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My head hurt. It's the first thing I felt when I stirred from my sleep.

To add to my pain and misery, the sun wasn't even completely up yet.

I'm up before my alarm  I sighed

To confirm I was actually in my bed, I swept my eyes around the familiar room, my bedroom.

Sighing in relief, I pulled my blanket over my head - as if my blanket would protect me from everything.

Nightmares were frequent. I'd always wake up sweating - or screaming - or both.

I turned to lay on my side, looking at my bedroom door.

Last night's nightmare was too real. 

I frowned at the worried texts from my parents and Mia.. about me not being home on time.

[Mom: Honey, it's 10, where are you?] 

Message received at 10:03 PM

[Mom: Weather is bad baby, just let me know you're ok.]

Message received at 10:15 PM

[Dad: Ra?] 

Dad messaged using his nickname for me at 10:32 PM

There were fourteen messages from Mia, from 9:00 PM to midnight.

I groaned, trying to recall my drive home from Mia's. We left home around 8:45 to drop Mia home last night, so how was I not home by 10? I would surely remember getting home and changing into my night suit?

But I didn't remember anything.

What if I wasn't dreaming after all?

I twirled my phone in my hands.. but my phone had supposedly been broken by the cloaked man.

Yet here I was, holding it, not a single scratch in sight.

Knowing that sleep would no longer return to me, I got out of bed. Slowly stretching the random soreness in my neck. 

The hot shower did little to calm my nerves.

I closed my eyes and let the water run down my face.

The cloaked figure sped towards me as if he was flying towards me, I opened my eyes and gasped for air. Looking around the shower for any sign of the cloaked man.

It was just a dream, breathe.  I rushed out of the shower, drying off and changing into comfy flannel pjs. I tip toed my way down the stairs and made a bee line for the front door.  

If my car is here, in perfect condition, then it was definitely a dream.

When I unlocked the door I held my breath and tightly closed my eyes as I slowly slid my hand onto the doorknob. I imagined my car parked on the driveway in perfect condition, no scratches, no shattered windows - nothing. 

I stared at my driveway.

I have half in denial and half relieved.

There it was, just as I had imagined it to be, in perfect condition.

I glanced down at myself, doing a quick inspection of my body again.  

Nothing but a sore neck and a headache.

Strange. Thanks to my dad's amazing gene's - I never get sick. I never get headaches and I always healed faster than most people. So, my sore neck and headache were quite odd.

Hers To Destroy [Alpha Series: Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now