As long as you'd have me.

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I walked out of Sephora feeling absolutely defeated. I spent a lot more than I wanted too. I had 2 bags full of make-up and lotions and perfumes, it was ridiculous.

I found Alfie sitting on a bench outside of the shore store, he had a Nike bag and was wearing brand new shoes. I walked and sat down beside him.

"Nice shoes!"

"Hello lovely," he planted a soft kiss on my cheek, "have fun?"

"Yes!, I'm sorry I spent so much though."

"Zoe if I had a problem with it I wouldn't have given you that card in the first place." he grabbed my little face in his big hands and made me look at him. "It is okay." He pulled me closer and kissed me on the lips.

We stood up off the bench and I slid my hand into Alfie's and we started off towards the car park.

"Do you need anything else while we're here babe?"

"No. Do you know where a Nandos is? Because I don't."

"Yes I do." He answered giggling.

Alfie backed out of the garage and started driving towards the restaurant. He took his left hand off the wheel and grabbed mine.

"Zoe I'm really happy that we are together."

He said "together" I was so happy I looked back at him with a huge smile on my face.

"Aww Alfie so am I, really."

We pulled into the Nandos parking lot when I noticed something odd. It was Nick's car. I didn't say anything, I didn't want to upset Alfie. We exited the car and started walking towards the front door. I ran up to Alfie and grabbed his hand with both of mine so his whole right arm was in front of my body.

We entered and waited for the hostess to seat us. My eyes were darting around the restaurant looking for that terrifying face. I felt Alfie's lips touch my left temple.

"Babe? You okay?"

I look up at him a fake smile on my face. "Yes I'm fine."

The hostess sat us in a booth at the back, which I was thankful for, because it was dark and Nikolai wouldn't see me. It was okay if he saw Alfie because he didn't know Alfie. Alfie could sense something was wrong with me. He stood up and sat on my side of the booth and put an arm around me.

"You'll be okay baby. He won't hurt you I promise."

"How'd you know?"

"Because Zoe I'm not stupid."

We both laughed and the waitress walked up.

"What would you guys like to drink?"

She said a huge smile on her face.

"I'll have coke and she'll have..."

"Sprite." I whispered to Alfie.

"She'll have Sprite. Thank you."

"I'll be right back with your drinks."

"What do you want to eat babe?"

Alfie was looking at his menu. He knew what I needed and gave it to me. And I loved him for that.

"Lemon and herb chicken breast and mashed potato."

Alfie gave the waitress our orders and looked at me with his sweet face. I gave him a soft loving kiss and began to speak.

"Thank you Alfie. For everything."

"No problem Zoe. You just have say yes to my question okay?"

"What question Alfie?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at Alfie dumbfounded "I thought I already was." Alfie and I both started laughing.

"Just thought I'd officially ask."

"Yes Alfie I'll be your girlfriend as long as you'd have me."

"Well get used to me then cause you'll be here awhile."

I love you more. *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now