I called her a bitch.

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A voice rang out behind me.

"Don't run. I wont hurt you."

My legs were moving swiftly. I was running along a cliff with a huge drop to my left. Nothing but the ocean and sharp jagged rocks awaited at the bottom of the drop. I didnt see Nick when I looked behind me and I breathed a sigh of relief. For some reason I stopped. I stopped running from him. I bent over and placed my hands on my knees, breathing in and out heavily.

I heard a noise to my right, quickly I turned my head. Nikolai was standing about 2 yards away from me. It all happened in slow motion. He lunged at me. A lion at its prey. Before I could move his hands pushed my shoulders back. My feet left the cold gravel I had been running on. I was hurdling towards the sea below me. My arms and legs were flailing, trying to grasp onto something.

As soon and I heard the clap of my back connecting to the water my eyes shot open. It was dark outside, from what I could tell it was early morning. Probably about 5 am.

I sat up and put my face in my hands. Taking deep breaths to steady my erratic breathing. I threw the duvet off of my body. Releasing the body heat beneath the covers. The cold air clung to my skin as I stood up and walked into the bathroom.

I stood at the sink and splashed warm water on my face. After patting my face dry, I flicked the light switch and left the bathroom. Walking over to Alfie's wardrobe I pulled on one of his oversized jumpers. Before getting into bed I turned up the thermostat to 23 C.

I got back under the duvet and wrapped my arms around Alfie. Planting a soft kiss on his shoulder, I snuggled into him and fell back into a deep sleep.


I was awoken by the sound of a door shutting. I reached my hand out and didn't feel Alfie. Opening my eyes I saw the usual. Rain, fog, and 8 foot swells in the ocean below. Lightening made veins in the clouds and I rolled my eyes. Oh English winters.

I rolled away from the window and saw that our bedroom door was slightly cracked. Lifting my head off the pillow I saw the clock which read half 10. Sighing I dropped my head back onto the pillow.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes violently, then dropped my hands into my lap. Grabbing my phone off the bedside table, I had 2 text from Lou, 1 from Dad and 1 from Joe. After texting them all back I sat it the bed. Staring out the window at the rain.

The door creaked open and Alfie stood there with a tray of food. It consisted of cereal, toast, and some orange juice. My favourites.

"Good Morning, Little One!" Alfie said placing the tray on my lap.

He sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing my shins.

"You okay?" I asked him in between spoonfuls of cereal.


"Alfie, I'm not stupid."

"What do you mean."

I finished my cereal and picked up a triangle of toast that had strawberry jam on.

"I can tell you're upset about something. Just come out with it!"

"I sent your mother off, got her a cab, even paid for it, she's at the station by now."

I looked at him. "You? You Sent her back to Coventry?"

He looked up, and I saw that beneath his eyelashes was sorrow. He looked so upset. I moved the tray and crawled into his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you Alfie." I whispered into the crook of his neck.

He timidly placed his hands on my back. I leaned back and took his face in my hands.

"What is wrong Alfie?" I was getting really concerned.



"I called her a bitch." He finally said putting his head in his hands.

I threw my head back in laughter. "Thats what you were worried about."

"Well yeah its your mom!"

"That doesnt mean I like her!"

A shy smile spread across his face. "You're not mad?" He questioned.

"God no!" I said laughing.

He picked me up and twirled me around in his arms. I was starting to get dizzy when he placed my feet onto the hardwood floor.

"Good. I though you'd hate me!"

I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine. Kissing him passionately. "Alfie Deyes I could never hate you!"

He smiled and returned the kiss. Before I new it we were in the bed amongst the sheets. Making love. I was in bed with the, dare I say it, the love of my life. The person I would do anything for. I would be anything for Alfie. This is not the first time we have done that. But to me it was the most special. We were putting everything into this. Something very sacred was being shared. And I'm so glad that I chose to share it with Alfie. He did take my virginity. That was one tiny detail I never shared with Alfie.


I plan on uploading more later. My sleep schedule is rubbish. Thanks so much for reading.

Love Caity!

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