Breakfast in bed.

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I was woken up by water droplets hitting my head. I opened my eyes and saw lightening dart across the dark clouds. Even at nighttime you could tell the clouds were menacing.

I put my hands on Alfie's thighs and pushed myself into a sitting position. I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms out. A pair of hands grabbed my shoulders. Alfie's lips met the back of my neck.

"It's going to rain Zo. We need to get inside."

Thunder roared in the distance. I let go of Alfie's hands, which were now at my waist, and stood up. I picked the blanket up in my arms and smiled at Alfie. I walked into the living room and I threw the blanket onto the couch and walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed two bottles of water and walked back to the living room. Alfie had shut and armed the balcony door. He was sitting on the couch with his laptop. I walked up behind him and placed the water on the couch beside him.

I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed his neck.

"Thanks babe."

I slid my hands in front of him linking them at his upper chest. I rested my head on his shoulder and yawned. I looked at the clock on his screen which read 1:05.

"I'm going to bed."

"Okay, Love You!"

Alfie leaned his head back and I kissed him taking his head in my hands.

"Love you too!"

I let go of him and turned around. I grabbed my phone and water from off the table and made my way back to the room. I felt a buzzing in my hand, I looked down and noticed I had gotten a text from my dad.

"A storm is coming. Stay safe. Love you!"

I smiled at his text and quickly replied. "You too!"

I walked into the white and blue room and cracked the door so it wasn't completely shut. I pulled back the white duvet which exposed the bright blue sheets Alfie had. I loved the color scheme so much in his...our room.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I slid out of my pants and slid on a pair of shorts. I took off my jumper and bra and pulled on one of Alfie's tee shirts.

I turned off the lights and shut the blinds. I plugged in my phone and snuggled into the bed. I laid my head on the pillow and fell asleep to the sound of distant thunder and rain hitting the window.


I woke up the next morning. Rain was still falling and thunder could still be heard every couple of minutes. I rolled off my back and onto my side.

I saw Alfie laying there asleep. His mouth was parted slightly and you could hear his breathes. I placed my left hand on his cheek and stroked it back into his hair. I laid there for a few minutes admiring the man I was in love with.

I rolled over and swung my feet over the side of the bed. I made my way down the stairs and into the living space. I could see the sun beginning to rise. I walked over and opened the balcony door, just to let the air in. We were 6 stories up so I wasn't worried about someone just waltzing in.

I walked into the kitchen area and pulled out the eggs and bacon. I placed strips of bacon in a skillet and let them cook. I cracked 4 eggs into a bowl and whisked them with a bit of water. I dropped a pat of butter into the pan I was cooking the eggs in and let it melt down.

I poured the eggs into the pan and let them sit. I flipped the bacon and placed a couple of plates into the microwave to warm. I took out two drinking glasses and filled them with orange juice.

I placed three strips on my plate and three on Alfie's. I gave us each a helping of eggs as well as a piece of toast. I placed the plates and orange juices onto a tray and after turning off the burners and shutting the balcony door, I made my way back up the stairs.

Alfie was still asleep however he started to stir when I turned on the television. I walked over to his side of the bed and sat the tray down on the bedside table. I placed my lips on his forehead tenderly.

"Alfie. Wakie wakie." I whispered against his cheek.

Alfie moaned and opened his eyes slightly.

"I have breakfast."

Alfie's eyes opened wider and he smiled. I placed the tray over his lap and crawled over his legs into bed beside him.

"Thanks baby!" he said kissing my right temple.

"You're welcome!"

We both started eating and I could tell that this would become our thing. Eating breakfast in bed. I didn't mind cooking and I definitely don't mind eating in bed next to my boy.


How was that?

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I hope you're enjoying!

Love Caity.

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