I love you.

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I walked back into Alfie's bathroom smiling like an idiot. After getting dressed and brushing my teeth with a spare toothbrush that Alfie had I exited the bathroom. Alfie was sitting on his bed reading a magazine. When he looked up he smiled that adorable, show stopping smile. I smiled and walked toward the edge of the bed and let out a sigh.

"Alfie can I talk to you?"

He answered sounding a bit nervous, "Sure Zo."

He patted the bed next to him. Beaconing me to join him. I crawled up and sat next to him.

"Alfie I heard you talking to your mom after I left..."

"Listen Zoe..."

"No wait. I like you too Alfie."

"You do!?" A smile spread across his face.

"Of course I do, can't you tell?"

I looked up at him my cheeks bright red. He looked down at me and his face inched closer to mine. I wanted this, I wanted Alfie to be my boyfriend, I wanted to be loved and treated the way Alfie treated me. I inched closer to Alfie and before I knew it our lips connected. It was magic. Like nothing I've ever had before. It was soft and loving. The kiss lasted for a few seconds seconds and when we pulled apart. Alfie rested his forehead on mine, and smiled.

"I've liked you since the day you ran into the store."

"So have I Alfie."

I stood up and Alfie still held my hand and I turned to him. He had a nervous look on his face.

"What's wrong Alfie."

"Im sorry Zoe, but Im in love with you."

A smile spread across my face and I grabbed Alfie's face, his stubble tickling my palms. I pulled his face to mine and kissed him a long kiss. Alfie wrapped his arms around my back and kissed me back.

We pulled apart and I spoke, "Alfie, I love you too."

A smile appeared on his face. I turned and walked out of the room, Alfie not far behind. I grabbed my phone to see that I had 1 missed call from Louise and 10 from Nick and also 17 text from Nick. I decided to call Louise. As i was dialing the number I sat down in the couch by Alfie. He had a hand on my knee and was scrolling through his Twitter with the other. I could've stayed like this forever.


"Hey chummy! How are you!?"

"Good! what time will you and Alfie be here?"

"Around 7:30 or 8!, Also Alfie is staying over, is that okay?"

"Yes! However when you get here you are telling me everything!"

"Yes chummy I will!"

I ended the call and sat my phone in my lap.

"I'm staying with you apparently."

"Yes you are!"

We both laughed and then my phone started ringing. I picked it up and a frown appeared on my face. It was Nikolai. Alfie grabbed phone from my hands and answered it and put it on speaker.


"Who the Hell is this?" Nikolai screamed.

"This is Alfie I'm Zoe's boyfriend? Who is this?" Alfie said he was my boyfriend, which made me smile uncontrollably.

"This is Nikolai and I'm Zoe's boyfriend!"

"Think again man." And before Nikolai could even answer Alfie hung up the phone.

"Well, boyfriend, are you ready?"

"Zoe it's only 2 we aren't leaving till 6."

"I know but I have to go get makeup and then we are going to Nandos."

"Okay, but I still say you don't need make up lovely!" Alfie gave me a quick kiss on the lips and stood up off the couch. I stood up and we walked out the door to Alfie's car. Alfie drove to a near mall and took me to a Sephora.

"Anything you want babe."


"Yep go nuts!" Alfie gave me a kiss on the forehead and handed me his credit card. "My pin is 4675, I'll be in the shoe store right there. Take your time. Love you."

"Love you too!"

I gave Alfie a kiss and ran into Sephora. I know Alfie didn't work in that drug store for a living or else he wouldn't be this rich. I'd have to ask. That is after I get done shopping.

I love you more. *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now