Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
P.O.V. Addsion

'Don't forget where you belong, Nigger!' was spray painted on to my locker. I stared at my locker as the paint dripped down. There was a crowd starting to gather around me. Whispers from the crowd of students started to get louder and louder, they were whispers mocking me.

One girl said,"She deserves it. Now she knows to stay in her place."

The girl next to her giggles. I suddenly feel the walls closing in on me and I feel like I'm shrinking. Why did I have to come here? Why does my mom have to care about my future so much? Why did I have to be smart? My breathing hitches and I feel as if all the oxygen is being sucked out of my lungs. Slowly, my surroundings start to darken and everything is in slow motion. I'm fainting. I've felt like this the last time I did.

"Wh-where am I?" I say waking up in the nurses station.

"Hello Addison, my name is Mrs. Peggy. I'm the school nurse. Get back to class." A middle aged women says to me.

The women looked to be in her 30s. She looked mean. She was tall and had her brown hair pulled up into a neat bun. She had nice brown eyes and long eye lashes. The white nurses outfit he was wearing fit her body perfectly showing off her great shape.

"Aren't you gonna tell me what happened to me?" I ask her still confused as to what is going on.

"You're 15 minutes late to your next class. I'll write you a note." She responds completely ignoring my question.

I hope off the bed and adjust my dress.

"Um..Mrs. Peggy? Where are my books?" I ask frantically searching the room for my things.

"Do I look like I know?" She asks me handing me a note.

I leave the nurse's in tears. This time instead of heading to class, I head straight to Mr. Payne's office.

"May I help you?" The blonde secretary asks me.

I keep walking ignoring her question.

"You can't go in there!" She yells behind me.

"I think he'll see me" I reply as I keep walking. She follows me as I walk towards his office. I storm into Mr. Payne's without knocking.

"Addison, wh-" he looks up starting to smile.

"Where the hell are my books and bag?" I cry tears streaming down my face. The secretary right behind me.

"Mr. Payne I tried to stop her, but-" she explains.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" He stands to his feet quickly coming to me.

"Amanda, it's okay I'll take card of it." Mr. Payne says to her putting his hand on the small of my back leading me to a chair.

She closes the door as she leaves me sobbing into my hands. Mr. Payne squats in front of me and moves my hands away from my face. He hands me his white handkerchief from his breast pocket in his shirt. I take it smiling weakly at him as if to thank him. He smiles back letting me dry my tears before he speaks.

"Who was it?" He asks me gently.
I shrug not wanting to rat anyone out. He arches his left eyebrow.

"Bullshit." He says. I look at him wides eyed surprised at the fact that he swore.

"I don't want to be a snitch." I say to him looking at my feet. He puts his hand on my knee. I flinch at his touch.

"I'm not gonna hurt ya." He says chuckling.

"I'm trying to help you. I promised your mother that you were in the right hands." He assures me. I nod. I take a deep breathe and sniffle.

"This whole day has been shit- I mean crap sorry. I've been called a nigger at least 10 times maybe more in the last 4 hours. I've been burnt with a cigarette butt. My locker is graffitied, and now my stuff is missing! People have been pestering me all day. I just want to be left alone. I thought this would be a good opportunity, but now I'm starting to think it's not. I hate it here. I really do. I want to go home where people like me and where I won't be stared at or called 'pretty for a nigger'. I want to go where more than one person cares and where I won't be greeted by a mob of angry people. Where I don't need to go every where with an escort? I don't even know where my escort is! It's been one day and it's been hell. I've cried more today than I have in my life time."

By the time I was done with my little speech, I was in tears again. I've never cried harder in my life. I felt awful. It made me feel sick crying, that's why I try and avoid I anytime I can. Mr. Payne pulled me into his arms. This was a little inappropriate considering he was a white male and he was the principle at my school, but I really needed a hug and he was the only one there to give me one. 5 minutes went by and I'm still sobbing uncontrollably into Mr. Payne's arms.

"I think it's all out of my system." I say sniffling.

"Are you sure?" He says smiling at me.

My lips start to quiver as I nod. He rubs my back and walks over to hi desk sitting down and picking up the phone.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Amanda, can you get Addison's mother on the phone please?" He says into the phone.

"No! Mr. Payne you can't call her! She'll worry! I swear I'm fine! I'm just being a drama queen! I'm done now!" I say getting up from the chair.

"I think your mom should know. At least that you're okay now." He says to me.

I nod at him, "I'll head back to class now," I tell him walking towards the door, "Mr. Payne?"


"Thank you." I say smiling at him

"Also..what's my next class?" I ask him laughing a little.

He smiles and chuckles. He opens his desk and gets out a file. My file I guess.

"You have art. It's on this floor two classrooms down. I'll write you a note excusing you." He says as he gets out a piece of paper and a pen. He hands the note and opens the door for me.

As I head down the hallway, I laugh to myself at the fact that I've already been to the principle's office. Knowing my mother, she'll come rushing to my aid if Mr. Payne calls her. The sooner this day is over the better. I finally get to my destination.

"Last class of the day." I say to myself as I walk open the door.

Hiya Guys!
So this chapter was super long I know sorry! Do you guys find these little comments at the end annoying? Just let me know! I hope you like the chapter! Also Mrs. Peggy is pictured as Sandra Bullock and Amanda is pictured to be Jessica Alba. If you don't know who that is she the girl in Fantastic Four. Again thank you so much for taking your time and reading our story it means so so so much to us! We wanted to write a different story from the ones that we read so hopefully you guys are excited as we are! Don't forget to vote!! And please please please tell your friends about this story if you like it! Love you guys!!!
-Nadine and Arianna

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