, why are you still in here?" Mr. Warren asks me. "My escort hasn't come to get me yet." I tell him refusing to tell him the real reason why I would rather stay in a classroom by myself than go to the cafeteria for lunch. "Why do you need an escort?" He asks me with a puzzled look on his face. "Ummmm...because I'm black in an all white school full of kids who don't like black people?" I explain to him a bit confused as to why I had to explain to him why I needed an escort. He leans back and let's out a loud and deep laugh. I look around and ask, "What's funny? I don't get it," "You think these kids would hurt you?" He asks me now laughing even harder. "Yes." I say to him as if the answer was obvious. "These kids wouldn't hurt a fly, they just think they can." He says to me still laughing. "I don't know Mr. Warren...the way Harry looked at me with-" "Who Harry Styles?!" He interrupts me even more amused. I nod. "Please that boy is a Momma's boy. Everybody knows that." He says winking at me. I smile at him. "Mr. Payne wouldn't allow anyone to hurt you on school grounds." He says in a sudden serious tone. I nod believing him. Mr. Payne was different from the others here. So was Mr. Warren and Mr. Potter. I hope for the rest of the day I won't have a problem with the rest of my teachers. "Well, I'm going to get lunch now. You'll be alright?" Mr. Warren asks me. I nod at him smiling. He nods and walks out of the classroom. I open my bag looking for my lunch. I pour my lunch out onto my desk and a note falls from the paper bag. I take a bite of my apple as I unfold the note. 'Layla' it said on the top. I hated my first name, my mom knew it. I liked to be referred to as my middle name. The note read: 'I hope you have a good day at school. I know it'll be hard, but just remember this is for your future. I love you Darlin'. Be the strong girl I know you are. I love you. -Momma xoxo.' I smile to myself as I put the note back into my paper bag along with the sandwich and yogurt I wasn't gonna eat. "Oh!" I say to myself remembering that Emma had written me a note earlier today. I open the cover of my Math textbook reviling the note. I unfolded the note. 'Don't mind Mrs. James, she's an old heifer who's gonna die alone. -Emma' I smile as I stuff the note into my bag. I set my bag on the floor and I hear the door open. Mr. Warren must be back, I think to myself. Wrong. It's Harry. As soon as he spots me, his face turns cold. I take another bite of my apple and look down pretending to look occupied. "Have you seen Mr. Warren?" He asks me in a cold tone. "I thought you didn't want to talk to if it wasn't science related?" I ask challenging him. I can see him clench his jaw and swallow his annoyance. Before he can respond Sara and her sidekick walk in the room with the boy who sits next to me in math class. "Great," I say aloud as they all see me and look at me with smirks on their faces. Why don't we just invite the KKK to this little shindig? "Let's mess with the nigger." The blue eyed brown haired boy says. "Haha! Louis!," Abigail says. She moves towards him and whispers into his ear, "We're supposed to wait til after school, remember?" Wow she sucks at whispering. Louis nods and then smirks at me. "Aw! This is the just the saddest thing." Sara says pouting. Harry turns to her confused. "What's sad?" I ask putting my apple on a napkin. "That you don't have friends." She says trying to hide the fact that this was amusing to her. "Come on, baby. Mr. Warren isn't here and I don't want to look at the nigger anymore." Harry says to Sara wrapping his arm around her waist. Wait? They're dating? I think to myself. I cover my mouth to hide the fact that I'm smiling so hard. I should've guessed it, the Southern Bell with the rich racist douchebag, the perfect couple. She wraps her arms around his neck and stands on her tippy toes and kisses him on the cheek. "I love Sugar-bear." She says to him smiling and batting her eyelashes. Louis starts to laugh but is shot down with a glare by Abigail. "I love you too Love bug." Harry mumbles under his breath. "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you." Sara says to him. "Yeah Harry, she couldn't hear you. Why dontcha be a bit louder this time?" Louis says taunting Harry. Harry takes a deep breath, "I love you too Love bug." Harry says almost yelling. "Okay now we can leave the nigger alone." Sara says skipping out of the class room her gang follows her out leaving me in my solitude once again.

Hi Everybody,
Thank you so much for reading! We enjoy writing this so much! Don't forget to vote!
-Nadine and Arianna

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