I like her too.

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I was awoken by the sweet smell of bacon wafting through the air. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I then noticed that Alfie's laptop was gone. He must've come and got it while I was sleeping. I pulled my legs over the edge of the bed and walked towards the door. I saw myself in a mirror and cringed. I looked like a homeless person. I ran into Alfie's bathroom and combed through my hair with my fingers and threw it up in a bun. I then wet a washcloth with warm water and scrubbed my face. I looked okay, it would have to do for now.

I walked out into the living room and saw Alfie sitting at the kitchen table. He was on his computer and eating what looked like eggs and bacon. He then looked up and saw me and a smile spread across his face.

"Good morning Zoe! How'd you sleep?"

"Good! I hope you don't mind me sleeping in your bed?"

"No! It's fine really I wouldn't want you sleeping on the floor that would be rude."

We both laughed and I sat in opposite Alfie at the table.

"Please help yourself there is eggs, bacon, and the milk and orange juice are in the fridge."

I smiled politely and stood up. Alfie had sat out a plate and glass where I was sitting. I got two strips of bacon and some eggs. I walked over and got the juice out of the fridge and poured my self a tall glass. After placing the juice back in the fridge I sat at the table and dove into my breakfast. I was starving.

When I was done eating Alfie stood up and took my plate.

"Thanks Alf!"

"No problem, Oh and by the way I went out this morning and got you some shampoo and that conditioner stuff and a toothbrush. And since you're about an hour away from your house I picked you up a pair of jeans and a shirt."

I was amazed at Alfie, he has done so much for me he even went out and bought stuff for me.

"I figured you could take a shower, and then I could drive you to your friend Louise's house?"

"But Alfie that's like a 2 hour drive. I can't ask you to do that."

"It's not a problem Zoe. I've already talked to Louise about it."

"You talked to Louise? When?"

"This morning I got her number and called her, she's expecting us around 8. That means we will leave around 5, its 11 now so that gives you time to chill and get ready."

I stood up and grabbed the bag and started towards the bathroom in Alfie's room but I stopped in my tracks.

"Wait Alfie how did you know my size?"

"I did your laundry this morning. It's folded on my bed."

I smiled at him, turned, and walked into Alfie's bedroom.

After my hour long shower I dried off and slid on a pair of Alfie's boxers along with shorts and a shirt because I had forgotten my clothes on his bed. I walked out of the steam filled bathroom and found Alfie sitting at his desk skyping with his Mom. He turned and looked towards me and waved me to come over. I moved closer and Alfie put his hand on the small of my back and sat me down on his lap. This was perfect, this is where I wanted to be. Not at home, not with Nick, but with Alfie.

"Mom there's someone I want you to meet. This is Zoe, Zoe this is my mom."

"Hello nice to meet you, Mrs. Deyes."

"Nice to meet you too Zoe."

Me and Alfie them kind of forgot about his mom and started talking.

"I just came to get my clothes Alf, they're still in the bag on your bed."

"Okay," Alfie turned and grabbed the bag off the bed and handed it to me. "Here you are, it's only 12:30 y'know. You have plenty of time."

"I know but when I get dressed I have to go out and get makeup."

"But you don't need make-up gorgeous," okay now I was sure about Alfie's feelings for me. I was determined. I know you'll think I'm crazy for going from one relationship to another. But I need Alfie. He makes me feel safe and he's so sweet. "You look perfect with out it."

"Aw, thanks Alf." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, stood up, and walked into the bathroom. But not before I heard Alfie and his mom have a quick exchange of words.

"I like her Alfie!"

"I like her to mom!"


Hey Guys!!

Sorry its so late! I just wanted to thank you all for reading and leaving such nice comments. This is my first fanfic and it means a load.

Leave me a comment telling me what you think and if you have any ideas for me to consider.

Thanks lovelies.


I love you more. *A Zalfie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now