Thank you for saving me.

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I had left the corner drug store and decided just to drive around. Just so I wouldn't have to go straight to Nick's flat.

After about 45 minutes of just driving around the village I decided I had to face the music and head back. I parked my car, got my bags, and exited my car. I reached the front door and remembered that I had sat my key on the counter in the kitchen. This means I would have to knock. I mustered up the strength and gave 4 solid knocks on the hard metal door. A few moments later I heard the bolt click and the knob turn. Nikolai stood there face red with anger.

"Where have you been!?" he questioned? I looked at my watch I had been out for about 2 hours. Just with driving and talking to Alfie.

"I was at the store and I took a backstreet." I said walking past Nick and setting the bags on the counter.

"Who helped you?"


"Don't play stupid Zoe, who helped you with the bandages!"

I was scared to answer I knew that if I told Nick it was another man he would kill me and Alfie.

"Just an employee there." I answered. He looked suspicious but let it go. I put away the products in their places and waited in the living room for Nikolai's commands.


"C'mon Zoe we're going to bed."

Nick was demanding like that. His schedule was the only one what mattered.

He was a possessive sleeper. Hands and legs draped around my body his heat causing me to sweat. He enclosed my like a venus flytrap. At about half 4 I slowly got up and moved to the living room and slept on the sofa.

I was awoke around 10 by cold water being dumped on my face and body drenching me and my clothes.

"What the hell Nick!" i yelled.

"You do not move out of my bed when you sleep here! you know that!"

I was sick and tired of the ridiculous demands. I was finished with Nick and I finally gained the confidence to tell him so.

"Nick you're such a dick. I'm leaving and you can't stop me."

I didn't put on shoes or a jacket, I just grabbed my car keys and sprinted out the door, into the hallway, and down the stairs. Nick wasn't far behind and I had to think quick. Then I remembered, Alfie. I skipped the car and ran to the drug store, thankfully it was dead in there, through the doors and behind the counter. A very confused Alfie looked at me.

"Zoe are you okay?!" he spoke fast.

I broke down, I couldn't handle it anymore. I sunk to my knees and put my head in my hands and began to sob.

"Zoe what's wrong." Alfie asked quietly. "C'mon tell me." just then Nick ran into the store. Alfie turned around.

"Hey man. Have you seen a girl about 5' 4", blue eyes, brown and blonde hair." Nikolai asked.

"No man sorry I haven't. I'll keep an eye out though." Alfie answered.

Nikolai turned and left the store. Alfie bent down and picked me up off the floor and carried me to the lounge.

"Zoe why are you soaking wet!?"

Still crying I tried to answer.

" you." He looked at me and got his phone out.

"I'll be one second okay." i just nodded.

As Alfie was on the phone I felt a vibrating in my pocket. Reluctantly I grabbed my phone from my pocket. And to my surprise it wasn't Nikolai. It was my best friend Louise. So I answered.

"Hello?" I was still crying. No point in trying to hide it from Lou.

"Zoe!? What's wrong what did Nikolai do?!" Louise knew about Nick and all of the terrible things he has done to me.

I told Louise about everything from today and yesterday, and she said we would skype later. After saying "I love you too." and hanging up from Louise, Alfie walked back in.

"Okay so I called someone to come in and take my place. You're coming home with me. So you can dry your clothes and have a place to stay without having to drive home."

I looked at Alfie. He was so nice, so sweet. He had the perfect amount of stubble today and his jaw line was sharp and stood out because his jaw was clenched. Probably from seeing Nikolai. I walked up to Alfie and despite me being still drenched I wrapped my arms around his neck and he replied by wrapping his around my waist.

"Thank you for saving me Alfie." I spoke. I didn't want to let him go. I felt safe and secure right where i was. Tears began to flow out of my eyes again and a whimper escaped my mouth. Alfie let go and grabbed my tiny face in his big hands.

"Hey don't cry. Shh. You're fine. You're with me he can't hurt you."

Alfie scooped mem up and carried me to his car and buckled me in the passenger seat. I honestly have no idea why I was crying again. My emotions were all over the place. The next thing I knew we were in The parking lot next to Alfie's flat.

"Oh, I'm sorry I must've fallen asleep." I said looking at Alfie apologetically.

"No it's fine trust me!"

We walked into his flat and I was in awe. It was large and modern. White walls and black counter tops a spacious living room with a huge flat screen mounted on the wall. One wall however was windows, tall, sparkling clean windows, the whole wall. Alfie then began to speak snapping me out of my daze.

"The laundry room is right by the kitchen, isn't hard to find. There should be some shorts and shirts in there for you to wear while you're waiting on the dryer."

I turned and walked towards the laundry room. I shut the door and peeled the wet clothes off my body along with my under clothes. I loaded them in the dryer and pressed "start" I then put on a pair of Alfie's boxers and a pair of shorts which were far too big so they hung from the hip. I then threw on a plain white t shirt and exited the laundry room.

I found Alfie sitting on the sofa. Feet propped up on the coffee table and a laptop in hand. And I just stood there admiring this sweet man whom I was falling so quickly for. Mainly because he made me feel safe. And even though we weren't in a relationship Alfie made me feel loved. Something Nikolai could never do.

He looked up as I inched closer.

"You good?"

"Yea I got it." I sat down next to him and began to speak again. "Alfie thank you so much for all that you've done I really can't thank you enough."

"No problem, it's okay."

I engulfed him in a quick but lingering hug. We sat there for about 5 mins Alfie on his mac and me watching the tv. I then started yawning. A lot.

"Here Zoe," Alfie had handed me a blanket and pillow from the other end of the couch. "The dryer takes about 2 hours. So lay down and take a nap I'll be right here if you need me."

I laid my head on the soft pillow and wrapped the large fleece blanket around my body. And I fell asleep to the sound of Alfie's fingers typing on his keyboard.

I love you more. *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now