He's my cousin!

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Me and Alfie sat there giggling for awhile until we saw our food being brought out by none other than Nikolai. I nudged Alfie and turned my back to him and pretended to go through my bag.

"Lemon and Herb with mash and Sirloin well done with vegetables?"

"Yes thanks. However, can we go ahead and get these boxed up? My girlfriend isn't feeling too well."

I heard the annoyance in Nick's voice. "No problem." he said through gritted teeth. Alfie put his hand on my back and began to speak.

"He's gone babe." I turned around to face him. "Here take my keys and go get in the car okay."

I shook my head. Alfie handed me his keys and slid out of the booth me not far behind. He gave me a quick kiss and told me he'd be out in a few seconds.

I practically ran towards the car, got in the passenger side, put the key in the ignition, and started the car. Alfie walked out about 3 minutes later with the bag full of food. He opened the door and got in setting the food in the backseat.

"Zoe I have an idea!"


"While he is at work we can go to his flat and get your stuff."

"Alfie I gave him back my key."

As soon as I said that I had a brilliant idea. Nick would never tell his family that he got dumped. He probably hasn't talked to them all week.

"Wait I can call his mom! She likes me!"


Alfie started the car and pulled out of the car park. I dialed Nick's mom and waited for her to answer.


"Hi Laurie! It's Zoe!"

"Oh yes. Hello dear how are you?"

"I'm great thanks! However I left my key to Nicks flat at my house and he is at work. Do you have a spare?"

"Yes I do you're welcome to use it. Come by anytime!"

"Thanks I'll be there in a few."

I hung up and gave Alfie her address.

"Okay Zoe we need to get in and out as fast as possible. So what all do you absolutely need?"

I started to make a mental list of essentials that couldn't be replaced.

"Okay um I need my MacBook, my bag, my chargers, my medications, and my car."

"You left all that?!"

"Well Alfie I wasn't really thinking when I ran out of the psychos house!"

"I'm sorry." Alfie put his hand on my back and rubbed gently up and down my spine.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"No I'm sorry."

We pulled into the drive way of Laurie's house. We both got out of the car and walked up her walkway.

I gave 4 solid knocks on her door when she answered.

"Hello dear how are you!"

"Great thanks! I'm sorry Laurie but I really cant stay."

"Its okay dear," she fished around in her pocket and pulled out the key. "and who might you be?" She was looking right at Alfie.

"Um I'm Zoe's..."

"Cousin! He's my cousin."

I thanked Nick's mom and we left her driveway. Alfie knew Nick's address because it was on the same road as the drug store.

Alfie parked next to my mini and we got out. We ran up the stairs and into Nikolai's flat.

I burst in and ran the the bathroom.

"My bag is in his room get it!"

Alfie came running by the bathroom with my bag and I threw my meds in.

We ran to the living room where my chargers and Mac was. I threw them in the bag and I grabbed my car keys off the counter top. Thank God I never left any clothes at Nick's house. We would've been here forever.

I left Laurie's key on the counter. And we booked it out the front door. We got back to the parking lot and threw my things in Alfie's car.

"You should drive mine and I'll drive yours?"


We drove back to Alfie's flat so he could pack. And seeing as my house was only 40 mins away. And it was only 4 we drove back to my house to leave my car there, and also so I could pack.

When we arrived however my brother and dad were home. Alfie would have to meet the family.


Sorry for the absolutely terrible chapter guys!

Ill work on it and make it better!

Love Caity <3

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