The Dreams

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My eyes sprang open and my body shot up into a sitting position. I had beads of sweat on my forehead and tears streaming down my face. I put my head into my tiny hands and began to cry. A hand lightly brushed down my spine and I turned to look.

"Another dream?" His sleepy voice and beautiful face made my heart flutter and beat just a bit faster.

I answered, sounding slightly defeated.


"Was it about him?"

I was scared to answer his question. For the past 5 months I've been having the dreams. The dreams about the terrible person who had ruined my life. The dreams that made my heart ache every night. The dreams that made me cry. I finally said what we both knew I would say. "Yes."

He sat up and put an arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his chest. His sweet smell filling my nose and his strong muscles making me feel safe.

"I will NEVER let him hurt you again Zoe." he said. "Please know that."

He laid back down taking my body with his.

"I do."

I laid my head onto his chest and grabbed hold of his shirt like I always do. Everyone says it is a safety net, and helps me feel comfortable after all I've been through. He grabbed my small hand in his bigger one and pulled it to his mouth. He planted and long soft kiss on my palm and spoke.

"I love you Zoe." He said replacing my hand to its original resting place.

"I love you more." I said picking my head up and planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

And with that I fell back into my deep restful sleep. Fearing another nightmare.

I love you more. *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now