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The Sheriff, John Grey, was an intimidating man. But the way he looked at me now would make many question that statement. His eyes were drooping in sadness, his posture was slumped. He looked anything but intimidating.

He had gotten sheets and covered my parents bodies.

I seated me in the kitchen, away from my parents.

"I hate to be the one to tell you all this. There's so much more to the world than you know." He sighed, running his hand down his face in frustration.

The numbing feeling was taking over but I fought it, I needed to know what happened.

"Look ok, this is going to sound bizarre, but you need to have an open mind ok?" He looked at me awaiting something, confirmation?

I nodded my head, hoping that would be enough

"Your dad is.. was a werewolf"

I nodded, not wanting to process what he was saying but I had just see a crow lady - I was open to supernatural causes right now.

He continued "Your dad was the Beta of his pack, this whole town is full of werewolves. I'm not a werewolf - ok? Otherwise I would have felt your dad's death. We live in a small town but this town falls under the Redsnow Pack. The Alpha has advised he has met you today.

The wolf that was here earlier? "The black wolf"

Sheriff slowly nodded, he was being cautious with his words.

"What about my mom? Was she one too?"

"No, it's why your Grandfather opposed their relationship. It's why your parents left his pack and joined the Redsnow pack. Your Grandfather was the Alpha of his pack, Rivercrest"

"So what about me, I'm not a werewolf... am I?"

"You have a wolf, the Alpha sensed it, but she's doormat, and we're not sure why you haven't shifted yet" The Sheriff sighed again but this time in sadness.

"Your parents were killed tonight by supernatural beings that are sort of like wizards.." The Sheriff looked at me again waiting for a response

I nodded "why?"

"Because of a prophecy.. it's a long story, one that I myself do not know completely. I'll let the Alpha explain that to you once we establish a story of what happened here"

I sat there looking down at my hands.

"Here's your cover story, because we can't let the truth of the supernatural world slip into the world, the world is not ready for that. You'll say you were doing homework, you heard loud crashes and hid in your closet. You waited until everything was quiet before finding the house phone and calling me ok? I'll take care of the rest" He stood walked around to me and placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. Tears gathered up in his eyes "Your father was my closest friend.. I promise you that we'll punish the people that did this"

A loud growl caused the Sheriff to lift his hand from my shoulder.

The Sheriff looked towards the the backdoor, my eyes followed his gaze to the same black wolf.. werewolf.. the Alpha.

"She's like a daughter to me, relax" The Sheriff huffed in annoyance. The wolf left, satisfied with the Sheriff's response.

Just this morning, I woke up and everything was normal. I just had dinner with them.. I just made them confront each other about their feelings since Grandpa died. They were just here, alive.. breathing.. talking.

"I'm calling in, there will be an ambulance, detectives and  there will be a lot of questions, you don't have to answer them all"


Hers To Destroy [Alpha Series: Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now