(25) How?

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Yo! Ugly ducklings. I'm back here in the wattpad world again. Currently I'm still getting settled into my house again from the beach. My room is a mess (but that's the usual)

I've done pretty much nothing today except go to practice and a family dinner. So, here is an update. I'm just gonna go now! Byee!


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Back and forth I pace.




I continued to pace, it happens when my emotions are all inside and I don't know what to do.

Here I am pacing back and forth while my phone is sitting on the coffee table.

The lawyer called me and told me that I don't need to come to the court house because it would be a waste of my time when she could give me an easy phone call.

I'm the only one home, so I don't understand why I don't just let myself cry. Probably because you don't want to.

Aaron has practice after school which leaves me until the rest get home. With that, I have two hours.

I continue to stare down at my phone pacing back and forth until the slightest ring comes from my phone.

Me, being me, I stop what I'm doing and watch it ring. I don't know why but I'm stuck standing here.

It took everything I had until I finally reached down and grabbed it off of the new coffee table.

It's bad new. Don't think like that. It's bad news. I get this feeling when I know it's bad and right now I know it's bad.

"Hello", I wince at how emotionless I sound answering this extremely important call.

"They have made a decision. Do you want good news or bad news first?" This was definitely it. This is my lawyer and I know what she is about to say.


"Each of the kids are being put in a foster home. But, you will be able to see them as much as you like. They will be close by as well."

The feeling I had before had just come true. I took this time to sit down because we all know clumsy me will end up falling and hitting my head off of the end of the coffee table and end back up in coma.

I knew this was going to happen, I can't support them and I knew that. It's better for them either way.

I look around the room seeing if anyone was here even though I already knew the answer to that.


I snapped out of my little trance and shake my head to straighten my thoughts.

"Yeah? I'm here" I let out a painful sigh as I rest my hand on my knee.

"I know this moment is significantly horrible. But, we need your signature so that we can make sure you get all the rights to seeing them at anytime"

"I'll meet you at the court house after everyone gets home. When will they he taken from me?"

I feel the tears just daring to fall down my now pail face, "Whenever the foster care agency's what to take them away. It could be days or even hours. I'm sorry"

"Okay. Thank you"

I hung up the phone before she could give me a sad, depressing 'you're welcome'

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